Firing into Civilians - Israel isn't going after Hamas

That was not the result. The Ayatollah is attacking Israel, not Palestinians in Gaza. Israel existing is what caused the Ayatollah to fire more rockets into Israel. I don't see the Ayatollah having any deterrent to attacking Israel if every time he attacks Israel, Israel wages war in Gaza. Am I the only one who recognizes just how brain-dead stupid this is? Anyway, the Ayatollah attacked Israel and today there are many dead Palestinians in Gaza.

If you peruse this thread, you'll see extraordinary efforts to portray the Palestinians as the Ayatollah of Iran. One thing that is undeniable is that Israel is not attacking Iran, and that among the dead Palestinians (who never attacked Israel) are many who never voted for Hamas. Israel is indiscriminate in their killing because Palestinians all look alike to them.

I can't approve of warfare waged in this manner.

Since the rocket launchers and the rockets are in Gaza, and since the invasion came from Gaza, this is where Israel is concentrating.
Iran, Iraq, Syria, and 'Palestinians' are waging war against Israel.

Israel is hitting targets in the Gaza strip, while U.S. is hitting Iranian targets inside Syria.

War IS atrocities. That's why it is a thing to be avoided if possible. For Israel, it was no longer possible.

What you deem to be 'innocent civilians' may not be. HAMAS is well known for disguising themselves as civilians and using civilians as shields.

Are innocent civilians caught up and killed in the war? Of course. That happens in ANY war. It is another reason for war to be avoided.
Testimonies reveal Israel’s military ‘shelling’ Israeli citizens with tanks, missiles

Several new testimonies by Israeli witnesses to the October 7 Hamas surprise attack on southern Israel adds to growing evidence that the Israeli military killed its own citizens as they fought to neutralize Palestinian gunmen.

Tuval Escapa, a member of the security team for Kibbutz Be’eri, set up a hotline to coordinate between kibbutz residents and the Israeli army. He told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that as desperation began to set in, “the commanders in the field made difficult decisions – including shelling houses on their occupants in order to eliminate the terrorists along with the hostages.”

A separate report published in Haaretz noted that the Israeli military was “compelled to request an aerial strike” against its own facility inside the Erez Crossing to Gaza “in order to repulse the terrorists” who had seized control. That base was filled with Israeli Civil Administration officers and soldiers at the time.

These reports indicate that orders came down from the military’s high command to attack homes and and other areas inside Israel, even at the cost of many Israeli lives.

An Israeli woman named Yasmin Porat confirmed in an interview with Israel Radio that the military “undoubtedly” killed numerous Israeli noncombatants during gun battles with Hamas militants on October 7. “They eliminated everyone, including the hostages,” she stated, referring to Israeli special forces.

As David Sheen and Ali Abunimah reported in Electronic Intifada, Porat described “very, very heavy crossfire” and Israeli tank shelling, which led to many casualties among Israelis.

While being held by the Hamas gunmen, Porat recalled, “They did not abuse us. We were treated very humanely… No one treated us violently.”

She added, “The objective was to kidnap us to Gaza, not to murder us.”

According to Haaretz, the army was only able to restore control over Be’eri after admittedly “shelling” the homes of Israelis who had been taken captive. “The price was terrible: at least 112 Be’eri residents were killed,” the paper chronicled.
General William Sherman was right:




Since the rocket launchers and the rockets are in Gaza,
Israel doesn't know where they are (those that haven't already been destroyed).

and since the invasion came from Gaza,
There was no invasion. There were horrendous rocket attacks.

... this is where Israel is concentrating.
... exactly, not on Iran. Let's suppose that tomorrow the IDF is successful in capturing all terrorists responsible and discovered all remaining rockets/munitions that happen to be inside Gaza, what will that accomplish for Israel? Will that bring an end to the Ayatollah's attacks on Israel? We can agree that it won't bring any dead Palestinians back to life.

