fully immersed in faith..
There were several in the House investigations who heard things first hand, not hearsay.
really?....why didn't Schiff have them testify?......
There were several in the House investigations who heard things first hand, not hearsay.
yes.....simple and, he's running as an independent in a district that went for Trump by over 30 points......are you counting on him to impeach?......
really?....why didn't Schiff have them testify?......
so you are assuming that Nancy won't call for a vote before November, 2020?....if so, don't count on him as he hasn't got a prayer as an independent in that district....Yes, he urged impeachment when he was a red. He has to win as an independent to be able to vote against the thief in chief.
Here are more who Trump's stupidity and corruption have driven out of the party. What they have in common is they are smart and care about the country. You cannot be critical of Trump.
Trump prohibited them from testifying.
did any of them get subpoenas to hearing AFTER they ended the NancyDance and voted to begin an actual investigation.......I seem to recall Adam Schiftless only wanted them to testify in secret so he could screen what the press could hear......
There was never any testifying in secret. There were Repubs in every single one of them. It was not done on CSPAN. That does not make it secret. You are being dishonest again.
bullshit.....dishonest is when demmycunts hold closed door meetings then release details which turn out to be false later........NancyDancing and Shiftless Parodies......
Are you really operating without information? You should expand your reading. The fact is the original hearings had up to 45 Republicans in them. They had the power to interview the witnesses. It was never a secret. I know, now rightys can redefine what secret means. They moved to open hearings soon after they started. But they were never secret.
closed door......closed mind......
. The evidence does not mean a thing to you.
your imagination is not admissible in a court of law......
Are you claiming the Repubs were not in the hearings? Are you really?
of course they were there......they asked the questions which showed your witnesses just made up "facts" instead of witnessed them......
How would you know that if they were secret? it is also wrong. Trump has done a lot that deserves impeachment. he breaks laws for a workout routine.
bullshit.....dishonest is when demmycunts hold closed door meetings then release details which turn out to be false later........NancyDancing and Shiftless Parodies......