Let me know if you want to play in the "football picks"?
Rana wants to compete.
Nigel won last year. He did very well!
We have about a month before the start.
Please let me know if you want to play.
Anyone wanting to play one second after the kickoff of the first game must have the approval of those who have commited prior to this point (and will be listed in a post before kickoff of the first game of the 2011 Season Start on the day of the first game, or maybe sooner) by a morgin of 67% in favor of approvel, & anytime before the start of the second, or future week(s), conforming to the rules set up in this post (and the first post of this thread, with any additional rules added before the kickoff of the first game in the 2011 Season Start, which is the kickoff of the first game of the 2011 season, and issued by me, or jointly by those already in the game) as to legislate these specifics (as law) are the law.