Should I, as an observer to the events unfolding, expect that in subsequent attacks on Israel at the hand of the Ayatollah, that it will have been legitimized as precedent that Israel can just kill thousands of Palestinians? Should I expect the deaths of thousands of innocent people to be dismissed with the quip "Hey, Israel has a right to defend itself!"?

Iran, Iraq, Syria, and 'Palestinians' are waging war against Israel.
Nope. Only Iran. Yes, the residents of the other countries might very well HATE Jews, matching the HATE Israelis have for Arabs, but only Iran (not Arabs) is at war with Israel.

Israel is hitting targets in the Gaza strip, while U.S. is hitting Iranian targets inside Syria.
Those are Syrian targets in Syria. All of the Iranian targets are in Iran, to include the Ayatollah. Yes, Syria has training locations for joint use with Hezbollah and other Iranian soldiers, and it is good to take them out, but they are Syrian assets. If you'll notice, nothing that the US has done in Syria prevented the attack on Israel.

War IS atrocities.
You just excused Hitler throwing Jews into ovens and gas chambers. But you're right, Germany had every right to defend itself.

That's why it is a thing to be avoided if possible.
I don't subscribe to the reclassification of war crimes as legitimate warfare. Sometimes war cannot be avoided and that does not excuse war crimes. Once again, there are thousands of innocent Palestinians who were alive and well weeks ago who never attacked Israel, yet who are now needlessly dead at the hands of Israeli soldiers. Israel certainly isn't avoiding atrocities at all cost.

I think all who commit war crimes should answer for them. It is unacceptable to turn a blind eye to war crimes just because those committing them are the ones declaring that they are necessary. But what really horrifies me is the prevailing willingness to commit a "special pleading" fallacy on behalf of Israel, i.e. "if Israel butchers innocent people, it's A-O-K, because it's Israel." I will not subscribe to this. I will push for all Israelis guilty of war crimes to held accountable. I will hold all Hamas terrorists responsible for all the deaths they cause as well. The point is that two wrongs don't make a right, they make a double-wrong. Those who scream that Hamas is terrible for killing innocent civilians should be screaming the exact same thing about Israel's killing of much larger quantities of innocent civilians.

What you deem to be 'innocent civilians' may not be.
I am willing to accept that some of the 800 or so teenagers killed might have been throwing stones at IDF. I'm not buying that any of the roughly 700 pre-adolescent children were belligerents. Were some of the roughly 1,000 dead Palestinian women assaulting IDF troops and that was what got them killed? ... or were they simply desperate to not have their homes destroyed, and were shot before they did anything "violent."

The point is that the Israelis are supposed to be killing known Hamas terrorists, not killing randomly selected individuals because they might be Hamas terrorists, or declaring that crying/screaming/begging for a home to not be razed is an attack on IDF forces that must be met with lethal force. If there is a movement to have Israeli soldiers tried for war crimes when this crap is over, I will be just fine with that. I hope Israel finds all the terrorists they seek, but I do not excuse their zeal for killing innocent Palestinian civilians who never did anything to them, and I will be fine to see them held accountable.

HAMAS is well known for disguising themselves as civilians and using civilians as shields.
Yes. I hope your point is not that Israeli soldiers therefore have license to kill any and all Palestinians they please on the grounds that hey, they might be Hamas terrorists in disguise. This reasoning leads to "We should just drop a bomb on Gaza right now and wipe the animals off the face of the earth!" If anyone were to suggest that the Jews be wiped off the face of the earth, holy hell would have to be paid. Anyone who suggests that all Palestinians be wiped off the face of the earth gets the response "That's what I'm talking about!" I do not subscribe to this appalling double standard.

Are innocent civilians caught up and killed in the war? Of course. That happens in ANY war.
So you do excuse Hitler and the Nazis. The Jews and the gypsies and others just got caught up and killed in the war. It happens, right?

It is another reason for war to be avoided.
Nope. It's the reason that war crimes must be punished.
America learned not one God Damn thing from our catastrophic response to 9/11.

