Firing into Civilians - Israel isn't going after Hamas

which one are you spending your time on right now?

Well since I am not an elected official I am not spending any time on either. What I do spend time on is not voting for democrats as they dont give a shit about either border let alone America's borders.
You can play to my emotions all you like but I have none in the face of clear moral evil.
So now Palestinian civilians are "clear moral evil." You are certainly free to your own opinion but your own words make you out to be a shitty person.

Hamas has stated its intention to eliminate Jews from the face of the earth. By doing so they have relinquished any claim to being treated with respect or decency.
Right here, in your own words, you once again equate Palestinian civilians with Hamas. That makes you stupid and evil. Hamas is being funded by Iran to do the Ayatollah's bidding. Palestinian civilians are just looking for food.

First Palestinians voted for Hamas.
Here, you confuse the government arm of Hamas with the militant arm that is being funded by Iran. That makes you stupid, mistaken and irrationally confused. The Ayatollah had Israelis killed, and your only response is for Palestinian civilians to be slaughtered. You are one sick individual, and you are definitely a HATER.

Next copy and paste my words where I said I wanted Palestinians eradicated.
You didn't use those exact words. I'll let your posts stand on their own, in which you repeatedly equate Palestinian civilians with Hamas, and repeatedly excuse all war crimes committed by Israelis against Palestinian civilians.

I'll save you the embarrassment, you cant.
I can certainly leave your posts to stand on their own.

Maybe Palestianians shouldnt pick fights they cant win.
... and again you show that you are too stupid and too bigoted to differentiate between Hamas and Palestinian civilians.

AGAIN you can whine all you like but the Palestinians have no one to blame but themelves.
Nope. Israeli soldiers who commit war crimes are to blame for the war crimes they commit. You are an evil person.
So now Palestinian civilians are "clear moral evil." You are certainly free to your own opinion but your own words make you out to be a shitty person.

Right here, in your own words, you once again equate Palestinian civilians with Hamas. That makes you stupid and evil. Hamas is being funded by Iran to do the Ayatollah's bidding. Palestinian civilians are just looking for food.

Here, you confuse the government arm of Hamas with the militant arm that is being funded by Iran. That makes you stupid, mistaken and irrationally confused. The Ayatollah had Israelis killed, and your only response is for Palestinian civilians to be slaughtered. You are one sick individual, and you are definitely a HATER.

You didn't use those exact words. I'll let your posts stand on their own, in which you repeatedly equate Palestinian civilians with Hamas, and repeatedly excuse all war crimes committed by Israelis against Palestinian civilians.

I can certainly leave your posts to stand on their own.

... and again you show that you are too stupid and too bigoted to differentiate between Hamas and Palestinian civilians.

Nope. Israeli soldiers who commit war crimes are to blame for the war crimes they commit. You are an evil person.

You started off with a lie so no need to go any further.A

Get back to me when Hamas no longer wants to kill every Jew on the planet. Until then I dont give a fuck about Hamas and the asshole palestinians that voted them into power. The blood of all the dead innocents are on their hands.
If you are trying to beat Hamas for attacking Israel, it is profoundly stupid to tell them you are going to, and then wait a couple of weeks. Hamas is long gone. The people who just live there are being bombed and killed. I suppose rightys will wonder why the people living there should take offense at their sons and daughters being killed and wounded. It's OK to bomb us because someone else attacked you. We understand.
Israel is amassing more Middle East hate.
If you are trying to beat Hamas for attacking Israel, it is profoundly stupid to tell them you are going to, and then wait a couple of weeks. Hamas is long gone. The people who just live there are being bombed and killed. I suppose rightys will wonder why the people living there should take offense at their sons and daughters being killed and wounded. It's OK to bomb us because someone else attacked you. We understand.
Israel is amassing more Middle East hate.

Because no lefties, or liberals or Democrats or Jews or President Biden support this bombing? It’s only righties?
Because no lefties, or liberals or Democrats or Jews or President Biden support this bombing? It’s only righties?

