Foley will name alleged abuser


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Former Florida Rep. Mark Foley will tell the Archdiocese of Miami the name of the priest he says abused him as a young man, his attorney said Tuesday. Gerald Richman added Foley will not press criminal charges against the clergyman because of the difficulties the case would face.

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And another Catholic abuser down, another Catholic abuser down, another one bites the dust...
Former Florida Rep. Mark Foley will tell the Archdiocese of Miami the name of the priest he says abused him as a young man, his attorney said Tuesday. Gerald Richman added Foley will not press criminal charges against the clergyman because of the difficulties the case would face.

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Nope, he won't press criminal charges because of the statute of limitations. Is he still able, under Florida civil law, to file suit? Jarod?
What's next? He writes a book and goes on the talk show circuit and visits Oprah? Like McQueervey the former governor of NJ.
Nope, he won't press criminal charges because of the statute of limitations. Is he still able, under Florida civil law, to file suit? Jarod?

Typically the SOL would have passed, but if Foley could show that the abuser threatened him to keep it secret or if for some good reason it was kept secret they can get around the sol.
Typically the SOL would have passed, but if Foley could show that the abuser threatened him to keep it secret or if for some good reason it was kept secret they can get around the sol.
Could he still file in civil court - Is there a SOL for civil cases?
I don't have a point I'm supporting, I just want to know as a point of interest.
Foley should get a little credit, at least he waited until they were of age. And he did propose laws protecting children on the internet. That is a good thing. So he is not all bad. But like all homos he just can't control his urges.
Not all US, but most hetro can show more control. Homos will always succumb to sexual urges. They just can't seem to control themselves. What with all he had to lose Foley wrote these emails. I admit he did a better job of control than most homos. at least he waited for them to become of age. But still it was not in his best interest to go down that road. But he did.
Take McQueervey, a governor who went to public rest rooms on the interstate and had sex with complete strangers. What self destructive behavior!!!
What about homo pedofiles, they caught 7 in one day here in KY last week. All were hetros. And one was a preacher and one an elementary school teacher. You are just biggotted tobes. Mentally ill is mentally ill and in the case of pedos, totally disgusting, and in all probability incureable.

btw I think all 7 had moved here from alabama ;)
I said sexual deviants. Homos and pedophiles are both included. One doesn't make the other right. Both are deviant behavior. But I don't know that much about the case you site. Have a link?