Now we will learn the hard way, VIA BIG PAIN.

Buckle Up.
Israel doesn't know where they are (those that haven't already been destroyed).
They are in Gaza somewhere. These are simple sugar rockets with simple launchers.
There was no invasion.
There were horrendous rocket attacks.
Now you are just denying history.
... exactly, not on Iran. Let's suppose that tomorrow the IDF is successful in capturing all terrorists responsible and discovered all remaining rockets/munitions that happen to be inside Gaza, what will that accomplish for Israel?
One less problem.
Will that bring an end to the Ayatollah's attacks on Israel? We can agree that it won't bring any dead Palestinians back to life.
No. Pivot fallacy.
Should I, as an observer to the events unfolding, expect that in subsequent attacks on Israel at the hand of the Ayatollah, that it will have been legitimized as precedent that Israel can just kill thousands of Palestinians? Should I expect the deaths of thousands of innocent people to be dismissed with the quip "Hey, Israel has a right to defend itself!"?
How do you know they were 'innocent people'?
Nope. Only Iran. Yes, the residents of the other countries might very well HATE Jews, matching the HATE Israelis have for Arabs, but only Iran (not Arabs) is at war with Israel.
Denial of history.
Those are Syrian targets in Syria.
They are both.
All of the Iranian targets are in Iran, to include the Ayatollah.
Wrong. Iran has facilities in Syria.
Yes, Syria has training locations for joint use with Hezbollah and other Iranian soldiers, and it is good to take them out, but they are Syrian assets.
They are Iranian assets that Syria has allowed Iran to build and use.
If you'll notice, nothing that the US has done in Syria prevented the attack on Israel.
Not meant to. You cannot travel backwards in time.
You just excused Hitler throwing Jews into ovens and gas chambers.
Hallucination. I never did any such thing.
But you're right, Germany had every right to defend itself.
Germany DOES have the right to defend itself. Hitler was NOT defending Germany.
I don't subscribe to the reclassification of war crimes as legitimate warfare. Sometimes war cannot be avoided and that does not excuse war crimes. Once again, there are thousands of innocent Palestinians who were alive and well weeks ago who never attacked Israel, yet who are now needlessly dead at the hands of Israeli soldiers. Israel certainly isn't avoiding atrocities at all cost.

I think all who commit war crimes should answer for them. It is unacceptable to turn a blind eye to war crimes just because those committing them are the ones declaring that they are necessary. But what really horrifies me is the prevailing willingness to commit a "special pleading" fallacy on behalf of Israel, i.e. "if Israel butchers innocent people, it's A-O-K, because it's Israel." I will not subscribe to this. I will push for all Israelis guilty of war crimes to held accountable. I will hold all Hamas terrorists responsible for all the deaths they cause as well. The point is that two wrongs don't make a right, they make a double-wrong. Those who scream that Hamas is terrible for killing innocent civilians should be screaming the exact same thing about Israel's killing of much larger quantities of innocent civilians.

I am willing to accept that some of the 800 or so teenagers killed might have been throwing stones at IDF. I'm not buying that any of the roughly 700 pre-adolescent children were belligerents. Were some of the roughly 1,000 dead Palestinian women assaulting IDF troops and that was what got them killed? ... or were they simply desperate to not have their homes destroyed, and were shot before they did anything "violent."

The point is that the Israelis are supposed to be killing known Hamas terrorists, not killing randomly selected individuals because they might be Hamas terrorists, or declaring that crying/screaming/begging for a home to not be razed is an attack on IDF forces that must be met with lethal force. If there is a movement to have Israeli soldiers tried for war crimes when this crap is over, I will be just fine with that. I hope Israel finds all the terrorists they seek, but I do not excuse their zeal for killing innocent Palestinian civilians who never did anything to them, and I will be fine to see them held accountable.

