The following racist thanked this post, Lie Generator.
The following idiots think anyone has a fear of blacks: Oracle of Delphi and Bourbon. That's just one thing that makes them idiots.
The following racist thanked this post, Lie Generator.
Question: Why are white people so fearful of people of color in general and black bodies in particular, that they would call the police on us for merely existing within their eyesight?
Just this last month alone, cops have been called on us for:
- Sitting quietly in a Starbucks while waiting for a friend.
- Napping in a college dorm public area.
- Being part of a college tour group
- Checking out of an AirBNB
- BBQing in a public park.
- Shopping for prom clothes.
- Talking one’s time to shop at a Walmart
- Being the member of a gym and working out.
- Golfing.
Luckily, in all of these cases, no one was killed. However, history is replete with incidents where such a call had turned fatal.
Just recently cops killed a man who was sitting in his car while waiting for someone to finish shopping.
But I’m sure that it’s only a matter of time before more blood is spilled over merely existing within the mere presence of white people.
So, again I ask... Why?
Maybe it's time for the Bullets to start going in the other direction ... it's why I carry. I Carry because White People a Scared of Me.
Or maybe it’s because the blacks commit more crimes.
In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
But I can’t be racist, my cleaning lady is a black
It's nice to have those two racist scumbags on my ignore list, ComeFuckMe and truth deflector. Ha ha, eat shit you two necrophiles.
It's nice to have those two racist scumbags on my ignore list, ComeFuckMe and truth deflector. Ha ha, eat shit you two necrophiles.
It's nice to have those two racist scumbags on my ignore list, ComeFuckMe and truth deflector. Ha ha, eat shit you two necrophiles.
So Stealing and Car Jacking is only done by Blacks ... that explains your ignorance ...
Please keep digging
Recently there was an incident here where family members asked the police to go check up on a woman who had been behaving in a bizarre way. When they arrived at the house, she opened the door, pointed a gun at them, then slammed the door and barricaded it. They patiently negotiated with her via loudspeaker until she finally put away the weapon and came out. She was taken to a mental ward for evaluation. Oh, she was white.
Imagine if she had been a black guy? SWAT team, and then dead on the spot.
It's nice to have those two racist scumbags on my ignore list, ComeFuckMe and truth deflector. Ha ha, eat shit you two necrophiles.
When Americans of every race stop believing the racist white man lies of Blacks are more criminal and are only a percentage of the population, and we are killing each other at an astronomical rates.......we can then start to weed out racist police.
As long as Americans think Black are criminal this will continue.
I refuse to co-sign the white man lies about Black men and Black people PERIOD!
They may have just set the house on fire so that he can come out on his own and they could have target practice.
I don't know if they would have been that drastic, but they most likely would not have patiently negotiated with an armed black male they way they did with the armed white woman, even if they knew ahead of time that it was a mental illness issue causing the problems.
Did I say that?
1. Data shows that 93 percent of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks.
2. Blacks committed 52 percent of homicides between 1980 and 2008, despite composing just 13 percent of the population. Across the same timeframe, whites committed 45 percent of homicides while composing 77% of the population, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
3. Black crime is even more prevalent in the country's largest cities and counties.
4. There were almost 6,000 blacks killed by other blacks in 2015.
5. "Black crime rates were lower in the 1940s and 1950s, when black poverty was higher" and "racial discrimination was rampant and legal."
6. "A straight line can be drawn between family breakdown and youth violence." "most black children were raised in two-parent families." In 2013, over 72 percent of blacks were born out of wedlock. In Cook County –which Chicago belongs to – 79 percent of blacks were born to single mothers in 2003, while only 15 percent of whites were born to single mothers.
Until the black community gets it's collective head out of their arseholes, this problematic issue will only be exacerbated in black communities.