Fine young Colorado Christians chant white power


Villified User
Students chant 'white power' during immigration discussion at school
written by: Jeffrey Wolf , Web Producer
and Nelson Garcia , Reporter

created: 8/30/2007 5:10:00 PM

Students chant 'white power' during immigration discussion at school. 9NEWS at 5 p.m. 8/30/07
BROOMFIELD – It started with a simple question and ended with students chanting "white power" in a classroom.

It happened Tuesday in a classroom at Holy Family High School, the Catholic school that sits at the corner of 144th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard in Broomfield.
At the end of the discussion, one student inappropriately said "white power," two or three times.

Yeah, all those Christians shouted that one. :rolleyes:

It seems that you have exaggerated a bit.
In fact, you knew that you exaggerated!

You changed the wording of the story!

BROOMFIELD – It started with a simple question and ended with at least one student chanting "white power" in a classroom.

It happened Tuesday in a classroom at Holy Family High School, the Catholic school that sits at the corner of 144th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard in Broomfield.

The classroom discussion started with the question: Why do students need to learn Spanish?

Wow. You thought we wouldn't catch on to that?
Umm Just posted the article. It said Students. I dedited nothing in the article, just the title.
Take it up with the news station in your state.
Umm Just posted the article. It said Students. I dedited nothing in the article, just the title.
Take it up with the news station in your state.
Well, I simply copied and pasted. The story doesn't say what you posted. I guess they changed it to make it "more accurate"...
damn colorado news changed the story!
Oh well what can one expect out of them.

I only changed the title the rest was cut an paste.

umm if you look it was updated....
Last edited:
disclaimer to all this story was edited on line after my origional post.
Damn TV station. Wiki news I guess.
Yet another attempt to paint Christians with a broad stroke based on the actions of one individual.

I suppose if one man in Kentucky screws his horse or sister, then all Kentucky men must therefore do the same?
Yep drudge still has the "students chant white power" line on his page :)
The Denver Post reported it that way.

If the Post doesn't correct it I will bet:

1. La Raza will protest.
2. Jesse Jackson will show up.
3. There will be tons of newsies to present it to the world, none of which will mention that it was only one stupid kid.
First it was the wanton, cold-blooded, murdering of pit bulls, now, an entire student body stand up and screams "White Power", shaking the auditorium with the power of their combined voices.

Is it any wonder some of us have been avoiding Colorado?
First it was the wanton, cold-blooded, murdering of pit bulls, now, an entire student body stand up and screams "White Power", shaking the auditorium with the power of their combined voices.

Is it any wonder some of us have been avoiding Colorado?
LOL. Beeeyotch!
The Denver Post reported it that way.

If the Post doesn't correct it I will bet:

1. La Raza will protest.
2. Jesse Jackson will show up.
3. There will be tons of newsies to present it to the world, none of which will mention that it was only one stupid kid.
Umm butt which version is true ?
How to know....
Umm butt which version is true ?
How to know....
Well, when the facts became clear all other newspapers and news agencies in the area reported that one kid did it, was dealt with, and a discussion afterward in the class was apparently less offensive as well as educational about inclusion...


I think I'll go with that.
Perhaps but there are factions on both sides wanting it their way....

so the one that controls the most media outlets wins ?
Perhaps but there are factions on both sides wanting it their way....

so the one that controls the most media outlets wins ?
Right. "Factions wanting it their way" were the ones that misrepresented it to begin with. This is why I refuse to watch See B.S. news regardless of who is the anchor. There comes a time when you have to just report what happened rather than what you wanted to have happened.
Right. "Factions wanting it their way" were the ones that misrepresented it to begin with. This is why I refuse to watch See B.S. news regardless of who is the anchor. There comes a time when you have to just report what happened rather than what you wanted to have happened.

Umm I am sure the catholic school wanted it portrayed differently than the first portrayel, plus the churches, voucher proponents, etc....

to pretend that view point does not exist is being disingenuous ?
Umm I am sure the catholic school wanted it portrayed differently than the first portrayel, plus the churches, voucher proponents, etc....

to pretend that view point does not exist is being disingenuous ?
Yet, people can be interviewed and more information gathered. Amazingly there was more than just the administration talked to. Information gathered shows the story entirely differently. You are obtuse to think the newsies would change their story if it was otherwise the case.

You seem to want to believe that an entire catholic school would chant "White Power" in a state where I have seen extremely few examples of overt racism. This is total rubbish. It was why I read the story to begin with.