Yes. I hope your point is not that Israeli soldiers therefore have license to kill any and all Palestinians they please on the grounds that hey, they might be Hamas terrorists in disguise. This reasoning leads to "We should just drop a bomb on Gaza right now and wipe the animals off the face of the earth!" If anyone were to suggest that the Jews be wiped off the face of the earth, holy hell would have to be paid. Anyone who suggests that all Palestinians be wiped off the face of the earth gets the response "That's what I'm talking about!" I do not subscribe to this appalling double standard.
How do you know they were 'innocent civilians'?
So you do excuse Hitler and the Nazis.
Argument by repetition. Hallucination.
The Jews and the gypsies and others just got caught up and killed in the war. It happens, right?
They were not killed as a result of war.
Nope. It's the reason that war crimes must be punished.
You seem to be rewriting and denying a lot of history here.
They are in Gaza somewhere.
Omniscience fallacy.

Now you are just denying history.
Are you claiming there were no rocket attacks? They are the entire pretense for the Israeli invasion of Gaza.

One less problem.
Nope. That's my point. Israel is not addressing the problem whatsoever. The Ayatollah is still free to attack Israel without so much as a distraction from Israel. The Ayatollah is probably planning his next attack right now.

No. Pivot fallacy.
Nope. Factual information.

How do you know they were 'innocent people'?
Bogus question. How do you know they were all terrorists? We're talking about an entire population of civilians, thousands of whom are now dead, including thousands of women and children. You have to be one serious bigot to presume that they all must have been nasty, evil terrorists who were justifiably killed ... because they are Palestinians, after all. How do you know they were terrorists? Why should any rational adult believe they were all terrorists? Is it because being Palestinian is sufficient to warrant a death sentence? A few dozen were killed by an air strike on a church in which they were sheltering. That is a war crime anywhere else. It is not a war crime, however, where special pleading prevails on behalf of Israel.

The United States government recognizes Israel's war crimes and has warned Israel to start using more caution ... but Israel basically gave us the finger and told us to shut up, being confident that the US won't press for accountability.

They are both.
They belong to Syria. Iran and Syria have a strong, long-standing relationship, and Iran has broad license to avail themselves of Syrian assets.

Wrong. Iran has facilities in Syria.
You're jumping contexts. Iran may have "facilities" in Syria but only Syria has military targets in Syria, and Iran is allowed to use them.

Not meant to. You cannot travel backwards in time.
That's my point, and one of the things that does not sit well with me regarding your reasoning. Iran has been attacking Israel for decades. This is not the first time that Israel has butchered many Palestinian civilians in response to an attack initiated by Iran, but never has Israel ever attacked Iran. Israel appears unwilling to address the root problem. Instead they seem to relish the pretense for storming Gaza and killing Palestinians.

Several times you mentioned "War is to be avoided." "War is to be avoided." Israel does not agree with you. Apparently, war is to be waged, right now, and deaths are to ensue ... but only against Palestinians who never attacked Israel, not against Iran. You also made mention that now war is unavoidable. Wrong. Too late. If war is "unavoidable" now, it was "unavoidable" decades ago when Israel then refused to attack Iran, and only attacked Palestinian civilians who never attacked Israel. Israel is not defending itself. Israel is not attacking Iran. Iran, and the Ayatollah, are attacking Israel. Thousands of Palestinians are now dead for no other reason than Isaraelis HATE Palestinians to the point that Israelis believe war crimes are totally justified due to Palestinians being sub-human.

Hallucination. I never did any such thing.
Let me quote you: "War IS atrocities" ... said in the context of excusing Israeli atrocities ... and that logic applies equally to Nazi Germany. Both Israel and Nazi Germany butchered people needlessly during wartime. Your quip is that such atrocities are justified because hey, there's a war going on. If you'd like to clarify your position that Israel's atrocities against thousands of Palestinians are completely justified for some reason other than "a war going on excuses everything" and "Israel's right to defend itself excuses everything" and "Palestinians are animals, fuck 'em all" and "Palestinian civilians somehow attacked Israel and they deserve whatever they get", and an omniscience fallacy that all the dead Palestinian men, women and children were Hamas terrorists, ... it would be most welcome.

