Feds borrowing over $5 billion per day as programs face insolvency

lib'ruls will say you can't trust what the Congressional Budget Office says......

The numbers he is quoting from the news article is wrong. A news organization is NOT the CBO.
According to the CBO and the US Treasury, debt is currently 123.01% of the GDP. The US debt is now over $32.6 trillion while the GDP is currently only $26.5 trillion.
A few billion here.
A few billion there.

Does anybody really give a fuck...seriously?

Why? Is there anything you can do about it?

Republican preach fiscal responsibility, but are always trying to slash taxes with the goal of government barely existing at all.

If that's what you want, that's what you want,
but it certainly makers you an idiot in the eyes of the sane and rational.

Yes. People give a fuck. They realize the dollar is losing value and fast. Many are already looking around for another currency.

You'll give a fuck too, when the precious government you depend on will contract in an uncontrolled manner due to being broke.
actually that sounds pretty good......what is it that you don't like about that?......government should only do what it absolutely has to.....

The federal government SHOULD barely exist at all. That's actually how the Constitution is constructed. VERY limited authority and power is given to the federal government.
A government should exist because life for humans is very hard,
humans are a communal species in the animal kingdom,
and thus it's a human obligation to collectively try to make life
a little less difficult for everybody
than it naturally is.

A fully evolved human understands this easily.
One more primitive in its development has a harder time with it.

Religious chanting is not an answer. Try again.
Invest in tangible goods. That way when things crash you can barter for what you need effectively.
This is EXCELLENT advice! Invest in wealth...property, gold, diamonds, silver, your own business, tools, railroads, fine art, aircraft, ships, trucks and other vehicles, even food and production of it. ALL of these will hold value as the dollar continues to deteriorate.
Less government = less government spending. Works for me. Sure, we need some government but currently we have too much, way too much. Slashing taxes--to a point--frees up money in the market to invest and grow the economy.
Another EXCELLENT statement and absolutely correct! You've got a good bead on the problem, sir!
No, the sane and rational recognize that government isn't the fountain of wealth. It creates nothing. All government does is confiscate and spend.
Again, ABSOLUTELY correct! :thumbsup:
There are cases where that's necessary, but it should never become the mechanism of choice to drive the economy because the economy will fail. Big government is a problem. Bigger government isn't the answer.
Governments cannot drive the economy. They can only steal from it.
Republicans don't care either because voters don't care. People tend to only get mad about spending when the other party does it. But on the whole politicians are not often punished for spending too much, but try to take something away from people and you will feel the wrath.

What voters? The last two elections faulted due to election fraud by Democrats.
Why do you continue with these lies.
The Constitution of the United States is not a lie, ya dumb gator.
Only trump could sign off on spending, since he didn't veto anything.
Illiteracy: proper nouns are capitalized. Trump doesn't have to sign off on anything concerning the House borrowing money.
Who ran the House for his first 2 years, handjob
Pivot fallacy. You obviously realize you have painted yourself into a corner, and you are now attempting to climb the walls to get out.

Dumb gator.