You're a fucking pussy and you know it.
Here is what is going to happen over the next 12 months...
Trump will be tried in the Senate and all the dirty laundry will get aired out.
You will inevitably say that it's not fair and that we're causing people to act violently because of holding Trump accountable.
When the right-wing violence inevitably occurs, which would have occurred with or without an impeachment, you will then say that it's not representative of Trump voters or Conservatives, doing your best to employ "NO TRUE SCOTSMAN".
Then the Conservatives will turn on you for not sufficiently backing their insurrection attempts.
Them turning on you will lead to personal threats, doxxing, whatever.
Then you will come back and cry about how you got doxxed AGAIN because you couldn't keep your fucking mouth shut, threw in with the wrong crowd, and now seriously regret it.
So you'll come back with your hand out (whether that is in the form of a new ID or account, who knows), but no one -NO ONE- is going to be there for you when you do.