Schools across the South are closed today for Confederate Memorial Day. That means that black children have a day off to commemorate people who fought to keep their ancestors in bondage.
This is, well, mad. There is a large section of this Republic which sees nothing wrong with the Confederate cause. They'll say it was a cause of freedom, of self-determination, of resistance to tyranny. It was none of those things. It was, simply, a cause to enslave other people. All the rhetoric boils down to that.
That a black student in the South has to, in any way, pay homage to the Confederacy is as ludicrous as if Germany had a Nazi Memorial Day, and Jewish children were let off of school for it.
And these memorials are not opportunities for debate and honest discussions. No. Like the Orange marches in Northern Ireland, they're a way for the dominant group to exert its cultural power.
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