Food Shortage

cancel2 2022

For the America character, what's wrong with a country taking care of their own first? Should the U.S. be concerned with shortages of food outside the U.S. when people in the U.S. miss meals daily?

I bet you call yourself a Christian as well.
I bet you call yourself a Christian as well.

What does putting the people of my own country ahead of other countries have to do with Christianity? Are you saying being a Christian means letting your own starve so others can have something? If so, you have a twisted view of Christianity.

Perhaps you should read 1 Timothy 5:8.
who would Jesus let die of hunger

If there's a food shortage, by definition, that means there's not enough to go around. Should we let people in the U.S. go without so those of another country can have? Remember what shortage means.
What does putting the people of my own country ahead of other countries have to do with Christianity? Are you saying being a Christian means letting your own starve so others can have something? If so, you have a twisted view of Christianity.

Perhaps you should read 1 Timothy 5:8.
No you are saying that!
I'm saying that MY country comes first. If there's a food shortage where you live, get your country to do something about it.

Well firstly the USA is the fattest nation on the planet bar Tonga. I've been to the US several times and seen the massive portions for myself, so spare me your bullshit.
Well firstly the USA is the fattest nation on the planet bar Tonga. I've been to the US several times and seen the massive portions for myself, so spare me your bullshit.

I've lived here all my life so spare me the bullshit from some foreigner motherfucker like you thinking you know better about where I live and you don't.
It would seen that you and Darla do have something in common after all, who knew?

It seems you're just another FOREIGNER that needs to mind his own business and worry about what goes on in his country instead of sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. Mind your own business.
It seems you're just another FOREIGNER that needs to mind his own business and worry about what goes on in his country instead of sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. Mind your own business.

Yep that's pretty much what Darla said as well! I must be doing something right if I can piss off a feminazi and a redneck.