First female ref

KC was missing 3 OL starters, that was the difference.

I'm sure that didn't help their cause.

But no one cut the Cowboys any slack last year for all the injuries they suffered through that ruined their season from day one. The Cowboys lost every starter they had on their offensive line, and defensive line too by the end of the year. That is how we lost our QB for the season. We couldn't protect him and he went down for the season in the 3rd game. All the peripheral players held up, but we lost the battle at the line on defense and offense all year.

When you are a good team- other good teams will find ways to beat you if you have any vulnerabilities at all, especially at the line and QB positions.

That's just the way football works.
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We? You mean you and your gay Qless friends? LOL

Kid, not everyone to the left of your far right wackiness is a lefty but then you aren't that smart. What is your definition of a Lefty? What, specifically, do Lefties support versus wackadoodles like yourself? Besides hating female Refs, that is. LOL

What about female military pilots. Do you hate them too, son?

Classic leftist shit stain devoid ANY sense of humor. The OP meme is a joke ya stupid mindless bitch.
Classic leftist shit stain devoid ANY sense of humor. The OP meme is a joke ya stupid mindless bitch.

Jesus fucking Christ, kid. You're the one with no sense of humor.

Don't you see the irony of your attack on the "First female ref" OP compared to your labeling me a "leftist shit stain" because I posted a meme of an American military attack pilot who happens to be female?

What is your problem with women? I'm sincerely curious.
Packs of Kools are used as currency, dumbass.

What part of TOBACCO PRODUCTS ARE NOT ALLOWED does your media fed ass not understand? Not allowed! Money not allowed. Cell phones not allowed. Civilian clothing not allowed. Electronic media not allowed. Offenders exchanging property with one another is not allowed! You people that never worked in a prison don't any idea what it's like. Can't blame you for not wanting to work in one, but stfu about what goes on because you don't have a clue!
Jesus fucking Christ, kid. You're the one with no sense of humor.

Don't you see the irony of your attack on the "First female ref" OP compared to your labeling me a "leftist shit stain" because I posted a meme of an American military attack pilot who happens to be female?

What is your problem with women? I'm sincerely curious.

Stupid bitches like you can't tell what a joke is. My God you bastards are stupid. How, in reality, could she flag him for what he did in the past? Are you really that stupid? Sure looks like it.
What part of TOBACCO PRODUCTS ARE NOT ALLOWED does your media fed ass not understand? Not allowed! Money not allowed. Cell phones not allowed. Civilian clothing not allowed. Electronic media not allowed. Offenders exchanging property with one another is not allowed! You people that never worked in a prison don't any idea what it's like. Can't blame you for not wanting to work in one, but stfu about what goes on because you don't have a clue!

Do you seriously think inmates care what the rules are, fuckwad? They always get contrabands.