
how many of them were 16 year olds firing AK-47 s at Israeli soldiers?......
Zero. They were lawful noncombatants who happened to be in buildings that the IDF decided to destroy via reckless, illegal air strikes in pursuit of the 2nd Nakba. Immediately afterwards, their dead bodies needed to be fished out of the rubble as the IDF moved on to the next building and/or population center.
Alik Bahshi


The ice has broken, gentlemen, America has finally decided to abandon the policy of double standards and, in accordance with the political morality it proclaims, voted in the UN Security Council for a resolution calling on Israel for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Such a US decision, unexpected for Israel, was long overdue, especially after Biden’s words about the creation of the state of Palestine as the only way to end the almost century-long Arab-Israeli conflict, which is the generator of many terrorist attacks, including the most tragic one, known as September 11 (1) .

It must be said that the thesis of “two states for two peoples” was proclaimed when Barack Obama was in office, but things did not go beyond bold words. The overly cautious Obama was content with the Nobel Prize and no longer disturbed the Jewish lobby in America. Biden, unlike the cowardly Obama (2), can be said to have taken the first effective step against Israel’s policies by declaring Netanyahu, to use the term of chess terminology, “Check.”

1. International terrorism and its stakeholders.
2. Obama - pragmatism or cowardice.


Allah Akbar Deez nutz, bitch!

I ain't got nothin' but bacon-grease dipped 9mm for your ass!
So it is, by killing all the Palestinians, Israel will achieve peace.


90% of Palestinians are HAMAS.
Zero. They were lawful noncombatants who happened to be in buildings that the IDF decided to destroy via reckless, illegal air strikes in pursuit of the 2nd Nakba. Immediately afterwards, their dead bodies needed to be fished out of the rubble as the IDF moved on to the next building and/or population center.

based on evidence Hamas provided? are an idiot.....

90% of Palestinians are HAMAS.

is that your IDF number?

can you trust that?

all of this is not America first.

what are you a fucking neocon globalist.

haven't we been over all this?

it's not like they're an ally.

few Jews seem to give a shit about the U.S. border.

one sided relationships are abuse.

so is it your position that no noncombatants are being harmed?

it is my position that the majority of the "civilian" casualties belong to two groups......militants who Hamas pretends are civilians and human shields put in harm's way by Hamas, if not actually killed by Hamas.......actual collateral damage likely is no greater or less than every other war in world history.....remember back during the Iraq war when the left quoted numbers for civilian casualties that exceeded actual numbers by a factor of nearly 1000%?......
it is my position that the majority of the "civilian" casualties belong to two groups......militants who Hamas pretends are civilians and human shields put in harm's way by Hamas, if not actually killed by Hamas.......actual collateral damage likely is no greater or less than every other war in world history.....remember back during the Iraq war when the left quoted numbers for civilian casualties that exceeded actual numbers by a factor of nearly 1000%?......


it is my position that the majority of the "civilian" casualties belong to two groups......militants who Hamas pretends are civilians and human shields put in harm's way by Hamas,
You are a gullible idiot. There are no human shields. The IDF is perpetrating genocide with air strikes to population centers. The IDF is violating the Geneva Conventions. There's no way to somehow blame lawful, civilian noncombatants for their own slaughter ... unless you are a moron. Oh look, you are a moron.
So it is, by killing all the Palestinians, Israel will achieve peace.

Not defending the Israeli killing of Palestinians, as they seek out Hamas, but there is no peace, NONE, for Israel in not attacking back.

Hamas and other terrorist groups would use any Israeli unwillingness to attack civilian areas as a way to ratchet up their attacks.

The terrorists groups see it as a check mate move on Israel.

We attack you, WE WIN.

You attack us back and cause collateral damage to Palestinians, WE WIN.

You acquiesce to pressure to not attack back, leaving us to attack unresponded to, WE WIN.

