Finally: An Official "Confederate Memorial Day"?

hitler was a subhuman christer goy just like you

Then I suggest you go back hiding under your bed if you're too scared.
Oh, and by the way, I'm not "defending" the Confederate flag, nor am I
the racist you're trying to portray me as. Good or bad, it's part of our
country's history and should remain a reminder of our Civil War and the
reasons behind it. Unfortunately, assholes like you seem to want a repeat
of that history for different reasons. The last Civil War wasn't about hatred,
the next one will be. I hope you're on the front lines if it comes to one.
Then I suggest you go back hiding under your bed if you're too scared.
Oh, and by the way, I'm not "defending" the Confederate flag, nor am I
the racist you're trying to portray me as. Good or bad, it's part of our
country's history and should remain a reminder of our Civil War and the
reasons behind it. Unfortunately, assholes like you seem to want a repeat
of that history for different reasons. The last Civil War wasn't about hatred,
the next one will be. I hope you're on the front lines if it comes to one.

That coward is the kind that will hide yet claim what should be done much like he does with his claims about what should happen to the flag and statues. He says all of them should be removed from public property yet no one has seen him taking part in doing it.
Then I suggest you go back hiding under your bed if you're too scared.
Oh, and by the way, I'm not "defending" the Confederate flag, nor am I
the racist you're trying to portray me as. Good or bad, it's part of our
country's history and should remain a reminder of our Civil War and the
reasons behind it. Unfortunately, assholes like you seem to want a repeat
of that history for different reasons. The last Civil War wasn't about hatred,
the next one will be. I hope you're on the front lines if it comes to one.

I don't know what you would call a people that seceded from America in order to protect and defend the purity of the white race, if not full of hate.
I don't know what you would call a people that seceded from America in order to protect and defend the purity of the white race, if not full of hate.

The Civil War was not about "the purity of the white race," nor about them hating blacks. I thought you were smarter than that.
I take it you're another CSA apologist who has never read the secession documents?

You take it wrong. I'm a Northerner and my great grandfather fought for the North.
And yes I read some of those documents, nothing in them states hatred of blacks.
I don't know what you would call a people that seceded from America in order to protect and defend the purity of the white race, if not full of hate.

Let me preface this by saying slavery was a terrible time in our history and should be condemned.

To understand the reason for the civil war and slavery, one must understand the thinking at the time (not by todays standards). Slavery was global and most people of that time looked at Africans and yes American Indians also as savages. There was no such thing as tolerance for what was considered caveman like behavior to them. Thus these people were not considered to be real humans but little more than property or animals. Sadly you lefties try to invoke todays standards on a society that would have never understood your reasoning. Fortunately like all things mankind's thinking evolved and we can now see how horrific slavery truly was. So instead of judging our ancestors by todays standards try to show a little tolerance and understanding that they didn't realize the brutality of what they were doing.
Let me preface this by saying slavery was a terrible time in our history and should be condemned.

To understand the reason for the civil war and slavery, one must understand the thinking at the time (not by todays standards). Slavery was global and most people of that time looked at Africans and yes American Indians also as savages. There was no such thing as tolerance for what was considered caveman like behavior to them. Thus these people were not considered to be real humans but little more than property or animals. Sadly you lefties try to invoke todays standards on a society that would have never understood your reasoning. Fortunately like all things mankind's thinking evolved and we can now see how horrific slavery truly was. So instead of judging our ancestors by todays standards try to show a little tolerance and understanding that they didn't realize the brutality of what they were doing.

I invoke age-old American standards toward the south. Also, as a lifelong Republican, I don't know why you bother to slur me by calling me a leftist. The south did not secede for any noble, principled concepts of Enlightenment era liberalism. That was as pathetic a movement in 1860 as it is today. This insistence of defending the CSA just goes to show how little love of America that apologists actually hold (precisely none, to be exact). To defend the CSA is to wish it had prevailed against America.
I invoke age-old American standards toward the south. Also, as a lifelong Republican, I don't know why you bother to slur me by calling me a leftist. The south did not secede for any noble, principled concepts of Enlightenment era liberalism. That was as pathetic a movement in 1860 as it is today. This insistence of defending the CSA just goes to show how little love of America that apologists actually hold (precisely none, to be exact). To defend the CSA is to wish it had prevailed against America.

You are as much of a Republican as I am a Democrat! If you are a registered Republican then you are a RINO. Hate to burst your bubble but understanding the morals and reasoning of then versus now in no way is an indorsement of slavery or the civil war. It is clear you either flunked American History or you got the liberalized version of it. There was much more than slavery that caused the war. Slavery was a large part but not the only thing. So instead of getting rid of symbols of a terrible period in our history we should use them as a teaching tool so things like slavery and racism will never be repeated. And yes there is still racism on both sides.
Let me preface this by saying slavery was a terrible time in our history and should be condemned.

To understand the reason for the civil war and slavery, one must understand the thinking at the time (not by todays standards). Slavery was global and most people of that time looked at Africans and yes American Indians also as savages. There was no such thing as tolerance for what was considered caveman like behavior to them. Thus these people were not considered to be real humans but little more than property or animals. Sadly you lefties try to invoke todays standards on a society that would have never understood your reasoning. Fortunately like all things mankind's thinking evolved and we can now see how horrific slavery truly was. So instead of judging our ancestors by todays standards try to show a little tolerance and understanding that they didn't realize the brutality of what they were doing.
I agree that the views of humanity and human rights have changed drastically since the Civil War and while it may not be entirely fair to judge the people then based on today's standards, the revisionism and apologism in favor of the CSA doesn't help matters at all. I'm far from liberal and I've lived my entire life in the south. It's painful to see people cling with pride to an act that was most certainly based on white supremacy, regardless of the fact that it was a different time, when blacks were seen as subhuman in both the North and South.

