APP - 'Five Zombie Economic Ideas That Refuse to Die'


"Two years after the financial crisis, the U.S. economy has steered clear of total disaster, with the Dow Jones industrial average currently near its pre-crash level. But the theories that caused it all are still out there, lurking in the shadows."

By John Quiggin

This was my favorite.

"The Trickle-Down Hypothesis: the idea that policies that benefit the wealthy will ultimately help everybody.

Unlike some of the zombie ideas discussed here, trickle-down economics has long been with us. The term itself seems to have been coined by cowboy performer Will Rogers, who observed of U.S. President Herbert Hoover's 1928 tax cuts: "The money was all appropriated for the top in the hopes that it would trickle down to the needy. Mr. Hoover ... [didn't] know that money trickled up."",1

On one page.

"I’m fully aware that I risk excommunication from the Church of Economic Science when I argue exactly the opposite: Tax cuts actually hurt the economy. It isn’t just that they don’t help, or that they’re ineffective—THEY REALLY HURT!"The Idolatry of Ideology-Why Tax Cuts Hurt the Economy by Russ Beaton
Since you've called me a zombie I can now call you a retard.

Obamanomics is the retarded economic theory, that we can spend our way out of a recession.
Dear fucking idiot, history proves trickle down is a major fail and that stimulus works.

God am I sick of stupid fuckers like this
Actually, Supply Side has always worked and Keynesian has never worked. Yet you lib-tards keep trying it...
You dont get to rewrite history for your political purposes.

No FDR did not lengthen the depression and NO tax cuts dont always produce higher revenue.

You may be stupid enough to buy that crap but most people stick to facts.
You're the one trying to re-write history. The New Deal lengthened the depression by 7 or 8 years. Only a war and Europeans buying our stuff for WW2 got us out of it.
Actually, Supply Side has always worked and Keynesian has never worked. Yet you lib-tards keep trying it...

You mean like the Reagan/Bush collapse and Bush Jr collapse. LMAO


* This and the next year are the worst years of the Great Depression. For 1932, GNP falls a record 13.4 percent; unemployment rises to 23.6 percent.

* Industrial stocks have lost 80 percent of their value since 1930.

* 10,000 banks have failed since 1929, or 40 percent of the 1929 total.

* About $2 billion in deposits have been lost since 1929.

* Money supply has contracted 31 percent since 1929.

* GNP has also fallen 31 percent since 1929.

* Over 13 million Americans have lost their jobs since 1929.

* Capital growth investments have dropped from $16.2 billion to 1/3 of one billion since 1929.

* Farm prices have fallen 53 percent since 1929.

* International trade has fallen by two-thirds since 1929.

* The Fed makes its first major expansion of the money supply since February 1930.

* Congress creates the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. (More)

* Congress passes the Federal Home Loan Bank Act and the Glass-Steagall Act of 1932. (More)

* Top tax rate is raised from 25 to 63 percent.

* Popular opinion considers Hoover's measures too little too late. Franklin Roosevelt easily defeats Hoover in the fall election. Democrats win control of Congress.

* At his Democratic presidential nomination, Roosevelt says: "I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people."


* Roosevelt inaugurated; begins "First 100 Days" of intensive legislative activity. (More)

* A third banking panic occurs in March. Roosevelt declares a Bank Holiday; closes financial institutions to stop a run on banks.

* Alarmed by Roosevelt's plan to redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor, a group of millionaire businessmen, led by the Du Pont and J.P. Morgan empires, plans to overthrow Roosevelt with a military coup and install a fascist government. The businessmen try to recruit General Smedley Butler, promising him an army of 500,000, unlimited financial backing and generous media spin control. The plot is foiled when Butler reports it to Congress. (More)

* Congress authorizes creation of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Farm Credit Administration, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, the National Recovery Administration, the Public Works Administration and the Tennessee Valley Authority. (More)

* Congress passes the Emergency Banking Bill, the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, the Farm Credit Act, the National Industrial Recovery Act and the Truth-in-Securities Act. (More)

* U.S. goes off the gold standard.

* Roosevelt does much to redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor, but is obsessed with a balanced budget. He later rejects Keynes' advice to begin heavy deficit spending.

* The free fall of the GNP is significantly slowed; it dips only 2.1 percent this year. Unemployment rises slightly, to 24.9 percent.


* Congress authorizes creation of the Federal Communications Commission, the National Mediation Board and the Securities and Exchange Commission. (More)

* Congress passes the Securities and Exchange Act and the Trade Agreement Act. (More)

* The economy turns around: GNP rises 7.7 percent, and unemployment falls to 21.7 percent. A long road to recovery begins.

* Sweden becomes the first nation to recover fully from the Great Depression. It has followed a policy of Keynesian deficit spending. (More)


* The Supreme Court declares the National Recovery Administration to be unconstitutional.

* Congress authorizes creation of the Works Progress Administration, the National Labor Relations Board and the Rural Electrification Administration. (More)

* Congress passes the Banking Act of 1935, the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, the National Labor Relations Act, and the Social Security Act. (More)

* Economic recovery continues: the GNP grows another 8.1 percent, and unemployment falls to 20.1 percent.


* The Supreme Court declares part of the Agricultural Adjustment Act to be unconstitutional.

* In response, Congress passes the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act. (More)

* Top tax rate raised to 79 percent.

