Florida is booming

Florida’s death rate is no worse than the national average, and better than that of some other states that imposed more restrictions, despite its large numbers of retirees, young partiers and tourists.

State and local regulations have generally overcome the stupidity of DeSantis. I don't think people are blind here, but who knows, the state went for Trump. For example, here in Duval County there has been a mask mandate since last June, and people follow it. The same is true of most counties in Florida. So DeSantis is feckless. Unlike other states, DeSantis was smart enough not to try and undo local mandates. DeSantis gets zero credit for anything here. Counties, Federal agencies and private businesses have done the dirty work and they are also doing the heavy lifting in the vaccination process.

Look to Texas for the results of what opening 100% gets ya, and the Leg and Gov here go out of their way to overrule any attempts at sanity at the county or city level. My State is now full of lab rats and we have around a 9% vaccination rate, we have all three major variants of the virus, and too many stupid People running the State. At least most people are still wearing their masks anyway in my area, those that don't never did to begin with, which is why we have done so badly here. Wait For It, it Is Coming. My guess is they will blame it all on illegal immigrants since the Repubs never take any responsibility for their own actions, from the Pandemic to State Wide power outages for over a week, it is never their fault, ever. :palm:
Virus tolls similar despite governors' contrasting actions

Nearly a year after California Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered the nation’s first statewide shutdown because of the coronavirus, masks remain mandated, indoor dining and other activities are significantly limited, and Disneyland remains closed.

By contrast, Florida has no statewide restrictions. Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis has prohibited municipalities from fining people who refuse to wear masks. And Disney World has been open since July.

Despite their differing approaches, California and Florida have experienced almost identical outcomes in COVID-19 case rates.

How have two states that took such divergent tacks arrived at similar points?

“This is going to be an important question that we have to ask ourselves: What public health measures actually were the most impactful, and which ones had negligible effect or backfired by driving behavior underground?” said Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.

The Great thing about topics such as this is we shall see for ourselves in a month who is full of Bull Shit and who isn't. I have this thread saved for that time and will pull it back to the forefront when the SHTF, and you Know it will.

Sadly, we will see those numbers change dramatically a month from now, and not in a good way.
no /
we have been opend for business and kids in schools. Masks are not mandatory but everyone wears them

we're doing just fine.
no /
we have been opend for business and kids in schools. Masks are not mandatory but everyone wears them

we're doing just fine.

Not sure where you are, but masks are mandatory here. Orlando has a mask mandate. Jacksonville has a mask mandate. Tampa has a mask mandate. And I just checked, Miami has a mask mandate. I'm sure most other places do too. So those places have put the necessary measures in place despite the idiot in the Governor's mansion.
Orlando has a mask mandate. Jacksonville has a mask mandate. Tampa has a mask mandate. And I just checked, Miami has a mask mandate.

Who told you that?

DeSantis has prohibited municipalities from fining people who refuse to wear masks.

Not sure where you are, but masks are mandatory here. Orlando has a mask mandate. Jacksonville has a mask mandate. Tampa has a mask mandate. And I just checked, Miami has a mask mandate. I'm sure most other places do too. So those places have put the necessary measures in place despite the idiot in the Governor's mansion.
im in Orlando. I didnt know we had an actual mandate..like I said thoughi dont see anyone out and about without them.

Masks dont do a whole lot,but I have no problem wearing them in public
And we both know why, don't we? :nodyes:
probably lot of reasons.?
But the real take away is DeSantis protected the nursing homes from COVID infections
by establishing COVID facilities for those infected,and prohibiting visitors

and certainly not the dumbfuck Cuomo crap
Florida’s death rate is no worse than the national average, and better than that of some other states that imposed more restrictions, despite its large numbers of retirees, young partiers and tourists.

because we did seniors first for vaccinations
With all the egg left on their faces after so many months of fluffing Andrew Cuomo, CNN is pretty desperate to shift attention to other governors’ awfulness. Particularly Republican governors’ awfulness.

Particularly Ron DeSantis’ awfulness.

While Florida has suffered during the COVID19 pandemic just like pretty much every other state, it has not become the graveyard that so many in the media seemed to hope it would be.

The state is actually doing pretty well, all things considered, and CNN can’t just let that slide.

They’ve got to come up with some kind of dirt on Ron DeSantis.

So here’s what they’ve come up with for the time being:

