Finally, Ivanka is being investigated. Better late than never.

There was a poll out years ago that was very telling.
The poll showed that overall, Congress had an approval rating of less than 15%. However, in each Congressional District, the average approval rating for an incumbent was slightly over 60%.

Simply put, the general public wanted to keep "their guy", but want to boot everyone elses out of office.
Exactly the problem.

FWIW, I've seen public Congressional approval sink to single digits; down there with used car salesmen and telemarketeers.
I do too but it's like Term Limits for Congress: Everybody wants it but they only want it for their political opponents, not their own people.

If We, the People want to unite and go after corruption and cronyism in Washington DC, then we need to go after all corruption and cronyism, not just what exists in one party.

I've pointed out the crimes of Hillary R. Clinton and several of the prominent LWers on this forum think she's as pure as the driven snow despite Director Comey's testimony to the contrary. She's gone and mostly denied access to the DNC for a reason, but her fans continue to support her actions. Ergo, they continue to support her corruptive actions.

Yes, all corrupt officials and people who corrupt officials should face justice, but that effort must be politically color-blind.

I'm in favor of prosecuting them *all.* As for Hillary, the RWers had multiple shots at her and still couldn't hit the target. She's yesterday's dust. As you pointed out, she has no influence. Let's go after the ones who are still in office.
Ivanka is an active participant in Trump's rule-bending and breaking life. They both had all their crap made in China and 3rd world countries for decades. That is how much they care about American workers. While being a white house employee, doing whatever it is she does, she obtained 34 trademarks from China. She was working for herself and perhaps her father and husband. Jared got a billion-dollar loan from an Arab nation to save his family business from disaster. Yeah, while he was doing that fabulous job of whatever he does.
Not paying taxes is what the wealthy do. They do not care.

We don't pay taxes; only the little people pay taxes." -- Leona Helmsley
I'm in favor of prosecuting them *all.* As for Hillary, the RWers had multiple shots at her and still couldn't hit the target. She's yesterday's dust. As you pointed out, she has no influence. Let's go after the ones who are still in office.
The point being that if corruption is to be rooted out of Foggy Bottom, then it has to be a universal cleansing, not just a political assault on one side.

Trump is soon to be very out of office just like Hillary. :D
The point being that if corruption is to be rooted out of Foggy Bottom, then it has to be a universal cleansing, not just a political assault on one side.

Trump is soon to be very out of office just like Hillary. :D

You don't think he should be investigated and prosecuted?
You don't think he should be investigated and prosecuted?
I definitely think he should be investigated, prosecuted and hung as a traitor. What I'm saying is that the Republicans won't allow it to happen out of tit-for-tat reasons when the Democrats continually protected Hillary for her crimes.

The Republicans will use the same excuse others give for Hillary: "Well, he's not in office anymore soooo......"

Despite the delusions Junior and Kimberly have for running him in 2024, NFW is that going to happen. Trump is only getting worse mentally and he could very well be dead from natural causes by if he'd live to 2028.
I hope Trump's sister gets dragged into the tax theft they collaborated on. They cheated the government and cheated the other heirs in Fred's fortune when he died.