Foleys crime

Then why was he always unwilling to admit it, till he resigned?
Being directly open about it might hurt his chances with some who were willing to vote for him so long as he didn't shove it in their face. All the people that I know (a whole 2) that live in that district have told me for years that the guy was gay though.
Being directly open about it might hurt his chances with some who were willing to vote for him so long as he didn't shove it in their face. All the people that I know (a whole 2) that live in that district have told me for years that the guy was gay though.

I live in his district and have known for years he was gay. I would not call admiting to that fact shoving it into someones face!

I thnk people should be honest. The only fault I ever had with Foley about his being gay was that he would not admit it. I think people should stand up for who they are, especally when there is nuthing wrong with it.

Social progress on this issue will only come when people stop being ashamed of being gay! DONT HIDE WHO YOU ARE, especally if you are a congressman! I find and have always found the way Foley handled this issue to be dishonest with the voters, dont hide the ball, be proud of who you are!
M'eh! I think it is like Roosevelt not showing up in public in his wheel chair.

It is something like that... and had Roosevelt showed up in his wheelchair he would have done to prove wrong misconcpetions about cripled people! The BIG difference however is if Roosevelt had been asked if he were in a wheelchair he would have simply said yes.

The other difference is that being in a wheelchair is a disability, being gay at least should not be!
I don't think either are really. He didn't want people to know because it would likely be a disadvantage for more than just elections... I think it is pretty much the same thing here. Some will run openly, most will not, and not just because of elections. Open secrets like that one happen for more than just this type of thing.
I don't think either are really. He didn't want people to know because it would likely be a disadvantage for more than just elections... I think it is pretty much the same thing here. Some will run openly, most will not, and not just because of elections. Open secrets like that one happen for more than just this type of thing.

I disagree. I think its pattently dishonest to not admit who you are. I thought conservatives claim gay people get special treetment, if thats the case you would think Foley would be out long ago!
I have great respect for Barny Frank for having the courage to stand up for who he is!