I'm not David, but I can say that I was never a fan of Donald Trump. I only know of one good thing he did in relation to vaccines, which was briefly make Robert F. Kennedy Jr. his vaccine czar back in 2017 before all the Covid madness. Time magazine, being part of the mainstream media, was clearly against it, but it was the one tangible thing that Trump did regarding vaccines that I applauded. Unfortunately, the mainstream media blowback was fierce. Here's an article from Time magazine with a typical response from them:
Why Donald Trump's Choice of RFK Jr. as Vaccine Czar Is a Terrible Idea | TIME
I found an article written by the Daily Beast a little over 2 years later, suggesting that the media barrage against Trump's decision pretty much killed Kennedy's position before it even started:
Robert Kennedy Jr.: The Trump White House Has Shut Me Out on Vaccines | The Daily Beast
Quoting from it:
Kennedy put blame for his ostracism on the administration’s hiring of “pharmaceutical lobbyists who are very pro-vaccines” to run the Centers for Disease Control and other healthcare-related agencies. “Policy, the president likes to say, policy is personnel, well, he put in those positions, personnel that represent the policies that he wants which is very, very pro-pharma agenda,” he said. “I’m sorry to report.”
Maybe you can tell us why trump lied about the dangers of Covid from day 1.
As mentioned above, I only know of one good thing Trump did in relation to vaccines, mentioned above. As I also mentioned above, it didn't last.
In relation to Covid, I think the one good thing he did initially was not take the alleged cov 2 virus that seriously. Shortly after Covid started, I started researching it and viruses in general. Found a group of doctors that no longer believe that biological viruses exist and made a statement on how the mainstream medical establishment that does believe in them could endeavour to prove that they do in fact exist. If you're interested, I made a thread on the subject here:
Settling the Biological Virus Debate | justplainpolitics.com