Flying While Muslim

and by that standard, cops should be stopping every middle-class, middled aged white male within a mile of an elementary school, since these men fit the demographic profile of most pedophiles. ;)

Keyword in that sentence = "white"
This was a planned action.

The imams got on the plane and three of them stood up and started saying prayers. Which upset a number of passengers, not just one. The Captain went back and asked the imams to step outside so he could talk with them. They refused and police were then summoned to escort them off.

It was all carefully planned so as to create an appearance of muslims being singled out for being muslims. The muslim organizations were all lined up to "aid" the offended imams. It was designed to get liberals up in arms about how muslims are treated on planes. Its the old guilt trip, get sympathy routine they like to pull. Dhimmi's like prissy fall for it hook line and sinker.

Its all designed to further divide this country through the courts and laws. And the Dhimmi dems buy into it.
That's right, any Muslim stupid enought to get up and pray and say Allah Akbar on a plane needs to has his ass kicked off. Hopefully they will boycott all American airlines. LOL

Not just Muslims. Anyone caught praying should be banned from flying.
That's right, any Muslim stupid enought to get up and pray and say Allah Akbar on a plane needs to has his ass kicked off. Hopefully they will boycott all American airlines. LOL

Not just Muslims. Anyone caught praying should be banned from flying.
Well, it is a clear indication of a potentially dangerous irrationality.
Well, it is a clear indication of a potentially dangerous irrationality.

Well, you have to be sure... And if you ban one group (Muslims) you have to ban them all, to be fair.... :)
What signs of praying would it take? Would they have to be active in prayer to ban them or would they need just a symbol, like a yarmulke or a cross?
Only ban Christian and jews and any others from praying after they have bombed a few planes, flown them into buildings, etc.

This was a terrorist attack, meant to scare passangers and it succeeded. I hope they do boycott US Airways. That would make it a safer way to fly.
Well, it is a clear indication of a potentially dangerous irrationality.

Well, you have to be sure... And if you ban one group (Muslims) you have to ban them all, to be fair.... :)

So you would equate a little old Italian lady quietly praying with her rosery beads with what these Muslims were pulling? She should be removed from the plane?
The 9/11 guys wore normal US clothes and were instructed not to appear Muslim. Seeing them dressed and acting Muslim is a sign that they are most likely not part of any plot.

are you for real?? if i saw them doing that as tiana says, id be booking a new flight if those mofos were on it.
It was a plot. A plot to get the pc courts involved and to test what they could get away with on the plane. Its a plot to cripple the security system of the airports using the courts. everything they did was corriagraph. There will be more as it continues to develope.
It was a plot. A plot to get the pc courts involved and to test what they could get away with on the plane. Its a plot to cripple the security system of the airports using the courts. everything they did was corriagraph. There will be more as it continues to develope.

Simple solution. Ban all praying on planes. Christian, Muslim, Jewish etc etc, ban them all.
It was a plot. A plot to get the pc courts involved and to test what they could get away with on the plane. Its a plot to cripple the security system of the airports using the courts. everything they did was corriagraph. There will be more as it continues to develope.

Simple solution. Ban all praying on planes. Christian, Muslim, Jewish etc etc, ban them all.

I agree. I hate flying. I'm afraid of it, but I do it. I take valium first, but I'm still nerved up. And I don't want to see anybody start praying, I can tell you that. Right away, I want to know, wtf are they praying for? What do they know that I don't know? I flew to Seattle last week, and two idiots, while we were going down the runway, actually said "what's that noise"? I couldn't believe it. So I didn't know if they were frequent flyers and maybe they knew something I didn't, and I asked, well, do we need to find out what the noise is? Because the most important thing I have learned in my life is that people are stupid. They will go to their deaths, just to conform so they're not cast out. But I'd rather ask. And then a nice man leaned over from across the aisle (he had been ignoring them, but I guess saw that they had alarmed me) and explained to me what the noise was, and that it was a "good noise".

But I still wanted to kill those idiots. I would kill someone who was praying next to me on the plane, and I don't care if it's the Our Father. So you have to be careful where you pray, because you could do it near someone like me, who is already really nerved up and just looking to bash some idiot in the head for this kind of nonsense. Stay home and pray.
are you for real?? if i saw them doing that as tiana says, id be booking a new flight if those mofos were on it.

