FM transmitters for itouch question

I have a plasma screen HD TV. You exaggerate the difference in your mind - placebo effect. It doesn't improve the "actual" viewing experience much. I know what I'm talking about, you don't. Case closed.
Any audiophile would know that you don't use the transmitters because it does not enhance your listening experience. That the normal Joe might not doesn't change that I wouldn't recommend it because I wouldn't like it.

And it may not enhance your "viewing experience" much, but it certainly enhances others experience, and it isn't all in their head. They like the crisp picture, and you are nuts if you don't understand how it enhances movies especially as they don't need to cut them up so badly in order to get them on your TV.
Any audiophile would know that you don't use the transmitters because it does not enhance your listening experience. That the normal Joe might not doesn't change that I wouldn't recommend it because I wouldn't like it.

And it may not enhance your "viewing experience" much, but it certainly enhances others experience, and it isn't all in their head. They like the crisp picture, and you are nuts if you don't understand how it enhances movies especially as they don't need to cut them up so badly in order to get them on your TV.

They already had SD widescreen. HD isn't about widescreen.

Damo, if you took two seperate groups of people and showed them the same movie in HD and SD and asked them to rate their experience, you'd probably get close to the same score no matter how many times you performed the test (or at least that's my hypothesis, I have nothing to directly prove that). In fact, if you blew the SD picture up and played it on an HDTV or a widescreen SDTV, 90% of the audience would probably think they were actually watching HDTV.

I've seen people literally rave about how great their new HDTV was, and then seen their setup and they were actually watching stretched out 4:3 SD.