First time drinking or partaking

Lord Yurt

Lord Yurt will suffice
I'll share my first time partaking.

Early 90s, about 11pm, Manhattan Beach CA riding beach bikes with my dad. We go up to get off the strand and he says to me, want to take a hit. I'm like, not from you. He is a huge guy. He chuckles and says, no, from the herb. I'm like what? The herb he says and pulls out a joint. I was conflicted at first, but when I partook, loooooooooooooool.

Went to my favorite all night diner and I couldn't even order my food because I was laughing so hard. The waitress, bless her heart, asked my dad if the kid wants the usual... He laughed and said yes, oh and he likes extra butter.....

One of my best memories.
I didn't like pot until I was @ 40

I think I kept trying indica

I didn't like the way it made me feel

sativa is what I needed

I love sativa

Now I can enjoy an indica

But I way prefer sativa

I do not even remember the first time I tried pot

Im sure it was in my later teens
I was 17, working the bumper cars at the carnival in Oceanside ath pier.

A couple of Marines a year or two older than me got some beer, and we drank in under the pier.

I had four or five cans, first beer I ever had. Started me on a functional alcoholism that which I could not end for almost thirty years.

Thanks to 12 step and my wife.

Always knowing I am an alcoholic and I could start tomorrow after 19 years of sobriety.
Pot is much better for people

the day that more people are self medicating with pot instead of alcohol the world will be a better place
Indica is sleepy.

Try a popsicle, feels a little foolish at first, then the goodness kicks in.

I think you've said you live in Socal, as do I, I know there are many shops with many options.

Maybe in the future we could hook up. I would enjoy it. Don't care if our politics collide, we could always hook up at an In and Out Burger or some other place.

And as you know I value offline privacy to the utmost. Up to you....
Indica is sleepy.

Try a popsicle, feels a little foolish at first, then the goodness kicks in.

I think you've said you live in Socal, as do I, I know there are many shops with many options.

Maybe in the future we could hook up. I would enjoy it. Don't care if our politics collide, we could always hook up at an In and Out Burger or some other place.

And as you know I value offline privacy to the utmost. Up to you....

I smoke legal pot every day

Makes retirement fun

yurt ,

I never want to meet you in person

I never want to meet anyone here in person

there are some really nice people here who I respect

I will never meet them in person

why would I want to meet you who has no moral base and is racist.

I don't have friends who I don't respect

I don't respect you

its weird how many time the righties here treat me like shit , lie all day long and prove their sociopathy daily and then think I would want to hang with them

I hang with people who respect other humans

its a rule of mine
I smoke legal pot every day

Makes retirement fun

yurt ,

I never want to meet you in person

I never want to meet anyone here in person

there are some really nice people here who I respect

I will never meet them in person

why would I want to meet you who has no moral base and is racist.

I don't have friends who I don't respect

I don't respect you

its weird how many time the righties here treat me like shit , lie all day long and prove their sociopathy daily and then think I would want to hang with them

I hang with people who respect other humans

its a rule of mine

The right doesn't like intelligent women.
I was 17, working the bumper cars at the carnival in Oceanside ath pier.

A couple of Marines a year or two older than me got some beer, and we drank in under the pier.

I had four or five cans, first beer I ever had. Started me on a functional alcoholism that which I could not end for almost thirty years.

Thanks to 12 step and my wife.

Always knowing I am an alcoholic and I could start tomorrow after 19 years of sobriety.

I'm sad that happened to you. It is hard for me to understand alcoholism. My first drink of beer was in the 5th grade when my dad threw a party and said, have a sip. So I had a sip.

The second time I was onm a train from SD to LA (I'm pretty sure 8th grade) and I ended up in a car full of Marines. They "made" me drink a beer. I get off the train and my dad says.... Have you've been drinking? I said something stupid and he starts laughing and then asks how I got alcohol. I said the Marines made me drink.... And he couldn't stop laughing for what seemed like hours.
I'm sad that happened to you. It is hard for me to understand alcoholism. My first drink of beer was in the 5th grade when my dad threw a party and said, have a sip. So I had a sip.

