Feeling the Bern is rattling again. At conspiring against Hillary, get lost Bernie.

Most ppl don't much care what you think.....

It's good most ppl in your party aren't like you....... You'll never win pushing ppl away..

You mean like how Trump increases his base? Trump doesn't push people away but insults them away. Bernie was a small time Vermont senator who became a national figure and spearheaded a movement. It just kept going leaving him behind.
Partisanship and loyalty to political parties is a mindfvck isn't it?

On top of that it's not only do I want you to vote like I do, I want you to vote for that person for the same reasons I do. I want you to have the same passion and loyalty to my political party like I do.

For some reason it seems to be in our nature....... SPorts etc is exactly the same.... :dunno: I posted a thread from hidden brain which deals w/ this exact thing, but no one cares to listen or even look into it, oh well, in all my experience on boards no one ever has.....lol Que sera, sera...........
You mean like how Trump increases his base? Trump doesn't push people away but insults them away

I think we both agree to what the actions & character of the man is, is that what we, or your party want to become?? I certainly don't......

His base has stayed pretty much the same from what I can tell, maybe minus a few~but we will find out soon enough..
It's not Bernie that you have to worry about, it's the people that want a free ride hanging onto his coat tails!

Because when Bernie is not longer in the race, they will write in Gomer Pyle and other stupid people on their ballots in retaliation- which will only help Donald Trump get elected.

Bernie is not a Democrat, and neither is his support group. They are in reality idiots! And they are the real reason why Donald Trump was elected in the first place!

The only reason Biden ran, was because Bernie threw his old ass in the ring. Now we have two old farts running for office, and that is not what our nation really needs right now.

When Bernie is gone- so goes Biden!

Watch this space!

Who is your favorite? You seem fairly rational, it's why I ask.
Who is your favorite? You seem fairly rational, it's why I ask.

To be perfectly honest, I don't have a selection yet. I am trying to be open-minded and hear what they all have to say tonight, and even visit their campaign sites to read as much as they have to offer.

I am concerned about the deficit. I am concerned that it is time for a new immigration bill that covers everyone's concerns. And yes, I believe that can be accomplished.

I believe it is 27 years late in establishing a new federally mandated minimum wage.

I also believe that there are ways to bring down the cost of Healthcare Insurance, Healthcare, Dental Care, prescription drugs and eye care so that everyone is covered.

I don't want to take away anyone's guns. But I do believe in State Registration, a State license to own or purchase a weapon, and penalties to all who are caught not following registration or obtaining a license to own, buy or sell guns of any kind- just like you register your automobile and obtain a license to operate it on a public road or highway!

I want to see a 2-State solution with the Israel/Palestine conflict.

I do not want to see Roe vs. Wade overturned or ignored.

I want to see us work towards cleaner air and water- not just in the US but around the world.

I want to see free trade with every country- and not just us providing free trade- no tariffs anywhere for anything.

I would like to see Jr. College as an extension of public schools paid for by local and county taxes- and I want to see more states start to providing this, even if the Federal govt. has to help fund part of it.

I want to see the Military go back to Don't Ask and Don't tell and provide a pathway to citizenship. And I want to see a trust fund set up to fully handle the injured coming back home from any war we ever declare again.

And I want to see a reversal of many Executive Privileges- and that includes every one that Donald Trump has abused.

I want to see an end to gerrymandering, voter suppression, and the Electoral College- and I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about the people of New York or California or how they mostly vote.

Many more things I would love to see, but whoever comes the closest to thinking like me, will get my vote.
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