Finally Released


Senior Member
And then there is this from the Department of Absurdity:

Oldest Gitmo Prisoner Released
And finally, the oldest prisoner at Guantanamo Bay has been released. Haji Nasrat Khan was sent back to Afghanistan over the weekend. Khan is at least seventy-one years old. He claims he was arrested after complaining to US troops about the arrest of his son. According to his lawyer, US authorities never charged him with a crime nor even told him why he had been imprisoned. Khan had to use a walker to make his way around Guantananamo. At one military hearing, he reportedly told prosecutors: "How could I be an enemy combatant if I was not able to stand up?"

He was evidently held for 5 years--Can anyone justify this on any terms whatsoever? No doubt he was held for so long because he was one of the "worst of the worst"! There is obviously no justification on any military or any other terms. Its a humanitarian nightmare. And for all those "fiscal conservatives" who support this ignorant war on a strategy: Can anyone justify the money that the American taxpayer paid for five years of this poor man's keep????

I can't understand why he was released. He is probably still a grave threat to the secuity of the world's only remaining super power, isn't he???

Shouldn't we still be fearful of the devastation and destruction this man could still inflict; I mean he could hit someone with his walker after all.
Welcome Poprikosh! You should add a link to stories that you post, not only for the purpose of everyone being able to read the article in whole, but it's also best so the board owner does'nt get nailed with a plagiarism suit.
Yep Evil is our linkmeister.
I guess the old fart had an expolding bottle of geritol, or a polygrip tube full of plastic explosive
Yep Evil is our linkmeister.
I guess the old fart had an expolding bottle of geritol, or a polygrip tube full of plastic explosive


Good stuff citizenpops!

Someone has to consider the possibilty of the problem, I have seen it happen before. Just looking out for Damos interest!
Links should be included, that is in the rules of the board for cut and paste jobs.

And being old doesn't mean you can't kill someone.
nobody explained why this old guy had been held and nobody can explain why he is being released. he sure doesn't seem like a major threat if we let him go, and I cannot imagine what could have transpired between the time we took him into custody for being a serious threat and now, when he apparently isn't. The logical explanation would seem to be that we fuckedup by imprisoning him in the first place and finally got around to admitting it. But who gives a shit if we violated the rights of an innocent Afghan? He's just a raghead and aren't they all our enemies anyway?
Exacty maineman, he was just a poor innocent towel head and we had a few extra beds at gitmo so what the hell! LOL
This certainly isn't going to win any hearts and minds. What's scary is the indifference we seem to have toward this man's plight.
I'd rather wait for confirmation of the authenticity of this "report", but if it is accurate I want to know why we have to hold anyone for 5 years without giving them some kind of a hearing. If the "report" is accurate 5 years for asking a question seems pretty unfair to me. Maybe we can't give them all hearing within 72 hours but damnit no one who is innocent deserves to be treated like this. Is our military justice system so backlogged that we can't treat innocent civilians with even the slightest bit of respect?

This is the kind of stuff that drove me away from the Republican Party.

This certainly isn't going to win any hearts and minds. What's scary is the indifference we seem to have toward this man's plight.

LOL, hearts and minds! that is'nt going to happen any way you look at it, maybe a few but slim at that.
How many have been release from Gitmo and then caught back in country killing? How many have been rearrested for terrorist plots? To many to count. Seems no one in Gitmo is guilty of anything at all.
I tend to trust Americans more than I trust some guy from Afghanstan. but that's just me supporting the evil American troops! LOL
Source is Associated Press

71-Year-Old Gitmo Detainee Released
By BEN FOX, Associated Press Writer

Monday, August 28, 2006

(08-28) 16:04 PDT SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) --

The oldest detainee at Guantanamo Bay — an Afghan man who is at least 71 and hobbled around the U.S. prison in Cuba using a walker — has been sent home, his lawyer said Monday.

Haji Nasrat Khan was among five men from Afghanistan transferred over the weekend, said attorney Peter Ryan, who received the news in an e-mail from the U.S. Department of Justice.

Ryan was not told why Khan was transferred, and was trying to determine whether he would be held in custody in Afghanistan or allowed to return home.

The U.S. military did not disclose the names of the five men sent back to Afghanistan and declined to comment.

Khan was not charged with a crime and Ryan said the government never said why he was detained.

"We couldn't figure out why he was there," Ryan said. "He could barely walk and he could barely hear."

Khan told his lawyers he believes he's around 78, but doesn't know his exact age. He is at least 71, according to military records obtained by The Associated Press.
How many have been release from Gitmo and then caught back in country killing? How many have been rearrested for terrorist plots? To many to count. Seems no one in Gitmo is guilty of anything at all.

Really, too many to count? Do you have proof or is this more Toby bs like "i have 5 degrees", "I'm black", etc.