I don't know. I would be upset at any loud praying on a plane. I don't care if they're Arab or not. Arabs don't make me feel any more scared on a plane. Honestly, a guy could sit next to me, tell me that he's a terrorist, and that his terrorist buddies were going to be shooting missiles at my plane as it took off, and I still couldn't be any more frightened. I'd just be like, yeah man, flying, you just never know when you're going to a fiery death. And then I'd pop another valium. But telling me that is one thing; praying loudly is another thing. That shit is just not acceptable as far as I am concerned.
Only ban Christian and jews and any others from praying after they have bombed a few planes, flown them into buildings, etc.

This was a terrorist attack, meant to scare passangers and it succeeded. I hope they do boycott US Airways. That would make it a safer way to fly.

Christians have blown up abortion clinics and shot and killed Doctors. They have led murderous crussades against entire nations. They have been responsable for the needless deaths of tens of thousands.
I flew to Seattle last week, and two idiots, while we were going down the runway, actually said "what's that noise"? I couldn't believe it. So I didn't know if they were frequent flyers and maybe they knew something I didn't, and I asked, well, do we need to find out what the noise is? Because the most important thing I have learned in my life is that people are stupid. They will go to their deaths, just to conform so they're not cast out. But I'd rather ask. And then a nice man leaned over from across the aisle (he had been ignoring them, but I guess saw that they had alarmed me) and explained to me what the noise was, and that it was a "good noise".
On some of the older aircraft, the design philosophy was that "noise" was good. The distinctive, and clearly heard, thunks and clunks are a way to determine (if the cockpit panel shows an error) whether the equipment is performing the action. For instance, when the landing gear is retracted, the "thunks and clunks" are supposed to be there to indicate the gear is retracted and the doors are latched. Also, the wings are supposed to flex - that is not a bad thing.

In general, an airliner will hit V1 (rotate the nose up) in about 33 seconds, and go V2 (liftoff) at about 36 seconds. On warmer days and bigger aircraft / more loaded with weight, the times are longer than these.
Flying while Muslim?

I don't think so:

Six Muslim clerics were removed from a U.S. Airways flight last week - and, as usual, most of the media and, surprisingly, most of the blogosphere, missed the obvious.

The clerics were praying loudly in the take-off area, and, by some accounts, while they spread out on the plane.

Where does everyone else pray? This is a question no one seems to be asking.

Everyone else either prays in the airport chapel or silently, modestly in public areas. Is that besuited business man at Gate 18 nodding off or praying with his eyes closed? We don’t know for sure. And that let’s everyone else go on with their lives.

More than 80% of Americans tell pollsters that they believe in God. Millions of believers thread their way through airports every day. And, until now, no Christian, Jew or Muslim, has ever sparked a public controversy by worshipping the Almighty.

And, before we get into the freedom of worship arguments, let’s not forget that they were doing more than just noisily praying in Arabic on stretched out prayer rugs in the exit area. They were making loud anti-American statements at the gate, repeatedly invoking Allah. Three of the six had one-way tickets and some had not checked any bags. These are all red flags.

Once on the plane they spread out from the front to the rear of the aircraft in a pattern reminiscent of the 9-11 hijackers.

And, then, weirdly, several thin imams asked for seat-belt extensions - the kind of thing usually requested by the John Candy set.

A long seat belt with a heavy metal buckle would make quite a weapon…

In short, these guys seemed to be trying to set off every post-9-11 alarm bell. And they were shocked, shocked when they finally succeeded.

They claim that they are victims of “flying while Muslim.” They are not. They are provocateurs. And got what they had coming.

Their outrage is dishonest too. They claim to have been singled out simply because they are Muslim. If so, why were other Muslims not taken off the flight? Or off other flights? Let’s get real: It was a series of suspicious behaviors that got them booted, not their religion.

Did the passenger who passed the note to the flight attendant about these imams overreact? Possibly. After all, the 9-11 hijackers did not call attention to themselves and certainly didn’t loudly pray before their murderous flights. But, post-9-11, one can understand why a passenger might not want to split hairs or take his chances.

Yes, you can understand, dear reader. But can these P.C.-addled imams understand?

When one is both a citizen and a member of a religious group linked to terrorism, one has certain obligations to one’s fellow citizens to follow the law (and not poke it in the nose)...