Flatscreen buyers guide

Samsung , good tip ladies.

I may have to look into wether Ill be better off this a sat tv package or the cable.

Good luck, we hardly EVER go to the movies now, what with Netflix and our Samsung! I do miss the popcorn, it just doesn't taste the same at home!
I will go see "Twilight" on the big screen! I love my vampires on the really big screen!
Im not sure Froggy but I thought I heard something about it , I could be wrong.

Net flicks is not really that convient for us because we have a video stor right arround the corner from us.

Its just easier to pop over there and see what we watn to watch right now.
So you said you'll probably get it through Sam's or Costco -- good thing. We got ours at Circuit City and today I read that they've filed for bankruptcy. Just last week they were closing 155 stores nationwide; guess that was just the hole in the dike.

We're losing our Mervyn's too. The local paper said that they've been here for 59 years. Also Linens 'n' Things have begun liquidating their inventory locally. This place isn't really too great for businesses at the best of times: we even lost our Baskin-Robbins outlets a few years ago. :(
So you said you'll probably get it through Sam's or Costco -- good thing. We got ours at Circuit City and today I read that they've filed for bankruptcy. Just last week they were closing 155 stores nationwide; guess that was just the hole in the dike.

We're losing our Mervyn's too. The local paper said that they've been here for 59 years. Also Linens 'n' Things have begun liquidating their inventory locally. This place isn't really too great for businesses at the best of times: we even lost our Baskin-Robbins outlets a few years ago. :(

Wow...we are kind of isolated up here and so we don't hear of all the closing outside! We are building two new Targets, but if oil goes any lower, Alaska will be in the same boat, soon!:eek:
Its really sad, there is yet more consolidation for wealth coming out of this as well as consumer choice taking a hit.

Mothers cookies is also about to die.
Its really sad, there is yet more consolidation for wealth coming out of this as well as consumer choice taking a hit.

Mothers cookies is also about to die.

MOTHERS!!!!!! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

My animal crackers!
Loos like Samsung is a good choice.

I know Froggie those cookies are the cookies I always ate. Its what my mom always bought.
Is SDTV satellite TV?

The angle thing is a good point thanks.

The DVD and VCR players is also a good tip. My sons childhood movie shots are on DVD still and I still need it.

Is SDTV really going to be anything going forward?

BTW I love your avitar

You can get HDTV satellite. If you try to use your regular cables with an HDTV all you'll get is a slightly stretched, fuzzy low quality SDTV picture (I see a lot of people proud to show me their awesome HDTV who have it plugged up with SDTV cables). You need to order an HDTV satellite plan, and hook your HDTV up with an HDMI cable.

Also, you need to get a blu-ray player and hook it up with HDMI to enjoy the higher resolution HDTV provides. But you'll have to get blu-ray's from now on. The blu-ray player can play standard DVDs, but if the DVDs aren't widescreen the picture will be stretched unless you set up your blu-ray player to put black bars at the side (hopefully it will automatically be set up like that, or else I know n00bs like you probably won't ever be able to fix it ;) ). Worse still would be if you hadn't set up your DVD player right and with widescscreen DVD's you got a stretched letter boxed picture. You have to think about those things.
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Is satellite tv SDTV? Well that depends on your satellite provider, channel and reciever you have. Many channels on satellite are now in HDTV format. But if you have an older reciever you have SDTV format which is Standard Definition TV. Which is something like 420/420 I forget. HDTV is in 2 formats 720p and 1080 i The higher the number the more pixels and sharper definition the picture is. I could go into interlaced, etc....

On the DVD they now have players for a reasonable price that upconvert SDTV resoloutions DVD's to 1080i for hooking up to a 1080 TV with better resoloution and less jaggies.

HDTV is in 720i, 720p, 1080i, and 1080p.
Satellite, absolutely!

Cable in areas is usually governed by a local monopoly and the quality is shit. Although Cable is supposed to be better than satellite, if the only provider in your area is Comcast (puke) I would 100% recommend going with satellite HDTV.
One thing to consider is the warranty they are not equal. Some have a minimum number of bad pixels before they will replace/repair under warranty.