Finally, why did this take a Democratic Majority???


Well-known member
Finally they passed a bill that will require all airline cargo to be inspected...

Ive been thinking for years that it would not take a brain surgeon to put a altitude sensative bomb and send it air-mail on a commercial jet...

The 9-11 comission recomended this years ago. THe airlines have too many Republicans in their pockets I guess!
Finally they passed a bill that will require all airline cargo to be inspected...

Ive been thinking for years that it would not take a brain surgeon to put a altitude sensative bomb and send it air-mail on a commercial jet...

The 9-11 comission recomended this years ago. THe airlines have too many Republicans in their pockets I guess!
A pressure sensitive bomb in cargo - that's how Pan-Am flight 103 (Lockerbee) was downed.
yup... So why did the Republicans fail to pass this measure? Why did it take a Democratic majority?
yup... So why did the Republicans fail to pass this measure? Why did it take a Democratic majority?


Bush was against forming an independent 9/11 commission from the start, and foot-dragged on helping them.

Bush sees everything through the prism of politics. Since it was the 9/11 Commission (a group he had oppossed) that came up with the recomendations, bush's knee-jerk response was to not follow through with their recomendations.

And, his GOP congress was a rubber stamp who would basically take their marching orders from him.
i beleive all baggage on passwenger flights are xrayed now. it's the caro flights that aren't checked cuz they feel the risk of terrotists blowing up planes with only 4 or five people on them are very low, so the cost benfit analysis didn't support checking all cargo flights too.
Finally they passed a bill that will require all airline cargo to be inspected...

Yeah well leave it to the incompetants to complain about it:

"Though many Republicans were expected to support the measure, The Associated Press reported that some GOP members object to provisions of the bill and the speed with which Democratic leaders planned to move it through the House, bypassing hearings."
i beleive all baggage on passwenger flights are xrayed now. it's the caro flights that aren't checked cuz they feel the risk of terrotists blowing up planes with only 4 or five people on them are very low, so the cost benfit analysis didn't support checking all cargo flights too.

WRONG... The cargo on passinger flights is NOT inspected or x-rayed. THe Democrats are going to pass a bill today or tomorrow that will require it!
WRONG... The cargo on passinger flights is NOT inspected or x-rayed. THe Democrats are going to pass a bill today or tomorrow that will require it!

LOL ALREADY? That's way too fast. I think the dems should take a break catch a few football games and wait 10 years to pass the legislation, maybe then they'll have the respect of the cons.
LOL ALREADY? That's way too fast. I think the dems should take a break catch a few football games and wait 10 years to pass the legislation, maybe then they'll have the respect of the cons.

ROTFLMAO... THe Republicans are objecting because the Democrats are acting to fast on this Homeland security measure......
ROTFLMAO... THe Republicans are objecting because the Democrats are acting to fast on this Homeland security measure......

They really do look like a bunch of winey losers! I hope I don't ever forget this. The dems are making htem look even more pathetic. I'm enjoying this.
ROTFLMAO... THe Republicans are objecting because the Democrats are acting to fast on this Homeland security measure......

they can sit down, and shut the fuck up. They had years to get shit like this done - but they choose to debate flag burning, gay marriage, Terri Schiavo, and abortion.
they can sit down, and shut the f*ck up. They had years to get $hit like this done - but they choose to debate flag burning, gay marriage, Terri Schiavo, and abortion.

not to mention the senate hearings on steroids for which we already had laws for.

But I'm loving it. They have only themselves to blame for everything.
they can sit down, and shut the fuck up. They had years to get shit like this done - but they choose to debate flag burning, gay marriage, Terri Schiavo, and abortion.

Oh, yeah: and the american people were really "clamouring" for that bankruptcy bill, the steroid hearings, and that faux-free trade CAFTA bill.
I forgot about Schiavo... Ha, they passed that bill in a middle of the night emergency session. The only thing that could get Bush home from a vacation, and they are now claiming the Democrats are passing this security bill too fast!
I forgot about Schiavo... Ha, they passed that bill in a middle of the night emergency session. The only thing that could get Bush home from a vacation, and they are now claiming the Democrats are passing this security bill too fast!
Not just too fast, but without funding. Raising taxes on those over $1m will only raise revenue by about $10 Bill. This will cost over $200 bill/year....
Not just too fast, but without funding. Raising taxes on those over $1m will only raise revenue by about $10 Bill. This will cost over $200 bill/year....
$200 Billion per year? Where'd that number come from? That's an order of magnitude more than anything I've seen published yet. Granted, the D's are being coy with the costs and funding is, as usual, pushed off for another bill to be named later. Still, I'm curious as to where you heard this.

. . . or do we need a "tongue in cheek" emoticon? ;)
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Not just too fast, but without funding. Raising taxes on those over $1m will only raise revenue by about $10 Bill. This will cost over $200 bill/year....

In years past, Republicans would have said, "You are putting a price tag on safety of our families, our children, parents, husbands and wives?"
I should have posted a link to it, I am having trouble finding the site now. Anyway, the proposed tax increase on those making more than a million simply will not pay for the program. I'll keep searching though, it was a good site that gave both sides.

I like the National Security rules. Too bad there is nothing in their plans about the border...

A good strong border security, coupled with a plan after the fact for those already here illegally would likely get me to even vote for them...
In years past, Republicans would have said, "You are putting a price tag on safety of our families, our children, parents, husbands and wives?"

No, they wouldn't have... If that were true they would likely have enacted it whatever the cost. It is extremely expensive and remains unfunded.

It appears that "Pay as you Go" was a total myth.