Fine young Colorado Christians chant white power

As I said...

IF the Denver Post doesn't correct the story THEN I predict the...


I even added that the press, even knowing the truth, will thereafter ignore it was one kid, not even "several" just one idiot.
First it was the wanton, cold-blooded, murdering of pit bulls, now, an entire student body stand up and screams "White Power", shaking the auditorium with the power of their combined voices.

Is it any wonder some of us have been avoiding Colorado?

Its our special way of keeping this glorious state all to ourselves. If you visit, you will likely end up wanting to move here. We simply CANNOT have that. Especially New Yorkers.
I never met people so down on NY.

Trust me, there is not a big push among New Yorkers to move to Kentucky. Ohh, did you hear, Dan in finance is moving to Kentucky! Get out! Damn, that lucky bastard, well that's what you get for a lifetime of hard work, I can't wait until I've saved up enough to move to Kentucky.


Consider my tongue as being stuck out, I did this in quick reply, and apparently you can't insert smiley's there.

I have to go to that stupid meeting now, so knock yourselves out bashing New Yorkers, but you should get so lucky!
I never met people so down on NY.

Trust me, there is not a big push among New Yorkers to move to Kentucky. Ohh, did you hear, Dan in finance is moving to Kentucky! Get out! Damn, that lucky bastard, well that's what you get for a lifetime of hard work, I can't wait until I've saved up enough to move to Kentucky.


Consider my tongue as being stuck out, I did this in quick reply, and apparently you can't insert smiley's there.

I have to go to that stupid meeting now, so knock yourselves out bashing New Yorkers, but you should get so lucky!

I like that attitude for New Yorkers, it will keep more of ya there.
I never met people so down on NY.

Trust me, there is not a big push among New Yorkers to move to Kentucky. Ohh, did you hear, Dan in finance is moving to Kentucky! Get out! Damn, that lucky bastard, well that's what you get for a lifetime of hard work, I can't wait until I've saved up enough to move to Kentucky.


Consider my tongue as being stuck out, I did this in quick reply, and apparently you can't insert smiley's there.

I have to go to that stupid meeting now, so knock yourselves out bashing New Yorkers, but you should get so lucky!
Sure you can. You just have to know their codes... :bleh:
what is whith colorado?

That is where that KKK story I posted yesterday was from.
Obviously you haven't read the thread.

See what I was talking about, usc? In their excitement to get out the story they get the information so totally wrong it creates a totally wrong impression.
Obviously you haven't read the thread.

See what I was talking about, usc? In their excitement to get out the story they get the information so totally wrong it creates a totally wrong impression.

right damo the first impression, Like fox putting a D beside corrupt republicans pictures on the screen....
right damo the first impression, Like fox putting a D beside corrupt republicans pictures on the screen....
I agree.

Yet they do correct it. However the Denver Post doesn't appear to.

I can't wait to see the editorials on the subject. Waxing eloquent on the horrid state of affairs in all of Colorado. Terrible thing how they are all racist. So "racist" that they can overwhelm a KKK rally so efficiently that it only lasts minutes and they leave with red faces.