What you mean is, he always seems to be on the side you agree with. That's partly because being pig-ignorant comes naturally to him, but mainly because he delves into things - sometimes up to a millimetre below the surface - and always tells his dummies what they want to hear.

Btw, concrete blocks are unfairly maligned. Many of them are smarter than the average Trumpster.

So you think its smart not to be energy independent?
You think open borders are smart?
You think a weak military is smart?
You don't think leveling the playing field in tariffs and trade is smart?
You dont think making our country friendly to business so that they can return home is smart?
Is nominating constitutionalists justices smart?
I could go on and on listing the achievements and positive progress trump has pushed forward in just 3 years but you already know these things.
I've got a tip for you...start searching through basements. That's right - BASEMENTS. It might take some time but eventually you'll find one with a human pot plant in it that's called Joe Biden. Joe's much dumber than any Trump supporter you'll ever meet trust me. In fact, he's dumber than dog shit ! He doesn't know what month it is or what day it is, he doesn't know where he is (what street?, what city ?, what state ?), he can't tell his sister from his wife, and whenever he opens his mouth a stream of absurd, BS gushes forth. In fact, the only thing that "Pot Plant Joe" knows is that he likes doing creepy sexual things to females whenever he's let out of his basement.

Hope this is of some help for you in your search. :)


They deserve that senile creepy moron. All the questioning and challenging of our intellect and now they are shown for what they freaking stupid that they would support a man who admitted to a QPQ that they accused trump of.......sexual assault that they accused Kavanaugh of......and so stupid that he can't finish a single thought......that they accuse us of. You just cant make this up lol.
Your undying support of a proven pathogical liar is all the validation that is necessary to correctly determine your significant lack of intelligence. That said, good luck with your diploma from tRump

So your support for a proven pathological liar is proof of your lack of intelligence? Joe is a much worst liar than trump by far.

Questionable business practices perhaps another tell? Quid Pro Joe uses his political position to make money selling out our country for cheese. Slightly worst than trump steaks or university.

Maybe its trumps abuse of women? Oh wait fingers Joe has him beat yet again. A trusted politician no less vs a private citizen man whore. Again creepy lip splitting fingers joe takes the victory.

Maybe its trumps handling of the pandemic? Well we won't know cuz nibbles joe isn't in power. We do know he would NOT have closed travel from China since he called trump a xenophobe for doing it. Therefore 100's of thousands more would have died under QPQ Joe just based on that.

Seems all you bitch about trump and Joe has him beat by far. You support joe therefore by your logic you all are dumb asses.
The trumpanzees are told what to agree with and what to disagree with. tRump owns these folks......(

Says the DNC Borg drone lol.

No one owns me. As a hispanic with half a family of democrats, I was raised democrat. Only through years of gaining experience, learning, and witnessing the hypocrisy did my views change. My parents views changed later. Now only my brother, a union man, remains a semi reliable democrat vote.
No. Incidents do not prove the whole. There are some scientists who believe in god. Some who think Trump is a good man. The Trump smokescreen is heavy and the veil thick, Some do not know what a complete idiot Trump is.
Have you ever noticed that only trump supporters cant see the evil of their candidate? Not capable mentally or the smoke is extra thick so we can't see.

Too funny.
So your support for a proven pathological liar is proof of your lack of intelligence? Joe is a much worst liar than trump by far.

Questionable business practices perhaps another tell? Quid Pro Joe uses his political position to make money selling out our country for cheese. Slightly worst than trump steaks or university.

Maybe its trumps abuse of women? Oh wait fingers Joe has him beat yet again. A trusted politician no less vs a private citizen man whore. Again creepy lip splitting fingers joe takes the victory.

Maybe its trumps handling of the pandemic? Well we won't know cuz nibbles joe isn't in power. We do know he would NOT have closed travel from China since he called trump a xenophobe for doing it. Therefore 100's of thousands more would have died under QPQ Joe just based on that.

Seems all you bitch about trump and Joe has him beat by far. You support joe therefore by your logic you all are dumb asses.

Jim Jones and David Koresh committed their atrocities with their ability to mentally manipulate weak minded folks like yourself. The fact that you are either too unintelligent, too lazy or both to fact check trump's easily refuted lies are your problem and not mine.

I do find it disturbing that tRump wanting to date his own daughter is of no concern to you......)

The above said, only a moron would comment about Biden's business practices while tRump continues to hide his tax returns.
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Have you ever noticed that only trump supporters cant see the evil of their candidate? Not capable mentally or the smoke is extra thick so we can't see.

Too funny.

There are the trumpanzees that are so weak minded that they never will. Then there are the others that simply lack the backbone to admit they made a huge mistake.
Jim Jones and David Koresh committed their atrocities with their ability to mentally manipulate weak minded folks like yourself. The fact that you are either to unintelligent, too lazy or both to fact check trump's easily refuted lies are your problem and not mine.

I do find it disturbing that tRump wanting to date his own daughter is of no concern to you......)

The above said, only a moron would comment about Biden's business practices while tRump continues to hide his tax returns.

In my view only a moron would overlook the evil corrupt deeds of a candidate they support simply because the other is possibly hiding something in his taxes.