Do you believe that? How dumb are you?
Are you suggesting that every righty wants Gaza bombed to smithereens? The Palestinian people did not support Hamas attacking Israel.
Israel is making lots of enemies by blowing up men, women and children. The people are starving and without water. I bet that gives you a warm fuzzy feeling. It is only rightys who support that.
Do you believe that? How dumb are you?
Are you suggesting that every righty wants Gaza bombed to smithereens? The Palestinian people did not support Hamas attacking Israel.
Israel is making lots of enemies by blowing up men, women and children. The people are starving and without water. I bet that gives you a warm fuzzy feeling. It is only rightys who support that.

That was your statement because it seems in your world there is zero nuance and only binary thinking.
Because no lefties, or liberals or Democrats or Jews or President Biden support this bombing? It’s only righties?

This is about what Palestinians will think about being attacked. What does that have to do with American rightys and leftys?
You cannot follow a subject, can you?
Israel is more than diligent with trying to protect civilians.
Not true. Thousands of children are dying in hospitals that have no water or electricity. This is unrelated to bombs.

It's not their fault that Hamas uses civilians as shields.
True. Most terrorists do.
There will be innocent Palestinians killed. It's what Hamas wants.
What Hamas 'wants' is war.

They actually want to start a war that they believe will pit Muslims vs. Infidels.

They just don't care that innocents will be killed.

But if you're right, then isn't Israel giving Hamas 'what it wants'?
Nope. You were the one who insisted that Palestinian civilians launched a war with Israel.

You are full of shit. Hamas started a war with Israel and is the elected government of Gaza. Palestinian civilians elected hamas.

Iran is behind the attack on Israel. Nonetheless, you're OK with Israelis killing Palestinian civilians ... presumably because you HATE Palestinians as much as the Israelis do, and you apparently don't HATE the Ayatollah.

No, Iran is only bankrolling the war. Hamas started it, and Hamas is likely finished as a result because they are incompetent at warfighting.

Is there anyone you think Israel shouldn't kill? There are plenty of other non-combatants in the world who similarly did not attack Israel. Spanish civilians did not attack Israel; should Israel therefore launch air strikes on Madrid, Sevilla and Pamplona?

This is just a red herring presented as a reductio ad absurdum fallacy.

Nope. Iran has a dictator. That dictator decided that destroying the Jews was what he would do. Remind me how Palestinian and Spanish civilians merit air strikes.

Iran has an elected President and legislature. The Ayatollahs have some power, but not absolute power. Palestinian civilians are caught up in a declared war zone.

Nobody is authorized to commit war crimes. The US would be justified in pursuing the death penalty for any Israelis who killed Palestinian non-combatants due to having launched air strikes into civilian targets.

The victors in a war decide what is a war crime. Losing is the only real war crime. For the US to do what you propose, the US would have to go to war with Israel. That isn't happening. Oh, is Hamas going to be held responsible for the civilians they gratuitously killed in Israel?
If you are trying to beat Hamas for attacking Israel, it is profoundly stupid to tell them you are going to, and then wait a couple of weeks. Hamas is long gone. The people who just live there are being bombed and killed. I suppose rightys will wonder why the people living there should take offense at their sons and daughters being killed and wounded. It's OK to bomb us because someone else attacked you. We understand.
Israel is amassing more Middle East hate.
We fund Israel's military. For decades now. This is exactly what Biden is ramming down Bibi's throat. If anyone understands blood lust, it's us. If anyone understands how to convert near unanimous support after a terror attack,to near unanimous criticism of apparent genocide, it's us.

Hamas employs propaganda. Pictures of people dying in dark hospital rooms is just what they need.

But Israel has to move in sooner or later. It's going to be urban guerilla warfare.

And then Hezbollah attacks from the north.

Just what Hamas wants. This is not good.

I don't know the answer.
The heart of the Hamas "army" is 15 year old boys. I'm far less than convinced these were civilians. When you fight a guerilla war with no uniforms or designations, identification of combatants becomes murky at best.

