Typical liberal filth... always with your mind in the gutter. I meant for betting Luci that he could screw with Job and Job would still worship me like the little tool (I mean devote follower) that he is.

Your fault you made me!
Actually we're victims of 4th and 5th dimensional evil beings who travel through time and feed off our stress and utilize our physical labor for their own ends. But they can be defeated.
Damo, do you believe it was a weather balloon at roswell, just because they posed with one the next day as part of the coverup? people of roswell are talking now about how they were told to be quiet about everything, but of course they must all be liars, and everyone knows the government never lies.:rolleyes:
Plato's Cave Analogy
20 Nov 2004

Plato used the analogy of the cave to illustrate his idea of forms. The analogy goes like this:

Imagine several prisoners who have been chained up in a cave for all of their lives. They have never been outside the cave. They face a wall in the cave and they can never look at the entrance of the cave. Sometimes animals, birds, people, or other objects pass by the entrance of the cave casting a shadow on the wall inside the cave. The prisoners see the shadows on the wall and mistakenly view the shadows as reality.

However, one man breaks free from his chains and runs out of the cave. For the first time, he sees the real world and now knows that it is far beyond the shadows he had been seeing. He sees real birds and animals, not just shadows of birds and animals.

This man is excited about what he sees and he goes back to his fellow prisoners in the cave to tell them about the real world. But to his astonishment, they don’t believe him. In fact, they are angry with him. They say the shadows are reality and that the escaped prisoner is crazy for saying otherwise.

POINT OF THE CAVE ANALOGY: According to Plato, the world outside the cave represents the world of forms while the shadows on the wall represent objects in the physical world. The escape of the prisoner represents philosophical enlightenment and the realization that forms are the true reality. Most people are like the prisoners in the cave. They think the shadows are reality. Philosophers, though, are like the man who escapes the cave and sees the real world. They have true knowledge.

if you believe the "madman", even while still in the cave, you can understand you're in a cave, and that reality is bigger, even if you can't confirm it yourself.
Damo, do you believe it was a weather balloon at roswell, just because they posed with one the next day as part of the coverup? people of roswell are talking now about how they were told to be quiet about everything, but of course they must all be liars, and everyone knows the government never lies.:rolleyes:
The perception there was that they were lying, I must live within my own perception. Do you believe that the only thing we can perceive is what is spoken to us?

Why would you unneccesarily chain yourself to such a limited perception?