Mason Michaels
Verified User
Hello M. V. Mason,
1: Agreed.
2: Purposely.
If the XFL tried to compete with the NFL (as DT stupidly forced the USFL to do,) the XFL would lose. That is why the XFL chose to avoid going head to head with the NFL, chose to dovetail it's season in after the end of the NFL with the Superbowl. Many football fans go through withdrawals after the Superbowl. There was nothing! Now, thankfully, there is football after the Superbowl. Time will tell if this is viable. I hope it survives.
One thing is certain. If the XFL survives, the play will get better. It's not like the chosen few NFL players are the only people who can play excellent football. The more experience these teams have, the better they will get.
They will never get top players without top salaries