First female ref


She did pretty good, called Tampa’s failure to score on fourth and goal from the one when it looked like they scored, also, called couple key KC off sides which were confirmed on video

Brady did what Brady does, however, it was the Tampa defense that should have been tagged the MVP, they held probably the best offense in the NFL to nine points, zero touchdown
She did pretty good, called Tampa’s failure to score on fourth and goal from the one when it looked like they scored, also, called couple key KC off sides which were confirmed on video

Brady did what Brady does, however, it was the Tampa defense that should have been tagged the MVP, they held probably the best offense in the NFL to nine points, zero touchdown

I saw all kinds of holding and pass interference that never got called- on both sides of the ball.

Mahomes offensive line cratered to Tampa Bay's defense. It caused Mahomes to have to come back to Mother Earth and realize he was human again.

Bad day for Mahomes and company! BUT THERE IS ALWAYS NEXT YEAR!
I saw all kinds of holding and pass interference that never got called- on both sides of the ball.

Mahomes offensive line cratered to Tampa Bay's defense. It caused Mahomes to have to come back to Mother Earth and realize he was human again.

Bad day for Mahomes and company! BUT THERE IS ALWAYS NEXT YEAR!

KC was missing 3 OL starters, that was the difference.
Only the crew chief officiates from the referee position, and he/she wear a white cap rather than a black one like the others.
All of the officials on a baseball field are Umpires,

but in football, only one is a Referee.
There's also an Umpire,
a Down Judge (I believe that's what the lady was doing),
a Line Judge,
a Field Judge,
a Side Judge,
and a Back Judge.

Yet, people who've been watching football for decades call all of them "referees."
I guess there are too many officiating positions to remember for most people.
As I recall, dick-sucking was your speciality, not mine.

You Qless assholes should have stayed in the closet.


Here we have a perfect example of a leftist shit stain. A walking talking pile of shit that has never met me, knows nothing about me, yet claims he has memories of me. Classic metal illness, a trait of all leftist shit stains.
Here we have a perfect example of a leftist shit stain. A walking talking pile of shit that has never met me, knows nothing about me, yet claims he has memories of me. Classic metal illness, a trait of all leftist shit stains.

We? You mean you and your gay Qless friends? LOL

Kid, not everyone to the left of your far right wackiness is a lefty but then you aren't that smart. What is your definition of a Lefty? What, specifically, do Lefties support versus wackadoodles like yourself? Besides hating female Refs, that is. LOL

What about female military pilots. Do you hate them too, son?
