¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

Yep, & everyone has to have a diamond or you're cheap..

Soon we will be like the Romans & every day will be a holiday...
I broke the cypress code.


"I am always [perplexed/confused/intrigued] why [mainstream member of society] thinks differently than I do

My theory is [something smug, dismissive, lazy and lacking nuance]

Of course, as we all know
[list a reason why I am better]

[optional conclusion that cypress thinks is witty]!"

I'm telling you, it works on all his posts.

He is smug, supercilious, sycophantic, sanctimonious, smarmy and a sexual scavenger.
Last edited:
I broke the cypress code.


"I am always [perplexed/confused/intrigued] why [mainstream member of society] thinks differently than I do

My theory is [something smug, dismissive, lazy and lacking nuance]

Of course, as we all know
[list a reason why I am better]

[optional conclusion that cypress thinks is witty]!"

I'm telling you, it works on all his posts.

I am not laughing, still not, nope.... Zzzzsnortzzzzz, not laughing....
That's pretty much all Spanish teachers. I took Spanish I in eighth grade and only got a C+. I took it then because there was a standing rule that fine arts and language credits could be forwarded to the HS, so, an A would have benefited me. Nevertheless, it helped prep me, and I got As in Spanish I & II.

I really don't like Mexican beers, so, I grabbed the amber as the best available choice.

I had to take Spanish in the 11th grade, thank the Lord my girlfriend was Spanish. She thought it was hilarious that she had to take it as well, so my study consisted of copying all her tests. That is how much she hated that class.