Who is your favorite? You seem fairly rational, it's why I ask.
To be perfectly honest, I don't have a selection yet. I am trying to be open-minded and hear what they all have to say tonight, and even visit their campaign sites to read as much as they have to offer.
I am concerned about the deficit. I am concerned that it is time for a new immigration bill that covers everyone's concerns. And yes, I believe that can be accomplished.
I believe it is 27 years late in establishing a new federally mandated minimum wage.
I also believe that there are ways to bring down the cost of Healthcare Insurance, Healthcare, Dental Care, prescription drugs and eye care so that everyone is covered.
I don't want to take away anyone's guns. But I do believe in State Registration, a State license to own or purchase a weapon, and penalties to all who are caught not following registration or obtaining a license to own, buy or sell guns of any kind- just like you register your automobile and obtain a license to operate it on a public road or highway!
I want to see a 2-State solution with the Israel/Palestine conflict.
I do not want to see Roe vs. Wade overturned or ignored.
I want to see us work towards cleaner air and water- not just in the US but around the world.
I want to see free trade with every country- and not just us providing free trade- no tariffs anywhere for anything.
I would like to see Jr. College as an extension of public schools paid for by local and county taxes- and I want to see more states start to providing this, even if the Federal govt. has to help fund part of it.
I want to see the Military go back to Don't Ask and Don't tell and provide a pathway to citizenship. And I want to see a trust fund set up to fully handle the injured coming back home from any war we ever declare again.
And I want to see a reversal of many Executive Privileges- and that includes every one that Donald Trump has abused.
I want to see an end to gerrymandering, voter suppression, and the Electoral College- and I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about the people of New York or California or how they mostly vote.
Many more things I would love to see, but whoever comes the closest to thinking like me, will get my vote.