Hamas has some of that. But they are equipped with nothing more than a motley collection of disparate small arms and some RPG's for the most part. Their 'training' is laughable at best. It's like they play 'Army' making war as if it were a child's game.

You are full of shit.
You're a shitty person. You advocate for the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime just because of your own bigotry and HATE of those people. You demonize them and dehumanize them when they have done nothing wrong. You warp and stretch and twist and spindle your logic to equate Palestinian civilians with Hamas and demonize them as all meriting death sentences. You are a hateful shit of a bigot.

Further, your illogic is so convoluted that you can apply it to any class of living humans who have not attacked Israel. When I pointed this out to you, you tried to refer to it as a "red herring" but it conclusively shows that you are totally aware that you are on the wrong side of the moral fence without an excuse.

Hamas started a war with Israel and is the elected government of Gaza.
The elected government of Gaza did not start a war with Israel. The militant, terrorist arm of Hamas, a different organization working for the Ayatollah, attacked Israel. You are perfectly fine with equating in your mind that terrorist arm of Hamas with unarmed civilian populations who never attacked anybody, and Spaniards are just as much in that group as Palestinians and the civilians living in Fargo, North Dakota. Your inability to see the difference between defenseless civilian populations and State-funded terrorist groups makes you stupid as well as evil. You literally applaud the deaths of Palestinian civilians as though they somehow deserve it. You feel a sick sort of vindication as the Palestinian body count mounts, ... and if someone points out that this horrible, you call it "whining." You are definitely a shitty person.

No, Iran is only bankrolling the war.
@ posters on JPP, take note of T. A. Gardner's position here, and don't ever say you never encountered such a case. He fully recognizes that Iran is behind the attacks on Israel, and in his mind this makes Palestinian civilians valid targets for Israeli air strikes, bombs and bullets, as though they are terrorists on the level of Hezbollah. Please read his posts.

Hamas started it, and Hamas is likely finished as a result because they are incompetent at warfighting.
How you flop back and forth between "Hamas" and "Palestinian civilians" as though they are interchangeable. They're not. Hamas is not Hamas. You have to specify what part of Hamas.

This is just a red herring presented as a reductio ad absurdum fallacy.
Nope. It's your twisted logic that forms its own reductio ad absurdum. Make no mistake, it is absurd. Once you equated the Hamas terror cel with unarmed civilians that never attacked anybody, you created your own logical contradiction to fuel your bigotry.

Iran has an elected President and legislature. The Ayatollahs have some power, but not absolute power.
The Ayatollah is the Supreme Leader. He is all powerful within Iran.

Palestinian civilians are caught up in a declared war zone.
You still haven't explained why that justifies Israeli soldiers dispensing death sentences with impunity. Please explain.

The victors in a war decide what is a war crime.
Incorrect. All countries decide individually what is and what is not a war crime.

Losing is the only real war crime.

For the US to do what you propose, the US would have to go to war with Israel.
Nope. The US would simply have to present their case to the UN Security Council, and other like-minded countries would take the offenders to the International Criminal Court. If enough Palestinian civilians are killed, charges of attempted genocide could be brought.

Oh, is Hamas going to be held responsible for the civilians they gratuitously killed in Israel?
They very well should be, but people like you want the terrorist arm that is responsible for the attacks to walk away without receiving any retribution, and for genocide to instead be leveled against the vile, loathesome, shit-eating Palestinian civilians that you HATE. So nothing is likely to be done to those who attacked Israel, leaving them free to attack Israel again pending the Ayatollah's next bankroll.
You really shouldn't need it explained to you that those pictured above are not Palestinian civilians. They are lawful combatants and are valid, legal targets.

But this is an excellent case in point. The topic was Palestinian civilians and you post this picture. Thank you for making my case.
You really shouldn't need it explained to you that those pictured above are not Palestinian civilians. They are lawful combatants and are valid, legal targets.

But this is an excellent case in point. The topic was Palestinian civilians and you post this picture. Thank you for making my case.

And, if they choose to be mixed in with civilians then what?