Football Picks

Baltimore - win
houston - win
Arizona - win
Green Bay - win
Atlanta - win
Pats - win
Giants - friggin stoooooopit pass interference penalty
San Fran - win
Seattle - Karma bitches
Denver - win
Cinci - win
KC - six turnovers? MF MF MF MF MF F'in Matt Cassell
Washington - win
Detroit - sons of beaches

10 wins... wow... a winning record for the week? How the hell did that happen?
Depending on how Monday Night goes, I'm either 11-4 or 10-5. That said, it's the Bears and the Cowgirls, so I should come out 11-4...

I love how some of us went with longshots who got murdered. SF picked KC, I picked BUF, and Billy picked the Jets. :D
Depending on how Monday Night goes, I'm either 11-4 or 10-5. That said, it's the Bears and the Cowgirls, so I should come out 11-4...

I love how some of us went with longshots who got murdered. SF picked KC, I picked BUF, and Billy picked the Jets. :D

When you give your oppenent 6 turnovers, two of them resulting in drives of less than 30 yards and another being a pick 6.... yeah... my boys were f'ed from the start. FU Matt Cassel...