Football when I was a kid


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Football now.. current


Something changed


Gay when i was a kid


Gay Now


Something changed
What happened is called LIBERALISM. It has destroyed all our institutions and is why we are living in this PC hell we find ourselves in.
Volsrock clearly doesn't know much about gay differences. Of course, he'd probably be fine with that. Why toot your own horn on the subject though, when you and others know it's not in your realm of understanding? It sounds like just being the typical blowhard.
Call it what you want. Leftism, statism, feminism, post modernism. Complaining PC douchbags have ruined this great country.

Football of today is FAR harder, faster and hard on a body then it was back then

Ray Lewis would have made Lambert look like you do: a complete mincing pussy.
Football of today is FAR harder, faster and hard on a body then it was back then

Ray Lewis would have made Lambert look like you do: a complete mincing pussy.

U know NOTHING about football

Football is pussy ball compared to the 80s and back QB cant even breath on him or u get a flag. No chop blocks now no hands to face. No body slams etc or get a flag Its closer to flag football

Tom Brady wouldn't last 10 years playing in the 70s and 80s

Lyle Alzado Jack Lambert meaning tougher than any player playing today

Jim Brown Conrad Dobler meaning tougher than any player playing today
U know NOTHING about football

Football is pussy ball compared to the 80s and back QB cant even breath on him or u get a flag. No chop blocks now no hands to face. No body slams etc or get a flag Its closer to flag football

Tom Brady wouldn't last 10 years playing in the 70s and 80s

Lyle Alzado Jack Lambert meaning tougher than any player playing today

Jim Brown Conrad Dobler meaning tougher than any player playing today

Or anything else for that matter. Except homosexuality. He knows all about that.
U know NOTHING about football

Football is pussy ball compared to the 80s and back QB cant even breath on him or u get a flag. No chop blocks now no hands to face. No body slams etc or get a flag Its closer to flag football

Tom Brady wouldn't last 10 years playing in the 70s and 80s

Lyle Alzado Jack Lambert meaning tougher than any player playing today

Jim Brown Conrad Dobler meaning tougher than any player playing today

LOL! You know absoutely nothing about football, cheer queer.

Concussions are WAY more common. Players are MUCH faster and stronger and are used to FAR more complex offenses and defenses.

The physicality of the game, which you've clearly never played, is FAR more than in the 70s. Hell, the NCAA Div 1 Champs could likely beat the Bradshaw Steelers, you pussy.

Bigger, faster, smarter, stronger. Something you'll never understand.
LOL! You know absoutely nothing about football, cheer queer.

Concussions are WAY more common. Players are MUCH faster and stronger and are used to FAR more complex offenses and defenses.


They just monitor them more today

Today its pull u out of the game for observation fall on your head out of the the 70s it was here smell this and get back in the game pussy

U dont think the had Concussions with leather helmets? fucking idiot

They are bigger and faster but with much better equipment and stronger rules against rough play

Put a helmet on from 1975 and put one on today, take a hit in the head at 10 mph in the 75 helmet and take a hit at 15 in today's helmet. Your head will hurt more in the 75
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They just monitor them more today

Nope. Thanks for demonstrating you don't know football other than blowing the equipment manager.
Today its pull u out of the game for observation fall on your head out of the the 70s it was here smell this and get back in the game pussy

And yet it's STILL tougher than it was back then. Remember, you pussy: bigger, faster, stronger.
U dont think the had Concussions with leather helmets? fucking idiot

Never said they didn't. Players run at much higher speeds today with a LOT more weight and much harder materials. You clearly don't even watch the game.
They are bigger and faster but with much better equipment and stronger rules against rough play

Irrelevant, pussy-boi. Football IS rough play. Something you'd know if you knew the game.

Stick to knitting, honey.
New Focus On Concussions: No More 'Shake It Off'

On warm summer days in the 1970s, Harry Bellucci and his Bulkeley High teammates battled through double-session football practices.

Bellucci, who graduated from the Hartford school in 1975, recalls participating in practice with a pounding headache sometimes. At a time when there was little awareness of concussions or player safety, athletes were expected to play through pain and discomfort.

Even head pain.

"The attitude was, 'Shake it off, take a couple of aspirin, and go,'"

Not today!!!!

Injury Risk Lowest in History of High School Football

Why? Better equipment and they pull them out of the more suck it up pussy and get back in there