Finally got a raise !


Villified User
Hooray, got a raise after 4 years or so.
25%, that puts me a bit over $
And some one on here told me it was time to find a new job the other day....
And I had realized a slight gain in free money with my seperation, even paying the wifes utilities and such till the divorce is final.
nice! Congratulations! 25% is sweeeeeeeeeeeet. Make sure your soon to be ex wife doesn't find out ;)
Doesn't matter, this is not an alimony state. I am being very generous on the property division and gave her all the savings account, about 10K. Just glad to be free!!!
My lawyer says no problem.
Thanks. I guess that puts me in the top 5% of my county now. But I still drive a 90 subie wagon, and don't plan on changing soon.
Mine swelled a bit, but it has gone down a bit now. Got the word on Friday, sort of floated the rest of the day.
I am not spreading the word locally, some women have already been chasin me ;) and I don't want to be caught !
Not saying never, but she would have to be really special.
Mine swelled a bit, but it has gone down a bit now. Got the word on Friday, sort of floated the rest of the day.
I am not spreading the word locally, some women have already been chasin me ;) and I don't want to be caught !
Not saying never, but she would have to be really special.


Well, congrats usc.

And you're probably smart to keep it to yourself. My first thought was, wow, 41 dollars an hour, that could buy a lot of boots. ;)
Boots that are made for walkin ? Or pointy toed ones ?

Well I did get a bit more responsibility with the raise, I have to keep an eye on some offshore programmers. Strange they are the group that got me laid off 5 years ago.....The downside is I will have to go to India a few times a year....
No new title though, but who needs titles. I was VP of new product development for a company once, and that paid less than I make now :

And no degree, Imagine that ;)
Damn if I had gotten a degree I would be emperor now :)
Hooray, got a raise after 4 years or so.
25%, that puts me a bit over $
And some one on here told me it was time to find a new job the other day....
And I had realized a slight gain in free money with my seperation, even paying the wifes utilities and such till the divorce is final.

Enjoy it while you can....come January 2009, your old Uncle Sam is looking to take a big bit out of that apple.....can you say Speaker Pelosi ?:readit:
Enjoy it while you can....come January 2009, your old Uncle Sam is looking to take a big bit out of that apple.....can you say Speaker Pelosi ?:readit:
Heck Bush has already spent any tax increase that hits us anyway. I expect a rollback on the tax cuts for thie ritchest 1%, and that is not me.
Btw already redone my will, with a clause that kicks in at my divorce. Can't get out of some things till I am no longer married. Stupid laws....
But then I plan on spendin all I get before I die anyway ;)
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Already changed my beneiciary on my life insurance though.
Would't want the soon to be ex to get 75K if I croak before the divorce is final.
Wow. In Colorado, as long as you are married, without her signature you cannot change that...
yeah and in some states I would be paying her alimony too. Those darn socialist states ;) And no children in this marriage so I will be totally free from her forever :tongout:
In KY the payor of the life insurance can specify any beneficiary they want. It is term life insurance and is not viewed as an asset. Real life insurance is viewed as an investment and falls under the common property aspect of a marriage though, for it's cash value at the time of the filing for divorce..
Oh you get screwed somewhat here as well. But for me the screwing is heaven compared to living with her :)
You are always screwed if children are involved. The children are ALWAYS screwed as well.
Thats a nice paycheck USC .... according to Demcorats you are now officially rich... I think you may have to switch party's! ... lol
Thats a nice paycheck USC .... according to Demcorats you are now officially rich... I think you may have to switch party's! ... lol
Naah, Not rich, pretty much starting over from gound zero because of the soon to be EX. Not enough time left in my life to become rich. But if the job lasts I will be more comfortable :)
Congrats USC, 41hr is sweet and puts you in maybe the highest tax bracket.
You are self admittedly behind the curve on retirement, you should be able to sock most of the 25% away as you are not one for the bling and keeping up with the jones.