For all you sots

What the fuck is "lawfare?!"

Lawfare refers to the strategic use of legal processes or actions to achieve political objectives that would otherwise be difficult to attain through traditional means.

Their new buzz word.

The term "lawfare" is not new. The concept was notably popularized by Major General Charles J. Dunlap Jr. in a 2001 essay where he defined it as "the use of law as a weapon." However, the term itself can be traced back even further; one of the earliest references is found in a 1975 manuscript titled "Whither Goeth the Law," which discusses the contentious and utilitarian nature of Western legal systems.

So you don't even understand the words you use.
You are one dumb individual. Lawfare is what the dems have been using to attack and prosecute Trump over non
existent crimes. Its been going on now for 8 years, and you don't know what this politically biased lawfare is? The
only coming reasonable and necessary lawfare will be when Trump takes office, and hopefully he has all those dem
freaks from the injustice system prosecuted to the fullest intent.

'I"m a neurosurgeon — here's what alcohol does to the body'

Dr. Brett Osborn of Florida says ‘people who drink have bad brains’

Following the U.S. surgeon general’s new advisory warning of alcohol’s link to multiple cancers, a Florida neurosurgeon said, "It’s about time."

Dr. Brett Osborn, who also runs a longevity practice, applauded the new guidance, stating that alcohol is a toxin.

"We've known this for eons — this is nothing new," Osborn told Fox News Digital in an on-camera interview.

Dr. Vivek Murthy released the advisory on Friday following research that has linked alcohol to at least seven types of cancer.

In particular, Murthy warned that alcohol can increase the risk of throat, liver, esophageal, mouth, larynx (voice box), colon and rectal cancers.

"I know the age-old adage that you can have a drink or two a day and it's good for your heart — no, it’s not," Osborn said.

"It's not good for your heart. It's not good for your brain. It's not good for your waistline."

Alcohol can contribute to obesity, the doctor noted, which is a "gateway disease" to a multitude of cancers and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.

"Anything that alcohol touches — your throat, your larynx, your esophagus, your stomach, your bowels, rectum — those are all being exposed to a toxin," Osborn stated.

Alcohol causes oxidative damage, the doctor warned, which is when "free radicals" damage cells, tissues and DNA and lead to cancer formation.....

Drinking is terrible for your health.
I'm so glad the Lord helped me give it up 15 years ago. Not a drop in my body since. It's really sinister how easily 'a few beers with the boys' on the weekend turns into more and more and more.
You are one dumb individual. Lawfare is what the dems have been using to attack and prosecute Trump over non
existent crimes. Its been going on now for 8 years, and you don't know what this politically biased lawfare is? The
only coming reasonable and necessary lawfare will be when Trump takes office, and hopefully he has all those dem
freaks from the injustice system prosecuted to the fullest intent.
You are an inarticulate buffoon.