Florida Horse Owner Accuses Illegals of Abducting and Killing His Horses For Meat

We have got to remove these illegal alien monsters. Diversity is a horrible idea esp when the invaders have IQs of 50 and can only do crime and welfare.

And a few more “news” stores featured by “the people’s voice tv:”

“FBI Seize ‘Horrific’ Obama ‘Freak Off’ Tapes Featuring Underage Justin Bieber”
“Multiple ‘Assassination Teams’ Are Targeting Trump”
“Report: Directed Energy Weapon Used To Attack Trump and Supporters at Rally”
“Chemical Attack: Attendees at Trump Rally Hit With ‘Mysterious’ Illness After Being on Stage”
“Police Discover Dirty Bomb at New York Trump Rally – Cover Up Exposed”

It is a propaganda site, and I thought the usual Breitfart and Gateway were hysterical

Are you serious?. Horses are dumb. Mules are smart but not horses.

Cows are dumb. Deer are dumb. Sheep are dumb as individuals, but smarter in a group.

People who actually study animal intelligence don't think horses are dumb ...

Horses vary allot by the individual and breed. So do Dogs.

When I was working on an military AI development project for making automatons for resupply, we looked at allot of different animals and their abilities and habits, in order to generate a list of salient features to include in the algorithms. We found that the social habits of horses, their hazard perception and their terrain recognition abilities, to be among the highest of all animals. Dogs are good with scents, pack hunting, and some breeds are good in social communications and structures, but not all.

Some breeds of dogs are very dumb.

Horses are different that dogs, in the nature of their intelligence. They are social, territorial, herd, herbivores, rather than being pack or solo predators. Scavenger dogs like chihuahuas tend to be very dumb. Most Rats are smarter than chihuahuas.

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Horse meat with mustard and thyme​

The summer always brings with it the irresistible urge to spend time outdoors, especially during the evening hours, when the desire to relax combines with the colours of twilight - a moment to inspire cooks’ imagination, and inspiring new meals with which to impress their guests. So, to celebrate a lovely evening with friends why not make horse meat steak, a recipe rich in delicious and inviting aromas and with an excellent, lively taste? Bear in mind that you can accompany this meat dish with a light side salad, ideal for balancing a heavy meat such as horse. Follow our recipe: step-by-step you will make a delicious meal!

Freakin Italians! DEPORT THEM ALL!