Germany DOES have the right to defend itself. Hitler was NOT defending Germany.
Correct, and Israel is not defending Israel. Israel won't be defending Israel until they go after Iran. Of course, if Israel goes after Iran, the IDF won't be able to slaughter Palestinians. Ergo, we should probably anticipate more invasions into Gaza instead of Israel actually defending itself by attacking Iran.

How do you know they were 'innocent civilians'?
Feel free to explain why any rational adult should believe they were all Hamas terrorists. I'll tell you up front why I won't buy any rationale to that effect; many Palestinians were killed via air strikes deliberately aimed at civilian targets, killing children among others. That is an inexcusable war crime and the commanders who ordered them should face international tribunals and answer for them.

Argument by repetition. Hallucination.
Israel is behaving like Nazi Germany, to include the overt racism. They are committing atrocities during wartime that are not necessary to defend the country.

They were not killed as a result of war.
Exactly, just like the dead Palestinians.

You seem to be rewriting and denying a lot of history here.
Omniscience fallacy.
Fallacy fallacy. The rockets used are simple sugar rockets, requiring only minimal launching equipment (that can easily be taken apart and moved or hidden). They are coming from Gaza. They are easy to make. The rockets are not coming from Iran.
Are you claiming there were no rocket attacks? They are the entire pretense for the Israeli invasion of Gaza.
YOU are claiming that, for some odd reason.
Nope. That's my point. Israel is not addressing the problem whatsoever. The Ayatollah is still free to attack Israel without so much as a distraction from Israel. The Ayatollah is probably planning his next attack right now.
Pivot fallacy.
Nope. Factual information.
Pivot fallacy.
Bogus question. How do you know they were all terrorists? We're talking about an entire population of civilians, thousands of whom are now dead, including thousands of women and children. You have to be one serious bigot to presume that they all must have been nasty, evil terrorists who were justifiably killed ... because they are Palestinians, after all. How do you know they were terrorists? Why should any rational adult believe they were all terrorists? Is it because being Palestinian is sufficient to warrant a death sentence? A few dozen were killed by an air strike on a church in which they were sheltering. That is a war crime anywhere else. It is not a war crime, however, where special pleading prevails on behalf of Israel.
Burden fallacy. I am not claiming anything. YOU are claiming they are 'innocent civilians'. The burden of proof is on YOU.
The United States government recognizes Israel's war crimes and has warned Israel to start using more caution ... but Israel basically gave us the finger and told us to shut up, being confident that the US won't press for accountability.
Right. Biden. Right. No wonder Israel gave us the finger.
They belong to Syria.
Bases built by Iran and used by Iran in Syria belong to Iran. Syria lets them do it.
Iran and Syria have a strong, long-standing relationship, and Iran has broad license to avail themselves of Syrian assets.
Such as land to for Iran to build their bases and other assets.
You're jumping contexts. Iran may have "facilities" in Syria but only Syria has military targets in Syria, and Iran is allowed to use them.
Inversion fallacy. You don't to lay your problems on anyone else.
That's my point, and one of the things that does not sit well with me regarding your reasoning. Iran has been attacking Israel for decades. This is not the first time that Israel has butchered many Palestinian civilians in response to an attack initiated by Iran, but never has Israel ever attacked Iran. Israel appears unwilling to address the root problem. Instead they seem to relish the pretense for storming Gaza and killing Palestinians.
The attack came from Gaza.
Several times you mentioned "War is to be avoided." "War is to be avoided." Israel does not agree with you.
Considering they were attacked, there is little choice now.
Apparently, war is to be waged, right now, and deaths are to ensue
That's right. Hamas started it.
.. but only against Palestinians who never attacked Israel,
How do you know?
not against Iran.
Iran is not in Gaza.
You also made mention that now war is unavoidable.
Wrong. Too late.
??? Was has begun. You already know this. Why are you denying what is happening while complaining about it??? Paradox. Irrational.
If war is "unavoidable" now, it was "unavoidable" decades ago when Israel then refused to attack Iran, and only attacked Palestinian civilians who never attacked Israel.
The attack came from Gaza.
Israel is not defending itself.
Yes it is.
Israel is not attacking Iran. Iran, and the Ayatollah, are attacking Israel.
The attack came from Gaza.
Thousands of Palestinians are now dead for no other reason than Isaraelis HATE Palestinians to the point that Israelis believe war crimes are totally justified due to Palestinians being sub-human.
What 'war crimes'?
Let me quote you: "War IS atrocities" ... said in the context of excusing Israeli atrocities ... and that logic applies equally to Nazi Germany. Both Israel and Nazi Germany butchered people needlessly during wartime. Your quip is that such atrocities are justified because hey, there's a war going on. If you'd like to clarify your position that Israel's atrocities against thousands of Palestinians are completely justified for some reason other than "a war going on excuses everything" and "Israel's right to defend itself excuses everything" and "Palestinians are animals, fuck 'em all" and "Palestinian civilians somehow attacked Israel and they deserve whatever they get", and an omniscience fallacy that all the dead Palestinian men, women and children were Hamas terrorists, ... it would be most welcome.
Bigotry. Antisemitism. Denial of history. I thought you were better than this.
Correct, and Israel is not defending Israel.
It is.
Israel won't be defending Israel until they go after Iran. Of course, if Israel goes after Iran, the IDF won't be able to slaughter Palestinians. Ergo, we should probably anticipate more invasions into Gaza instead of Israel actually defending itself by attacking Iran.
The attack came from Gaza.
Feel free to explain why any rational adult should believe they were all Hamas terrorists.
I don't. Don't put words in my mouth.
I'll tell you up front why I won't buy any rationale to that effect; many Palestinians were killed via air strikes deliberately aimed at civilian targets, killing children among others. That is an inexcusable war crime and the commanders who ordered them should face international tribunals and answer for them.
Hamas disguises itself as civilians. It is also well known for using civilians as human shields.
Israel is behaving like Nazi Germany, to include the overt racism.
Inversion fallacy. You cannot lay YOUR bigotry on anybody else.
They are committing atrocities during wartime that are not necessary to defend the country.
How do you know?
Exactly, just like the dead Palestinians.
They WERE killed as a result of war.
You seem to be rewriting and denying a lot of history here.
Inversion fallacy. You cannot lay your problems on others.
Those who cheer on the Zionists collectively punishing the Palestinians for the crimes of HAMAS...WHICH THE ZIONISTS CREATED....should be aware that the HAN fully intend to collectively punish the American people far into the future for the various crimes of the American empire.

