Fifty Years Ago -- 1968

I was 18 in 68' and just joined the Navy two months later Cam Ranh Bay and Da nang, after i got there I saw a lot of crap and my mind started changing , by the time I got our four years later and town tours was totally against the criminal war, I didn't wear the uniform home on leave, didn't want the hassle especially in NYC

It's sad you actually came home in a way other than a body bag.
1968, I graduated from signal school at Fort Gordon and was sent to Germany and later that year, I went to Vietnam!


I must start calling myself Senioraircraftsmaniolo and write only in Chinese! The past is another country, and best left to itself!
Still am, boy. Where'e you verifiable proof that you served? All I'm seeing is claims.

>son of bone spur. You wouldn't even know the difference between a fox hole and a shithole except for the fact that you live in a shit hole. Please die with a slow and painful death.
Oh yes... that photo. I believe that it was an impetus to the growing environmental movement that culminated with the first Earth Day -- and the creation of the EPA in 1970. Which was made law by a Republican president. I remember when Republicans valued science and saw it as an arrow in America's arsenal against those who would bring us low.

I really enjoyed this photo essay not only for the political stuff but also for the cultural things. The Supremes! One of my favorite groups ever! And Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In. And that photo of the Beatles as the kids they were then, in the hollyhocks.

Trump was 21-24 in 68 and 70.. You'd think he would have caught on... Maybe he was too busy being a slum lord.
I was 18 in 68' and just joined the Navy two months later Cam Ranh Bay and Da nang, after i got there I saw a lot of crap and my mind started changing , by the time I got our four years later and town tours was totally against the criminal war, I didn't wear the uniform home on leave, didn't want the hassle especially in NYC

When I finally got home in 69 the people in my home town of youngstown, OH, treated me with the best of respect.

BTW, calley's sergeant was from youngstown. Go figure. lol.
I wasn't born yet but I've read quite a bit about 1968. What a time. Being Memorial Day my Uncle was killed in 1968 in the Quang Nam province. Obviously I've never met him but I've always felt this strong pull to want to visit where he was killed.
1968, I graduated from signal school at Fort Gordon and was sent to Germany and later that year, I went to Vietnam!


I was there a year and half later, MP school, and next Confinment School, almost got killed by the combat dogs they were training in the woods behind the barracks, not a big fan of Fort Gordan, red clay, humid, and gnats, lots of gnats
I was there a year and half later, MP school, and next Confinment School, almost got killed by the combat dogs they were training in the woods behind the barracks, not a big fan of Fort Gordan, red clay, humid, and gnats, lots of gnats

Stupid question but what were they training the dogs for? Did they actually send dogs to Vietnam?
I wasn't born yet but I've read quite a bit about 1968. What a time. Being Memorial Day my Uncle was killed in 1968 in the Quang Nam province. Obviously I've never met him but I've always felt this strong pull to want to visit where he was killed.

The awful memories of those of us who fought and lost friends in that war will never be forgotten. But time has made them less painful.