Flatscreen buyers guide


We are begining our shopping for a new TV.

I thought I might pick the brains of those who know about the newer technologies and brands.

It will be our first flat screen type.
fairly large.

Right now we have a 60 inch projection screen that is years old. Its a monster and I dont want one that big. I think you pretty much have to get HDTV now.

When I look at them in the stores they are all hooked up to HDTV and the pictures look pretty much the same (fantastic).

Price is always a big deal to me. The 60 inch we never would have purchased ourselfs becuase we are too cheap. My hubby earned it through an awards program at work a few years back.

What Im looking for is the best performer brand and model wise and good places to buy from. I think Ill probably buy from Cost co or Sams club.
in the stores desh look at them fro angles and see how they do. That seems to be the biggest difference to me. also if they will get them to dispaly an SDTV signal on them. Some of them jag up quite a bit on SDTV resoloution images from DVD's that do not upconvert. Or GASP! even those of us who have a VCR hooked up to our HDTV.
Is SDTV satellite TV?

The angle thing is a good point thanks.

The DVD and VCR players is also a good tip. My sons childhood movie shots are on DVD still and I still need it.

Is SDTV really going to be anything going forward?

BTW I love your avitar
Is satellite tv SDTV? Well that depends on your satellite provider, channel and reciever you have. Many channels on satellite are now in HDTV format. But if you have an older reciever you have SDTV format which is Standard Definition TV. Which is something like 420/420 I forget. HDTV is in 2 formats 720p and 1080 i The higher the number the more pixels and sharper definition the picture is. I could go into interlaced, etc....

On the DVD they now have players for a reasonable price that upconvert SDTV resoloutions DVD's to 1080i for hooking up to a 1080 TV with better resoloution and less jaggies.
We have cable so when we get the new TV we thought would call them out and they would rehook us up with new equipment. Do we have to get the dish type?
We have cable so when we get the new TV we thought would call them out and they would rehook us up with new equipment. Do we have to get the dish type?

No you do not have to get the new HDTV cable or satellite.
You will just get better looking pictures if you do.

Make sure whatever TV you get has RCA audio and vid inputs and SVIDEO inputs as well as HDMI.
Yeah I think the Hi def is just about all you can buy from what ive seen in the stores.

I have also been told the standard feed looks like crap on the HDTVs
Get HD, don't waste cash on any SDTV.

Now if I could just recall What some here say about my short posts and volume ....

Unless you buy old stock all TV's sold now are HDTV compatible.
But there are 3 main varaints.
HDTV compatible but displays SDTV resoloution.
720p HDTV.
1080i TDTV.
Yeah I think the Hi def is just about all you can buy from what ive seen in the stores.

I have also been told the standard feed looks like crap on the HDTVs
It isn't that bad. It looks like crap in comparison to HD, but it's supposed to.

The best way to view it is with the gray bars on the side so it doesn't distort the picture.
Desh some HDTV's do better jobs at smoothing out the standard feed to display it. What I was referring to as jaggies.

I recommend getting 1080i and an upconvert DVD player.
We are begining our shopping for a new TV.

I thought I might pick the brains of those who know about the newer technologies and brands.

It will be our first flat screen type.

We LOVE our Samsung! The picture is so clear!

My daughter has a Visio and it is also a very nice picture!
We LOVE our Samsung! The picture is so clear!

My daughter has a Visio and it is also a very nice picture!

We have a Samsung as well; it's terrific. Very sharp, great colors. We also have satellite, so HD comes in really well.
It doesn't distort the picture like my friend Mishubishi, but her TV is a couple of years older than mine, too! We had a Hitachi, but it went bad and we traded it for a Samsung and we are, like I said, very happy!
Samsung , good tip ladies.

I may have to look into wether Ill be better off this a sat tv package or the cable.