Israel did not create Hamas.
The attack came from Gaza.

The attack came from Gaza.

The attack came from Gaza.

The attack came from Gaza.
Nope. The attack originated in Tehran.

They are coming from Gaza. They are easy to make. The rockets are not coming from Iran.
But the attacks are, to include the planning, the financing, the logistics, and the support. Each such attack is an Iranian project in the Ayatollah's program to destroy Israel. Invading Gaza will obviously have no effect on the ongoing attacks on Israel.

Pivot fallacy.

Pivot fallacy.
Too funny. It can't be a pivot if it's my point.

Burden fallacy. I am not claiming anything. YOU are claiming they are 'innocent civilians'. The burden of proof is on YOU.
I already addressed this, however if, as you insist, you aren't claiming that all of the dead are Hamas terrorists, e.g. young children killed in an air strike that was deliberately targeting a civilian population, then surely you acknowledge that this is just as unacceptable as when Hamas does it, yes?

Right. Biden. Right. No wonder Israel gave us the finger.
I didn't say it comes as a surprise, and yes, it was Biden meekly suggesting that the IDF lay off the war crimes. I would have hoped that Netanyahu would have nonetheless eased down on the careless aggression because the US gets put in a bad light for supporting Israel's effort when the IDF kills Palestinians without military cause. The Biden administration, however, has given Israel cause to ignore the US, such as reversing the progress made by the Trump administration.