* Economic recovery continues: GNP grows a record 14.1 percent; unemployment falls to 16.9 percent.

* Germany becomes the second nation to recover fully from the Great Depression, through heavy deficit spending in preparation for war.


* The Supreme Court declares the National Labor Relations Board to be unconstitutional.

* Roosevelt seeks to enlarge and therefore liberalize the Supreme Court. This attempt not only fails, but outrages the public.

* Economists attribute economic growth so far to heavy government spending that is somewhat deficit. Roosevelt, however, fears an unbalanced budget and cuts spending for 1937. That summer, the nation plunges into another recession. Despite this, the yearly GNP rises 5.0 percent, and unemployment falls to 14.3 percent.
What Reagan/ Bush Collapse? The current collapse is due to Bwarny Fwank the banking queen, not supply side.

How old are you? You don't remember 'it's the economy stupid!.' Or the real estate melt down and subsequent S&L bailout? Republicans seem to always require bailouts. FDR handled the first mess.

'Supply-side' is just a word, a concept? What are you a Marxist? Ideas don't rule the world without those pesky humans.

"....If Marxism is the delusion that one can run society purely on altruism and collectivism, then libertarianism is the mirror-image delusion that one can run it purely on selfishness and individualism. Society in fact requires both individualism and collectivism, both selfishness and altruism, to function. Like Marxism, libertarianism offers the fraudulent intellectual security of a complete a priori account of the political good without the effort of empirical investigation. Like Marxism, it aspires, overtly or covertly, to reduce social life to economics. And like Marxism, it has its historical myths and a genius for making its followers feel like an elect unbound by the moral rules of their society."
How old are you? You don't remember 'it's the economy stupid!.' Or the real estate melt down and subsequent S&L bailout? Republicans seem to always require bailouts. FDR handled the first mess.

'Supply-side' is just a word, a concept? What are you a Marxist? Ideas don't rule the world without those pesky humans.

How old are you that you can't back up your assertion that the Reagan/ Bush economy was a "collapse"? How old are you that you don't realize that the economy is cyclical? How old are you that you think that spending in the middle of a recession is going to make the recession go away?
How old are you that you can't back up your assertion that the Reagan/ Bush economy was a "collapse"? How old are you that you don't realize that the economy is cyclical? How old are you that you think that spending in the middle of a recession is going to make the recession go away?

Old enough to know economies aren't cyclical as the period from FDR till Reagan was pretty stable, considered by some as the golden years of America. Of course we did lots then, but any study of third world nations should demonstrate to 12 year old children like yourself, that poverty often isn't cyclical at all, but built right into the economic structure, class structure, call it whatever you like.

No cycle in these figures. Pretty steady given other factors.
How old are you? You don't remember 'it's the economy stupid!.' Or the real estate melt down and subsequent S&L bailout? Republicans seem to always require bailouts. FDR handled the first mess.

'Supply-side' is just a word, a concept? What are you a Marxist? Ideas don't rule the world without those pesky humans.

"....If Marxism is the delusion that one can run society purely on altruism and collectivism, then libertarianism is the mirror-image delusion that one can run it purely on selfishness and individualism. Society in fact requires both individualism and collectivism, both selfishness and altruism, to function. Like Marxism, libertarianism offers the fraudulent intellectual security of a complete a priori account of the political good without the effort of empirical investigation. Like Marxism, it aspires, overtly or covertly, to reduce social life to economics. And like Marxism, it has its historical myths and a genius for making its followers feel like an elect unbound by the moral rules of their society."

Excellent article at the link you posted.
(Excerpt) Libertarians are also naïve about the range and perversity of human desires they propose to unleash. They can imagine nothing more threatening than a bit of Sunday-afternoon sadomasochism, followed by some recreational drug use and work on Monday.(End)

Ahhh, a rainy Sunday afternoon, a "knowing glance" at ones partner.....

If only. If only.
Old enough to know economies aren't cyclical as the period from FDR till Reagan was pretty stable, considered by some as the golden years of America. Of course we did lots then, but any study of third world nations should demonstrate to 12 year old children like yourself, that poverty often isn't cyclical at all, but built right into the economic structure, class structure, call it whatever you like.

No cycle in these figures. Pretty steady given other factors.

Your link is about distribution of wealth. It has nothing to do with economic cycles. So again:
How old are you that you can't back up your assertion that the Reagan/ Bush economy was a "collapse"? How old are you that you don't realize that the economy is cyclical? How old are you that you think that spending in the middle of a recession is going to make the recession go away?
Dear fucking idiot, history proves trickle down is a major fail and that stimulus works.

God am I sick of stupid fuckers like this
Yet it is the same theory applied solely to a few businesses by targeted "Grants" for things nobody really wants to buy.
Dear fucking idiot, history proves trickle down is a major fail and that stimulus works.

God am I sick of stupid fuckers like this
He just repeats what he hears on Faux News.

There are several studies that show the situation would have been one of the deepest depression in our history if the steps had not been taken.

Tuesday will reveal what kind of crazy will run our government until the next election.

I don't try to talk to brick walls, the evidence is there, they don't want Pres. Obama to have any success, but history will be the judge. I would hate to think what would have happened without the stimulus. Hopefully, Congress and the President, after this new blood comes in will have to buckle down and make some hard decisions. I think Pres. Obama is capable of doing that and working with Congress to raise taxes and cut the budget to balance it. This is my hope, but he will need Congress to work with him.