Football when I was a kid

Vista coach Dan Williams, 42, suffered a concussion or two as aPanthers player in the early 1980s.

“One time I caught a pass on our sideline and got tagged prettygood,” he said. “I landed right in front of Coach (Dick) Haines andI wasn’t sure where I was, but coach told me I was fine and to getup off the ground .

Not today!

In the 30s they didnt even have to wear a helmet
All I can say is NFL players today are PUSSIES compared to the players of the 1970's and 80's. Walter Payton, who got hit hard and who hit OTHER players very hard, missed ONE game in his 13 year career. Guys like Cam Newton in today's game miss 2-3 games with a hangnail or a bruised ego. Jim Brown NEVER missed a game in his career. I've seen only two tough players in the last 20 years. Brett Favre and Ben Rothlesburger (spelling?) are about it. There was a Ram's linebacker in the 1970's, Jack (can't remember his last name) played several games with a broken arm! I believe his last name is Youngblood. So, yes, today's players can't seem to play with the slightest injuries, while the old timers would play a WHOLE SEASON with those same injuries.
All I can say is NFL players today are PUSSIES compared to the players of the 1970's and 80's. Walter Payton, who got hit hard and who hit OTHER players very hard, missed ONE game in his 13 year career. Guys like Cam Newton in today's game miss 2-3 games with a hangnail or a bruised ego. Jim Brown NEVER missed a game in his career. I've seen only two tough players in the last 20 years. Brett Favre and Ben Rothlesburger (spelling?) are about it. There was a Ram's linebacker in the 1970's, Jack (can't remember his last name) played several games with a broken arm! I believe his last name is Youngblood. So, yes, today's players can't seem to play with the slightest injuries, while the old timers would play a WHOLE SEASON with those same injuries.

So you admit to being a hamstrung fag who's never played the game and doesn't know its history?

Oh. OK. Literally nothing you just stated is based in reality, pussy.

John Elway was light years tougher than either of those two candy-asses. Not that you'd know, sucking all that dog-dick.
So you admit to being a hamstrung fag who's never played the game and doesn't know its history?

Oh. OK. Literally nothing you just stated is based in reality, pussy.

John Elway was light years tougher than either of those two candy-asses. Not that you'd know, sucking all that dog-dick.

The libs on THIS thread are also unable to post ANYTHING that is even remotely intelligent! THIS is an example of WHY they keep losing argument after argument after argument. They're SO damned DUMB!
Volsrock clearly doesn't know much about gay differences. Of course, he'd probably be fine with that. Why toot your own horn on the subject though, when you and others know it's not in your realm of understanding? It sounds like just being the typical blowhard.

You know more than most? I wouldn't doubt that a bit.
So you admit to being a hamstrung fag who's never played the game and doesn't know its history?

Oh. OK. Literally nothing you just stated is based in reality, pussy.

John Elway was light years tougher than either of those two candy-asses. Not that you'd know, sucking all that dog-dick.


Mr. Ed? Tough? LOL!
Call it what you want. Leftism, statism, feminism, post modernism. Complaining PC douchbags have ruined this great country.

Ruined? We’re the greatest and most influential civilization in human history. Don’t blame America because you’re a reactionary loser stuck in the 15th Century.

John Elway was light years tougher than either of those two candy-asses. Not that you'd know, sucking all that dog-dick.

Elway hasn't played in 21 years, we are talking about current players...try to keep up

He played HS football in the late 70s and college in the early 80s

So he is the product of football back when it was still tough!
The libs on THIS thread are also unable to post ANYTHING that is even remotely intelligent! THIS is an example of WHY they keep losing argument after argument after argument. They're SO damned DUMB!

Marxists like you aren't smart enough to know that there is no argument. The game is far harder and far tougher today then it was back then.

This is an example of why you've been a gov't assistance parasite your entire life, Beth.