Flashback: Eric 'Payback' Holder said gun owners should cower in shame like smokers

Yup not arguing that, my poor semi literate retard!

What you refuse to accept is that when guns were banned in the UK there was an explosion in every type of crime, violent, gun, home, sexual the lot.

Care to address that?
Or will you stick to pointless attacks and irrelivant abuse?

Not tht I care about that shithole you came from idiot
Not tht I care about that shithole you came from idiot

So clear evidence showing that gun control leads to higher crime , more violence , more murders and more cop killings is something you will simply ignore?
Such is your dogma!

All these liberal policies have failed elsewhere , why would thst differ now?
Now here's my confusion, and like most things that confuse me about liberals, it's in combination with their other policies. You guys want the war on drugs to stop right? You say it costs too much money, isn't effective and is in breach of basic rights. And yet, you want to open up another war on guns, which would cost more money, would be less effective, since gun nuts are crazier than druggies and more numerous, and would be in breach of constitutional rights.

Where's the consistency here guys? Either do less freedom or more, but pick a side.

It's a kind of "do no harm" ideology. The drugs liberals want to legalize cause harm to oneself, while guns, which we want to crack down upon, cause harm to others.

This should be fairly simple.
It's a kind of "do no harm" ideology. The drugs liberals want to legalize cause harm to oneself, while guns, which we want to crack down upon, cause harm to others.

This should be fairly simple.
What harm do guns cause in the hands of the law abiding citizen you fucking retard ?

Damn you fuckers are stupid!!!

God damn braindead liberal thugs!!