First time drinking or partaking

We're talking about the fact that your father was a doper. Nothing more. No reason to get hysterical and attack me personally.

So it's cool to attack my dad, but not you? Fuck you asshole.

Why do you fear Marijuana? I don't see you complaining about people who drink alcohol.
I never really drank any alcohol underage. There was a political event on my college campus, and this guy organized an after party. I wound-up getting served a beer less than ten days before my 21st birthday. For my birthday, I attended a Mariners game, and had beers with my family in the Pyramid Ale House beer garden before the start. Two days later, my sister and brother-in-law took me to a bar called Mickfinsters.

Then I returned to campus for a summer session to take three classes I needed. Grabbed a box of Coors Light, and had some with my dorm food.

I attended annual training on McChord Field, and located a pub called the Hide-a-Way. The bartender gave me a souvenir beer glass that I still have, with an AF program design called Coin Force. I ordered a couple of Blue Moons, and still love it to this day.

Finally, my best friend visited from Milwaukee, and hosted his second annual hotel party. With us mostly all being legal age, it promised to be wilder than the first edition. I consumed Becks beer, Captain Morgan, and Gentleman Jack. Right in the middle of some philosophical discussion, I crawled over to a trashcan and threw-up. Probably the drunkest I've ever been, yet, still so damn predictable. I crawled back to where I was sitting, and picked-up again right where I had left off.

Here's to 2007. :clink:
I never really drank any alcohol underage. There was a political event on my college campus, and this guy organized an after party. I wound-up getting served a beer less than ten days before my 21st birthday. For my birthday, I attended a Mariners game, and had beers with my family in the Pyramid Ale House beer garden before the start. Two days later, my sister and brother-in-law took me to a bar called Mickfinsters.

Then I returned to campus for a summer session to take three classes I needed. Grabbed a box of Coors Light, and had some with my dorm food.

I attended annual training on McChord Field, and located a pub called the Hide-a-Way. The bartender gave me a souvenir beer glass that I still have, with an AF program design called Coin Force. I ordered a couple of Blue Moons, and still love it to this day.

Finally, my best friend visited from Milwaukee, and hosted his second annual hotel party. With us mostly all being legal age, it promised to be wilder than the first edition. I consumed Becks beer, Captain Morgan, and Gentleman Jack. Right in the middle of some philosophical discussion, I crawled over to a trashcan and threw-up. Probably the drunkest I've ever been, yet, still so damn predictable. I crawled back to where I was sitting, and picked-up again right where I had left off.

Here's to 2007. :clink:

Coors light.....

I can't believe you would even admit that. Ciors is the worse beer in the universe, light or regular.

You are hereby condemned to beer garden hell. Enjoy your donkey piss....
So it's cool to attack my dad, but not you? Fuck you asshole.

Why do you fear Marijuana? I don't see you complaining about people who drink alcohol.

I'm not attacking your Dad. Stop playing the victim.

Did he lose parental rights because of his dope habit?
Coors light.....

I can't believe you would even admit that. Ciors is the worse beer in the universe, light or regular.

You are hereby condemned to beer garden hell. Enjoy your donkey piss....

you are grind

I was suspecting it for some time now

this seals it

You are grind
When I was about nine, I came downstairs and found my parents were having a party. I picked up two flagons of cider (four pints) saw them off, and never really looked back. When I came out of the RAF I was constantly going to parties where people would thrust wet little dog-ends at me, which I'd puff at, impatient to get back to the properl stuff, but remembering that our 'Lascar' minority in Cardiff liked such things and not wanting to claim superiority - but on the whole it was obvious why our own ancestors had preferred booze. I tried LSD a bit later, which was interesting, but difficult to get hold of at the time. It seems to me that, if the US had avoided this obsession with prohibiting alcohol and let the kids get pissed, they'd have had no drugs 'problem'. Let those who have problems with booze try the substitutes, say I!
Coors light.....

I can't believe you would even admit that. Ciors is the worse beer in the universe, light or regular.

You are hereby condemned to beer garden hell. Enjoy your donkey piss....

I think you missed the part where I had never drank before, and had been 21 for less than a month. Notice that by the time of the hotel party, I had already upgraded to Becks (which I didn't really like).
coors light is water beer

that is exactly why I like it

Prob cause you have cotton mouth from that

Rolling ROck was awesome for that light kinda pale lager.......... Ice cold on a hot day, light on the alc content...

I have never had a coors light..

I use to like reg coors long ago.. Now it does not taste clean to me........
coors light is water beer

ice cold it hardly tastes like beer

that is exactly what I want from beer