finally someone dumber than uscitizen

Being Stupid is why some "make it" Take Rush for instance. Please.

fair enough....but my take on this whole thing was that they made a video game out fo the Wii for karaoke.....

and for you to call them stupid, as if.....well that stupid. rush has nothing to do with this thread, despite your obession
i hope you make your voice well heard.....though i think the program is stupid, my wife loves it....and at the end the songs get good....and the fails are funny.....

you, dismiss if you are some ancient bearded king sitting upon a throne wherein below is a dark and vast space.....

that is called an outhouse btw.....

some of those "stupid" americans have actually made it, whether they finished first or not.......

it was the karaoke part i was making fun of....

So were you trying to say that people that play Karaoke are dumb?......

Oh forget it. Who gives a fuck? You tried to be funny and true to conservative form you aren't. LOL, now you have to explain your jokes that aren't even funny and when you take us down your narrow minded thought process...they still suck!

Try again.
So were you trying to say that people that play Karaoke are dumb?......

Oh forget it. Who gives a fuck? You tried to be funny and true to conservative form you aren't. LOL, now you have to explain your jokes that aren't even funny and when you take us down your narrow minded thought process...they still suck!

Try again.



stop it, i'm sick of it, why the fuck must you do this in EVERY thread?

Now you're just being mean and lying.
I don't do it, in EVERY thread. :cof1:
So were you trying to say that people that play Karaoke are dumb?......

Oh forget it. Who gives a fuck? You tried to be funny and true to conservative form you aren't. LOL, now you have to explain your jokes that aren't even funny and when you take us down your narrow minded thought process...they still suck!

Try again.

whatever crabbyT

try relaxing a bit.....
whatever crabbyT

try relaxing a bit.....


Slightly better, still not laugh out loud funny, but I'll give you a point for the effort and one point for originality.

2 out 10.

Try again.
Hey USF, keep doing it. I'm sure it will be funny by the 1000th post.

and you crabbyT will never be funny.....

all you do is insult, bitch, whine.....i haven't seen a single honest debate about any issue from you since may of this year

in fact you LOVE pissing people off....and have stated come here to piss people off, get under their skin, call yourself a winner and leave.....

loser of a life
and you crabbyT will never be funny.....

all you do is insult, bitch, whine.....i haven't seen a single honest debate about any issue from you since may of this year

in fact you LOVE pissing people off....and have stated come here to piss people off, get under their skin, call yourself a winner and leave.....
loser of a life


I won!
pointing out facts and things you have said, that actually make you look like a moron, makes you a "winner"


crabbyT to the rescue!!!!!!

So I guess the irony of you complaining about my poking fun at people on a thread you started to insult USC is completely lost on you?

Just checking.
LOL, I love how she posted (I'm still going with she, no way Yurt has a penis), a jpg of business savy rich people getting richer. As if getting compared to enterprising celebrities is an insult.

It is intended to infer evilness, because enterprising is teh evilz!!
BTW, the premise of this thread is flawed, seeing as how the claim is impossible, which is why no image, Idol or otherwise, would have been funny.