The second time I was onm a train from SD to LA (I'm pretty sure 8th grade) and I ended up in a car full of Marines. They "made" me drink a beer. I get off the train and my dad says.... Have you've been drinking? I said something stupid and he starts laughing and then asks how I got alcohol. I said the Marines made me drink.... And he couldn't stop laughing for what seemed like hours.

There is more to life,then getting high or drunk!
Read a fucking book once in awhile !
I smoke legal pot every day

Makes retirement fun

yurt ,

I never want to meet you in person

I never want to meet anyone here in person

there are some really nice people here who I respect

I will never meet them in person

why would I want to meet you who has no moral base and is racist.

I don't have friends who I don't respect

I don't respect you

its weird how many time the righties here treat me like shit , lie all day long and prove their sociopathy daily and then think I would want to hang with them

I hang with people who respect other humans

its a rule of mine

Okay. Count to ten. Relax. Just offering to hook up with a fellow partaker. I'm chill that you don't want to and completely understand.

I'll share my first time partaking.

Early 90s, about 11pm, Manhattan Beach CA riding beach bikes with my dad. We go up to get off the strand and he says to me, want to take a hit. I'm like, not from you. He is a huge guy. He chuckles and says, no, from the herb. I'm like what? The herb he says and pulls out a joint. I was conflicted at first, but when I partook, loooooooooooooool.

Went to my favorite all night diner and I couldn't even order my food because I was laughing so hard. The waitress, bless her heart, asked my dad if the kid wants the usual... He laughed and said yes, oh and he likes extra butter.....

One of my best memories.

You were raised by a doper?

My grandfather taught me how to drink scotch when I was 14.
I was 17, working the bumper cars at the carnival in Oceanside ath pier.

A couple of Marines a year or two older than me got some beer, and we drank in under the pier.

I had four or five cans, first beer I ever had. Started me on a functional alcoholism that which I could not end for almost thirty years.

Thanks to 12 step and my wife.

Always knowing I am an alcoholic and I could start tomorrow after 19 years of sobriety.

Wow, that is kinda sad story, but w/ a happy ending.:) Glad you are doing better..
I smoke legal pot every day

Makes retirement fun

yurt ,

I never want to meet you in person

I never want to meet anyone here in person

there are some really nice people here who I respect

I will never meet them in person

why would I want to meet you who has no moral base and is racist.

I don't have friends who I don't respect

I don't respect you

its weird how many time the righties here treat me like shit , lie all day long and prove their sociopathy daily and then think I would want to hang with them

I hang with people who respect other humans

its a rule of mine

Damn, you could of let the poor guy down a little easier...

Told him you were busy on whatever day.

had to do laundry

wash hair

watch the paint dry on the fence etc....... sshhiissHHHH!!
I was 17, working the bumper cars at the carnival in Oceanside ath pier.

A couple of Marines a year or two older than me got some beer, and we drank in under the pier.

I had four or five cans, first beer I ever had. Started me on a functional alcoholism that which I could not end for almost thirty years.

Thanks to 12 step and my wife.

Always knowing I am an alcoholic and I could start tomorrow after 19 years of sobriety.

I'll share my first time partaking.

Early 90s, about 11pm, Manhattan Beach CA riding beach bikes with my dad. We go up to get off the strand and he says to me, want to take a hit. I'm like, not from you. He is a huge guy. He chuckles and says, no, from the herb. I'm like what? The herb he says and pulls out a joint. I was conflicted at first, but when I partook, loooooooooooooool.

Went to my favorite all night diner and I couldn't even order my food because I was laughing so hard. The waitress, bless her heart, asked my dad if the kid wants the usual... He laughed and said yes, oh and he likes extra butter.....

One of my best memories.

Yurt: “Dave’s not here!”
I'm sad that happened to you. It is hard for me to understand alcoholism. My first drink of beer was in the 5th grade when my dad threw a party and said, have a sip. So I had a sip.

The second time I was onm a train from SD to LA (I'm pretty sure 8th grade) and I ended up in a car full of Marines. They "made" me drink a beer. I get off the train and my dad says.... Have you've been drinking? I said something stupid and he starts laughing and then asks how I got alcohol. I said the Marines made me drink.... And he couldn't stop laughing for what seemed like hours.

What a great fucking father. Gives you a drink when you’re ten years old. Laughs at you drinking when you’re 13. Then introduces you to pot.

No wonder you’re so fucked up.