Dick Morris
No one is telling you what you can or can not do by prohibiting your judges from passing laws from the bench. ALL of our laws tell us ALL what we can and can not do, and ALL our laws are based and rooted in some foundational moral code. Without this, society collapses into lawless anarchy.... maybe that's what you WANT to happen?
Yeah, 'what the fuck ever' is right! WE THE PEOPLE have every right to establish ANYTHING WE PLEASE as the law of the land, and your immoral unethical ass doesn't have to agree with it or like it.
You're conflicted and fucked up. First you say all our laws are based on a moral code, then you say that the people can pass any law they want. That's a complete contradiction. Are you really this fucked up inside?
There is nothing "fucked up" about what I said, and there is no contradiction. We do not live in a society where 9 people in robes determine the rules we live by. We live in a representative republic which operates under the principles of democracy. We The People... decide what our rules and guidelines are, no one else... WE THE PEOPLE! Got it?
No, what you are suggesting is that we accept your decadent social lifestyle and just not participate if we don't want to. Well, we don't want to raise our kids in a decadent society, we want to instill values and morals and set an example for our kids. The rules of society can't be dictated by a bunch of immoral clowns, while the rest of us decent people sit on the sidelines helpless to do anything about it. We have as much of a right to 'impose our values' on society as you have to impose your immorality on society. It cuts both ways, and if you don't understand that, tough shit.
There is a profound and fundamental disconnect when it comes to the non-social conservative understanding of social conservatives in general. You have essentially become bigoted in your views of social conservatives, and think of them as some radical religious wing that wants to impose their religious dogma on the rest of society. While there may be a fringe element who feel that way, by-and-large, most social conservatives simply oppose the federal government intrusion on their social conservative values. We don't want federal courts deciding these issues for us! Most of us are perfectly willing to put ANY of these social issues on the ballot, and allowing the people of the state to decide for themselves. Whether it's gambling, prostitution, legalizing pot, abortion, gay marriage... just let THE PEOPLE decide! Where is that not conducive with civil libertarianism? Shouldn't the PEOPLE get to have a say in these things? Why should social conservatives be squelched and denied any voice in the process? This is our country too!
I call your bullshit. These so called christian conservatives are just latching on to the TEA parties because Bush embarrassed them. they'll jump ship faster than the dems are leaving Obama.
There is nothing "fucked up" about what I said, and there is no contradiction. We do not live in a society where 9 people in robes determine the rules we live by. We live in a representative republic which operates under the principles of democracy. We The People... decide what our rules and guidelines are, no one else... WE THE PEOPLE! Got it?
Democracy and a representative republic based on democratic values are two different things. There are more white Americans than black, so it's possible if the 1964 Civil Rights Bill was put to a referendum it could be repealed.
All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.
Thomas Jefferson
And Thomas Jefferson is much of the reason we have a "Representative Republic" and not a pure Democracy. I didn't say we shouldn't have representative republic government, I said we shouldn't have 9 people in robes dictating what rules we all live by.... you want THAT kind of government, move to Pakistan or Iran! That's what THEY do! A group of Mullahs and Clerics decide what rules you live by, and that's what you do if you want to live. Here in America, THE PEOPLE have a vote and a say in our rules for society. You don't have to LIKE what they decide, you have every right to protest it and speak your mind, but that's the system we established.
So I guess you think these lawsuits about "ObamaCare" are horseshit and the courts shouldn't overturn the law.
So I guess you think these lawsuits about "ObamaCare" are horseshit and the courts shouldn't overturn the law.
Obamacare was passed by a renegade Congress who ignored the will of the people.... We are also not ruled by a group of liberal fucktards in Congress! WE THE PEOPLE..... Read it, understand it!
So I guess you think these lawsuits about "ObamaCare" are horseshit and the courts shouldn't overturn the law.
There is a profound and fundamental disconnect when it comes to the non-social conservative understanding of social conservatives in general. You have essentially become bigoted in your views of social conservatives, and think of them as some radical religious wing that wants to impose their religious dogma on the rest of society. While there may be a fringe element who feel that way, by-and-large, most social conservatives simply oppose the federal government intrusion on their social conservative values. We don't want federal courts deciding these issues for us! Most of us are perfectly willing to put ANY of these social issues on the ballot, and allowing the people of the state to decide for themselves. Whether it's gambling, prostitution, legalizing pot, abortion, gay marriage... just let THE PEOPLE decide! Where is that not conducive with civil libertarianism? Shouldn't the PEOPLE get to have a say in these things? Why should social conservatives be squelched and denied any voice in the process? This is our country too!
Yes, you get a voice in how you live your life. What you don't get is a say in how others live there lives when it does not effect you.
The idea that a popular vote is the answer is ridiculous. This nation is not now, nor has it ever been, a democracy. The majority do not get to make all the rules simply because there are more of them.