This is untenable because the Arab money funding the terrorists has NO DESIRE for peace and does not want an Israeli or Palestinian State in their region. So they have endless incentive to pay them to keep fighting.
Not defending the Israeli killing of Palestinians, as they seek out Hamas, but there is no peace, NONE, for Israel in not attacking back.

Hamas and other terrorist groups would use any Israeli unwillingness to attack civilian areas as a way to ratchet up their attacks.

The terrorists groups see it as a check mate move on Israel.

We attack you, WE WIN.

You attack us back and cause collateral damage to Palestinians, WE WIN.

You acquiesce to pressure to not attack back, leaving us to attack unresponded to, WE WIN.

This is untenable because the Arab money funding the terrorists has NO DESIRE for peace and does not want an Israeli or Palestinian State in their region. So they have endless incentive to pay them to keep fighting.
Iranians aren’t Arabs.
Not defending the Israeli killing of Palestinians, as they seek out Hamas, but there is no peace, NONE, for Israel in not attacking back.

Hamas and other terrorist groups would use any Israeli unwillingness to attack civilian areas as a way to ratchet up their attacks.

The terrorists groups see it as a check mate move on Israel.

We attack you, WE WIN.

You attack us back and cause collateral damage to Palestinians, WE WIN.

You acquiesce to pressure to not attack back, leaving us to attack unresponded to, WE WIN.

This is untenable because the Arab money funding the terrorists has NO DESIRE for peace and does not want an Israeli or Palestinian State in their region. So they have endless incentive to pay them to keep fighting.

"NO DESIRE for peace and does not want an Israeli or Palestinian State in their region", - This is very close to the truth, similar to what we have been hearing for 30 years from the most honest and truthful person named Putin.
Iranians aren’t Arabs.

No they are not.

But the Arabs who swore in the Khartoum Summit that they would NEVER allow Israel peace and they would weaponize the oil money and the DESIRE for a Palestinian State to create an 'enemy of my enemy' war, are Arabs.
But the Arabs who swore in the Khartoum Summit that they would NEVER allow Israel peace and they would weaponize the oil money and the DESIRE for a Palestinian State to create an 'enemy of my enemy' war, are Arabs.
Ergo, Israelis are justified, in your mind, in killing any Arab(s) they damn well please. This makes you an immoral shit.

You give Israelis a pass for their genocide while you levy a death sentence upon Arabs generally for having thoughts that you assign to them.
Not defending the Israeli killing of Palestinians,
Yes, you are absolutely defending genocide, solely because it is Israel who is the perpetrator.

... as they seek out Hamas,
Israel isn't seeking out anyone other than Arabs that never attacked them. This is obvious because the IDF is launching illegal air strikes into population centers. You are gullible.

... but there is no peace, NONE, for Israel in not attacking back.
... except that the IDF did not invade Iran, the party responsible for attacking Israel on 7 October.

If Israel had not initiated their one-sided genocide, there would be peace today, and about 18,000 children who never attacked Israel, who were alive and well at the beginning of October, who are now dead, would still be alive and well. Holocaust 2.0

If Israel had instead invaded Iran to seek retribution for the Ayatollah's Oct 7th attack on Israel, they might have put an end to the never-ending attacks from Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and the Al Qassam brigades ... which would put Israel's "eternal victim" status in jeopardy. Israel milk's its unwarranted perception of eternal victimhood for every ounce of manipulation it garners from gullible people like you.

Hamas and other terrorist groups would use any Israeli unwillingness to attack civilian areas as a way to ratchet up their attacks.
The Al Qassam brigades are not being attacked and are not being pursued by the IDF. Only civilian lawful noncombatants are being slaughtered by Israel.

The terrorists groups see it as a check mate move on Israel.
Since when do you speak for terrorist groups? ... since becoming an immoral shit?

This is untenable because the Arab money funding the terrorists has NO DESIRE for peace and does not want an Israeli or Palestinian State in their region.
You're talking about Iranian money, not Arab money.