That secession based on states rights has been spun and taught to us since we were in elementary school to spare us from facing hard truths doesn't do people from the south any favors at all as far as moving forward is concerned. Most people that I know would never stand behind something as heinous as as secession based on slavery. But that's not what they've been led to believe the war was about, and they defend the issue as just a matter of defying government oppression. Sure there are some racists that would love to see blacks back in chains again, but overall southerners are a proud people that see themselves as outsiders that get crapped on constantly and until they realize that they are defending the indefensible, the mainstream view of the south is never going to change.
I agree that the views of humanity and human rights have changed drastically since the Civil War and while it may not be entirely fair to judge the people then based on today's standards, the revisionism and apologism in favor of the CSA doesn't help matters at all. I'm far from liberal and I've lived my entire life in the south. It's painful to see people cling with pride to an act that was most certainly based on white supremacy, regardless of the fact that it was a different time, when blacks were seen as subhuman in both the North and South.

That secession based on states rights has been spun and taught to us since we were in elementary school to spare us from facing hard truths doesn't do people from the south any favors at all as far as moving forward is concerned. Most people that I know would never stand behind something as heinous as as secession based on slavery. But that's not what they've been led to believe the war was about, and they defend the issue as just a matter of defying government oppression. Sure there are some racists that would love to see blacks back in chains again, but overall southerners are a proud people that see themselves as outsiders that get crapped on constantly and until they realize that they are defending the indefensible, the mainstream view of the south is never going to change.

While I agree with 99% of your post I do take exception to the term "white supremacy" that is a modern term and does not apply to the time. Many Europeans had never seen people of other colors except as slaves and therefore didn't look at other races as being inferior but different. Remember the vast majority of people in the 1800's were illiterate and had limited to no schooling. I grew up in the south in the 50's and 60's so I have seen racism 1st hand and it was ugly. The military really opened my eyes to treating all people equally. So I do see both sides of the matter but I still feel that tearing down statues to southerners is nothing but a feel good action aimed at trying to escape facing a terrible time in our history.
You are as much of a Republican as I am a Democrat! If you are a registered Republican then you are a RINO. Hate to burst your bubble but understanding the morals and reasoning of then versus now in no way is an indorsement of slavery or the civil war. It is clear you either flunked American History or you got the liberalized version of it. There was much more than slavery that caused the war. Slavery was a large part but not the only thing. So instead of getting rid of symbols of a terrible period in our history we should use them as a teaching tool so things like slavery and racism will never be repeated. And yes there is still racism on both sides.

When did you switch over to the GOP, if I may ask?

Yes, being an apologist for the CSA is an endorsement of slavery. The Civil War began when the CSA committed an act of war against America, seizing Ft Sumter. That being said, the sole purpose of secession was the cause of slavery. This purpose went far beyond the legality of slavery, which was beyond question, and was on the cusp of being preserved in the south via a pending constitutional amendment that was working its way through Congress.

As the not-so-great state of South Carolina put it when it seceded from America:

Haters of America said:
We affirm that these ends for which this Government was instituted have been defeated, and the Government itself has been made destructive of them by the action of the non-slaveholding States. Those States have assume the right of deciding upon the propriety of our domestic institutions; and have denied the rights of property established in fifteen of the States and recognized by the Constitution; they have denounced as sinful the institution of slavery; they have permitted open establishment among them of societies, whose avowed object is to disturb the peace and to eloign the property of the citizens of other States. They have encouraged and assisted thousands of our slaves to leave their homes; and those who remain, have been incited by emissaries, books and pictures to servile insurrection.
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LOL! So you're not only a liberal, you support treason and traitors.

Good to know. Thanks for clearing that up, princess.

No, he's just a dumbass, that doesn't see that meme of his doubly slanders Trump supporters, that do that stuff in droves, above, and beyond what I've seen.
I would rank the Holocaust, the enslavement of black people by the southern States, and the Gulag archipelago as arguably the three worst crimes against humanity in recorded history.

Always worth remember what the Confederacy was fighting for....and what Confederate apologists on this forum are defending.

"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization."

- Mississippi Declaration of Secession , 1861
When did you switch over to the GOP, if I may ask?

Yes, being an apologist for the CSA is an endorsement of slavery. The Civil War began when the CSA committed an act of war against America, seizing Ft Sumter. That being said, the sole purpose of secession was the cause of slavery. This purpose went far beyond the legality of slavery, which was beyond question, and was on the cusp of being preserved in the south via a pending constitutional amendment that was working its way through Congress.

As the not-so-great state of South Carolina put it when it seceded from America:

Nice try leftie. I'm not an apologist for the South or anything else! I merely expect reasonable people to understand our history as shameful as some of it was and to debunk your liberal hysteria. I see you centered in on the most inflammatory declaration! Typical!

Try this for a more balanced view.
I have made my position clear if you want to spend your life whining about something that happened 150 + years ago have a nut!

Oh I registered Republican when I was 21 and am in my 70's so you figure out how long I've been in the GOP.

Schools across the South are closed today for Confederate Memorial Day. That means that black children have a day off to commemorate people who fought to keep their ancestors in bondage.

This is, well, mad. There is a large section of this Republic which sees nothing wrong with the Confederate cause. They'll say it was a cause of freedom, of self-determination, of resistance to tyranny. It was none of those things. It was, simply, a cause to enslave other people. All the rhetoric boils down to that.

That a black student in the South has to, in any way, pay homage to the Confederacy is as ludicrous as if Germany had a Nazi Memorial Day, and Jewish children were let off of school for it.

And these memorials are not opportunities for debate and honest discussions. No. Like the Orange marches in Northern Ireland, they're a way for the dominant group to exert its cultural power.

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