The Force is With Me
Well, it appears that you didn't bother going to the link with the list of scientists that give that other side.
I offered that as well...
As I said, I find it fun and amazing.
You call it "respected", but I know in those circles to be "respected" it takes peer review. Ignoring that when it is convenient is just sad.
I listened to experts and ignored government sponsored peer reviews about the threat of Saddam and WMD and came to the correct conclusion even before the war began.
I listened to and ignored many peer reviews about the safety of electronic voting and came to the correct conclusion about that too.
Your need for peer reviews is OK by me.
Again, what's your argument? You seem to believe that your peer reviews answers all questions and closes the door to anyother thought even when the evidence supports it. It does not.
On the issue of GLOBAL WARMING, I'm not touting the conclusions of this group because they have published any peer review, but that they are CLIMATE SCIENTISTS and wondering if the opposition to what they're saying had an equal numbers and quality of CLIMATE SCIENTISTS.