Considering they were attacked, there is little choice now.
Israel is not obligated to kill Palestinian civilians. Where did you ever get that idea?

That's right. Hamas started it.
Nope. The Ayatollah did.

Iran is not in Gaza.
... and Gaza is not in Iran. I think we're ready for the geography quiz.

Why are you denying what is happening while complaining about it???
You are the one who claimed there was an invasion. There wasn't. There were rocket attacks. Did you not catch that? Rocket attacks, not an invasion.

Bigotry. Antisemitism.
Now you have piqued my interest. To what bigotry and antisemitism do you refer?

I don't. Don't put words in my mouth.
Then you have a double standard that you justify with a "special pleading" fallacy, i.e. It's OK if Israel does it because Israel is Israel, but if anyone else commits atrocities then it's very bad.

Hamas disguises itself as civilians. It is also well known for using civilians as human shields.
They are not the first to do this. All militaries train on how to handle this aspect of warfare, the IDF is no exception. One thing that is not allowed, and is a bona fide war crime, is deciding to just go ahead and kill the civilians to more expediently kill the military target. If the IDF has a military target trapped then they are fully trained in the tactics for that situation, on how to evacuate civilians and to clear any buildings that need to be cleared. If they decide to commit war crimes for expediency, they should answer for it.

They WERE killed as a result of war.
No more than Jews were killed by Nazi Germany "as a result of war."
Nope. The attack originated in Tehran.

But the attacks are, to include the planning, the financing, the logistics, and the support. Each such attack is an Iranian project in the Ayatollah's program to destroy Israel. Invading Gaza will obviously have no effect on the ongoing attacks on Israel.

Too funny. It can't be a pivot if it's my point.

I already addressed this, however if, as you insist, you aren't claiming that all of the dead are Hamas terrorists, e.g. young children killed in an air strike that was deliberately targeting a civilian population, then surely you acknowledge that this is just as unacceptable as when Hamas does it, yes?

I didn't say it comes as a surprise, and yes, it was Biden meekly suggesting that the IDF lay off the war crimes. I would have hoped that Netanyahu would have nonetheless eased down on the careless aggression because the US gets put in a bad light for supporting Israel's effort when the IDF kills Palestinians without military cause. The Biden administration, however, has given Israel cause to ignore the US, such as reversing the progress made by the Trump administration.

Israel is not obligated to kill Palestinian civilians. Where did you ever get that idea?

Nope. The Ayatollah did.

... and Gaza is not in Iran. I think we're ready for the geography quiz.

You are the one who claimed there was an invasion. There wasn't. There were rocket attacks. Did you not catch that? Rocket attacks, not an invasion.

Now you have piqued my interest. To what bigotry and antisemitism do you refer?

Then you have a double standard that you justify with a "special pleading" fallacy, i.e. It's OK if Israel does it because Israel is Israel, but if anyone else commits atrocities then it's very bad.

They are not the first to do this. All militaries train on how to handle this aspect of warfare, the IDF is no exception. One thing that is not allowed, and is a bona fide war crime, is deciding to just go ahead and kill the civilians to more expediently kill the military target. If the IDF has a military target trapped then they are fully trained in the tactics for that situation, on how to evacuate civilians and to clear any buildings that need to be cleared. If they decide to commit war crimes for expediency, they should answer for it.

No more than Jews were killed by Nazi Germany "as a result of war."

U did not actually expect me to read that did U?
Feel free to suck my Dick.
I presumed it was exaggeration when I was told that you were a narcissist, but now that I see how you capitalize your dick, I won't doubt any more.

I've been meaning to ask, what random word generator did you use to build your signature?
I presumed it was exaggeration when I was told that you were a narcissist, but now that I see how you capitalize your dick, I won't doubt any more.

I've been meaning to ask, what random word generator did you use to build your signature?

Performance never stopped mattering.

You lost in life.

I did better.
