finally someone dumber than uscitizen

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
be-a-superstar-new-wii-amercan-idol-game.jpg fails on so many levels. If you're going to insult someone, at least make it good, funny and at the very least make sense.

We give this attempt to copy his thread a 1 out 10. Try again.
He is busy checking out Rush's site for inspiration.

LOL, I love how she posted (I'm still going with she, no way Yurt has a penis), a jpg of business savy rich people getting richer. As if getting compared to enterprising celebrities is an insult.
and yet you both are here stroking each other over whether american idol karaoke is dumber than USC....


and point made
American Idol is brilliant in a business sense.
It makes big bucks taking advantage of the stupitity of the american people.

Just like Coulter and Rush with neo's.

Ever wonder why the right wing pundits make big money and are successful so much more than the left wing talking heads?
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American Idol is breilliant in a business sense.
It makes big bucks taking advantage of the stupitity of the american people.

Just like Coulter and Rush with neo's.

i hope you make your voice well heard.....though i think the program is stupid, my wife loves it....and at the end the songs get good....and the fails are funny.....

you, dismiss if you are some ancient bearded king sitting upon a throne wherein below is a dark and vast space.....

that is called an outhouse btw.....

some of those "stupid" americans have actually made it, whether they finished first or not.......

it was the karaoke part i was making fun of....
and yet you both are here stroking each other over whether american idol karaoke is dumber than USC....


and point made

oh yeah right...THAT'S what we're doing - because you're oh so clever play on USC thread really has our brains racked.

I just hope you just don't call me dumber than than Steven Hawking. That would just totally crush me.
i hope you make your voice well heard.....though i think the program is stupid, my wife loves it....and at the end the songs get good....and the fails are funny.....

you, dismiss if you are some ancient bearded king sitting upon a throne wherein below is a dark and vast space.....

that is called an outhouse btw.....

some of those "stupid" americans have actually made it, whether they finished first or not.......

it was the karaoke part i was making fun of....

Being Stupid is why some "make it" Take Rush for instance. Please.