Being called brainwashed by a libtard is hilarious. The balls you guys have to have to constantly make up such horse shit when your candidate is actually guilty of worst. You can't make it up.

You accuse trump of a QPQ. Trump releases the transcript proving none.
Biden admits to a QPQ.....that means he said he did it BTW and we are the brainwashed morons lol.

You guys make a big deal because then private citizen Trump says he can grab women by the snatch yet don't care that Biden forcefully shoved his fingers up a womans snatch......while holding office no less. Sip the Koolaid buddy.

We agree though some people are blind dumb drones. We just disagree with which ones.
...whew, never thought it would happen, but I persisted and finally found something dumber (or more stupid if you are a purist) than your average Trump supporter. And it was right here in my yard all the time, and I...

...oh, shit.

Never mind.

It was a concrete block.

My bad.

I'll keep looking.

Damn funny, Frank!
Would you consider a successful practicing anesthesiologist and his black nurse anesthetist to be as dumb as concrete? Because I personally know the two from my Masters Swim team who are avid Trump supporters.

So? Ben Carson thinks the Earth is 6,000 years old.
Says the DNC Borg drone lol.

No one owns me. As a hispanic with half a family of democrats, I was raised democrat. Only through years of gaining experience, learning, and witnessing the hypocrisy did my views change. My parents views changed later. Now only my brother, a union man, remains a semi reliable democrat vote.

Were you homeschooled? If not, find the bitch who gave you a passing grade in grammar and slap that asshole baldheaded.
In my view only a moron would overlook the evil corrupt deeds of a candidate they support simply because the other is possibly hiding something in his taxes.

Being called brainwashed by a libtard is hilarious. The balls you guys have to have to constantly make up such horse shit when your candidate is actually guilty of worst. You can't make it up.

You accuse trump of a QPQ. Trump releases the transcript proving none.
Biden admits to a QPQ.....that means he said he did it BTW and we are the brainwashed morons lol.

You guys make a big deal because then private citizen Trump says he can grab women by the snatch yet don't care that Biden forcefully shoved his fingers up a womans snatch......while holding office no less. Sip the Koolaid buddy.

We agree though some people are blind dumb drones. We just disagree with which ones.

Wrong again, moron. No QPQ for Biden. Only brainwashed Trumptards buy that bullshit.
Have you ever noticed that only trump supporters cant see the evil of their candidate? Not capable mentally or the smoke is extra thick so we can't see.

Too funny.

Have you noticed that the Alt Right needs to see everyone as super evil to justify their positions. Everyone who knows Biden says what a wonderful person he is, but the Alt Right needs him to be a human trafficker to justify trump's treatment of women. If a disease is killing people in Arkansas, Jews in NYC will try to figure out how to help, but the Alt Right needs Jews in NYC to be planning genocide to make their genocidal statements OK.
In my view only a moron would overlook the evil corrupt deeds of a candidate they support simply because the other is possibly hiding something in his taxes.

Being called brainwashed by a libtard is hilarious. The balls you guys have to have to constantly make up such horse shit when your candidate is actually guilty of worst. You can't make it up.

You accuse trump of a QPQ. Trump releases the transcript proving none.
Biden admits to a QPQ.....that means he said he did it BTW and we are the brainwashed morons lol.

You guys make a big deal because then private citizen Trump says he can grab women by the snatch yet don't care that Biden forcefully shoved his fingers up a womans snatch......while holding office no less. Sip the Koolaid buddy.

We agree though some people are blind dumb drones. We just disagree with which ones.

Sometime, just once a crazy righty will give facts instead of endless unsubstantiated stories. Give us facts, like Hillary's child rape cabal working out of the basement of a pizzeria that has no basement. It is not just that rightys believe the biggest presidential liar in history, but they back every insane conspiracy the far-right digs up?
Sometime, just once a crazy righty will give facts instead of endless unsubstantiated stories. Give us facts, like Hillary's child rape cabal working out of the basement of a pizzeria that has no basement. It is not just that rightys believe the biggest presidential liar in history, but they back every insane conspiracy the far-right digs up?

Were you homeschooled? If not, find the bitch who gave you a passing grade in grammar and slap that asshole baldheaded.

A bunch of liberal teachers I'm sure in public schools. They all gave me a passing grade. I actually passed the college entrance exam in grammar at college level. Go figure.

You aren't a thinker are you? Another mind numb drone fighting for that socialist utopia that so many have tried unsuccessfully before you. Just to stupid to get that it doesn't work lol.

Try rebutting my post for a change. Show your ignorance as the three conservatives on this forum RIP you and your comrades a new asshole. You guys hide behind insults to cover for the retardation and TDS.
Wrong again, moron. No QPQ for Biden. Only brainwashed Trumptards buy that bullshit.

Lol you wanna debate it dummy?

I guess you are just that dumb. So dumb and brainwashed that the words coming from the guys mouth aren't enough lol. Have you even followed the trail leading to hunter Biden just so that you don't look so stupid? You can probably get away with saying only brainwashed trumptards buy that bullcrap with your less educated libtard types however that crap wont fly here. The facts point to a QPQ.

#1 Biden admitted to it.
#2 Biden had motive.
#3 Bidens interests were protected by the new prosecutor after he got the old one fired.

Oh how I hope you grow a pair and debate pro Biden on this case LOL.