lol. 100 workers with less than 120 days are not going to make the difference. Nor would firing them cause floods. Stop clutching your pearls and screaming, "For the love of GAWD, think about the CHILDREN!"....

Actual footage of Tiger posting on JPP:

lol. 100 workers with less than 120 days are not going to make the difference. Nor would firing them cause floods. Stop clutching your pearls and screaming, "For the love of GAWD, think about the CHILDREN!"....

Actual footage of Tiger posting on JPP:

The fact you believe the shit coming out of this white house renders you a non factor and worthless. Keep in mind, you fool, states will have to take up the slack of those who were fired, so where the hell is the damn savings? I'll wait
View: https://x.com/i/status/1891140559168761867

Donny dumb as fuck just fired 100 federal FEMA workers, who were already stretched thin with so much catastrophic weather and fires in the country. Now the nation is facing massive flooding, mudslides, epic snow storms and this motherfucker is getting rid of the federal goverment to save MAGA motherfuckers money. Money that they'll never see.

If there's a God and there is, I hope parts of West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Arkansas, and Tennessee who are experiencing severe flooding....ALL ARE TRUMP SUPPORTERS!!
Don't worry adults are running FEMA now. They well do more with less. They aren't sending tens of millions to pay for luxury hotels for illegal aliens. FEMA has 20,000 employees so 100 is .005 of their workforce.
FEMA is more about paperwork than results. Look at their Incident Command System (which I actually got certified for most levels of).

There is a mountain of paperwork that goes with this system, most of it justifying why the emergency response was so fucked up.