Florida grand jury isn't finished

An indictment is not a trial, and is not a conviction. It IS the beginning of a lawsuit. Guilty of what? The indictment didn't list any crime (yet again!).

Bringing frivolous lawsuits isn't going to work. You idiots have been bringing them for EIGHT YEARS, and NOTHING has come of it. That's for a reason, dope. ALL of the lawsuits you have brought so far against Trump are frivolous.

The indictment lays out 37 federal charges against Trump, including obstruction and unlawful retention of defense information for storing dozens of classified documents at his Florida resort and refusing to return them to the FBI and the National Archives.
What laws are they upholding?

The better question to ask is, "What laws are they ignoring?". Let's just look at the Constitution of the United States for a start:

Democrats deny Article I, giving the government and Congress unlimited power, passing ex post facto laws, and by attempting to overrule the Senate's authority to try impeachments.
Democrats deny Article II, not acknowledging the authority of the President, and ignoring the right of State legislatures to choose their electors.
Democrats deny Article III, giving the Supreme Court power OVER the Constitution, not under it.
Democrats deny Article V, changing the Constitution at will WITHOUT the authority of the States.
Democrats deny Article VI, since they do not recognize the Constitution of the United States.
Democrats deny the 1st amendment by supporting censorship of political opposition, and establishing the Church of Global Warming and the Church of Green as state religions, and prohibiting the exercise of Christianity and the Judaism by citizens and government employees, and by using violence as a right of expression.
Democrats deny the 2nd amendment by limiting and banning various weapons, particularly guns.
Democrats deny the 4th amendment by demanding personal papers and effects WITHOUT court authority.
Democrats deny the 5th amendment by attempting to force people to witness against themselves, and supporting the taking of property without due process.
Democrats deny the 6th amendment by convicting by accusation.
Democrats deny the 7th amendment by banning the use of juries in trials, and of not even having a trial to convict.
Democrats deny the 8th amendment by imposing harsh sentences on political prisoners, and suggesting the same to all political dissidence, even if it's peaceful.
Democrats deny the 9th amendment by claiming the Constitution (which they do not recognize anyway) lists all the rights that people have.
Democrats deny the 10th amendment by horning in on States rights, and the people's rights.
Democrats deny the 12th amendment by using election fraud.
Democrats deny the 13th amendment by requiring 'reparations'.
Democrats deny the 14th amendment by applying laws unequally to different classes of people.
Democrats deny the 15th amendment by applying laws supporting bigotry and racism.
Democrats deny the 16th amendment by their 'tax the rich' schemes.
Democrats deny the 19th amendment by their sexist laws, redefining sex, and placing one sex above another by law.
Democrats deny the 24th amendment by bribing voters to vote for them.
Democrats deny the 25th amendment by attempting ex post facto laws to declare a 'deciding body'.

DEMOCRATS do not recognize the Constitution of the United States nor any State constitution.
No crime listed. Try again.
Trump faces 37 federal felony counts

The charges Trump faces under the indictment include:

31 counts of willful retention of classified documents
1 count of conspiracy to obstruct justice
1 count of withholding a document or record
1 count of corruptly concealing a document or record
1 count of concealing a document in a federal investigation
1 count of scheme to conceal
and 1 count of making false statements and representations.
The indictment lays out 37 federal charges against Trump, including obstruction and unlawful retention of defense information for storing dozens of classified documents at his Florida resort and refusing to return them to the FBI and the National Archives.

Not a crime. Trump is authorized to retain any document he wishes. He doesn't even need to declassify them.
The FBI is NOT authorized to view or retain any classified document. They are BREAKING THE LAW.
Neither the FBI nor the National Archives is authorized to restrict the authority of a President (or former President). They are BREAKING THE LAW.

You conveniently failed AGAIN to mention that Joe Biden ALSO has classified documents in his home, had them for YEARS, and was NEVER AUTHORIZED to retain or even view those documents!

I guess you just don't care about Article II, the 14th amendment, or the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th amendments, or Title 18, or the PRA.
Trump faces 37 federal felony counts

The charges Trump faces under the indictment include:

31 counts of willful retention of classified documents
1 count of conspiracy to obstruct justice
1 count of withholding a document or record
1 count of corruptly concealing a document or record
1 count of concealing a document in a federal investigation
1 count of scheme to conceal
and 1 count of making false statements and representations.

No charge for lying to the FBI?
Not a crime. Trump is authorized to retain any document he wishes. He doesn't even need to declassify them.
The FBI is NOT authorized to view or retain any classified document. They are BREAKING THE LAW.
Neither the FBI nor the National Archives is authorized to restrict the authority of a President (or former President). They are BREAKING THE LAW.

You conveniently failed AGAIN to mention that Joe Biden ALSO has classified documents in his home, had them for YEARS, and was NEVER AUTHORIZED to retain or even view those documents!

I guess you just don't care about Article II, the 14th amendment, or the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th amendments, or Title 18, or the PRA.

I have already given you the clause that says that all documents must be turned over to the National Archives and then at a later date a president can request some of them, just as all other Presidents have done.
Trump faces 37 federal felony counts

The charges Trump faces under the indictment include:

31 counts of willful retention of classified documents
Not a crime. Trump is authorized to retain any document he wishes, in accordance with Article II of the Constitution of the United States (which you ignore) and the PRA (which you ignore).
1 count of conspiracy to obstruct justice
Not a crime.
1 count of withholding a document or record
Not a crime.
1 count of corruptly concealing a document or record
No corruption. Not a crime.
1 count of concealing a document in a federal investigation
No concealment. Not a crime.
1 count of scheme to conceal
No concealment. Not a crime.
and 1 count of making false statements and representations.
Not a crime. No restricting oath. Democrats make false statements and representations all the time. So do you.

So...where's the beef? What is the crime?
Not a crime.

Not a crime.

Not a crime.

No corruption. Not a crime.

No concealment. Not a crime.

No concealment. Not a crime.

Not a crime. No restricting oath. Democrats make false statements and representations all the time. So do you.

So...where's the beef? What is the crime?

You know the truth quite well, no need to go any further. Just keep posting your lies on as many other message boards as you can.