? for Obamalama ding-dongs

More videos from the political hack and harrassor.

Nothing from you that provides any good, just more hate.

You actually fit what you accuse the Dems of better than they do.

Indisputable, what political party do you back and who did you vote for in the last election? And who do you intend to vote for in this election?
You are asking more questions and yet still not answering mine.

Answer mine and I will answer yours.

Indisputable, what political party do you back and who did you vote for in the last election? And who do you intend to vote for in this election?
After all, why should anyone answer questions from someone who refuses to answer any questions themselves?

You want to be able to take cheap shots at others, and yet remain immune to anyone being able to take shots at your political beliefs.

That is nothing but the actions of a low-life agitator.

Indisputable, what political party do you back and who did you vote for in the last election? And who do you intend to vote for in this election?
I find it interesting that you categorize leftists honestly stating their ignorance of Obama's qualifications as "hate".

I am simply quoting you. You have said several times that leftists only spout hate.

Indisputable, what political party do you back and who did you vote for in the last election? And who do you intend to vote for in this election?
Maybe because he has no answer to relevant ones?

For someone who has refused to answer a very relevant set of questions dozens of times, I think its amusing that you assume that not answering means a person has no answer.

"Hello pot, my name is kettle, and you are black"

Indisputable, what political party do you back and who did you vote for in the last election? And who do you intend to vote for in this election?
Leftists do spout hate, as I correctly note. To conclude that I therefore am hateful is a non sequitur, in my opinion.

How is this germane to the left's admitted level of ignorance regarding their own candidate?
I cannot look at your posts about Obama as exactly warm & fuzzy.

In fact, all I have seen you post is vitriolic posts about Obama

Indisputable, what political party do you back and who did you vote for in the last election? And who do you intend to vote for in this election?
I think you're projecting a level of negativity that simply doesn't exist.

I'm aware that questions are viewed as threats by many "true believers". Too bad.

The level of sarcasm in your posts about "our lord & savior" is certainly an attempt to berate and belittle the candidate and his followers.

You have posted many times about the left being hateful.

So I think I am quite safe in honestly saying you have attacked others while hiding your own beliefs.

Indisputable, what political party do you back and who did you vote for in the last election? And who do you intend to vote for in this election?
You can think what you like, although I don't see a reciprocal tolerance in you.

If sarcasm and cynicism are "hate", I am guilty.

I am quite tolerant of those who show me the same courtesy. But you haven't, and so I am not.

Indisputable, what political party do you back and who did you vote for in the last election? And who do you intend to vote for in this election?