For OH & TX: meet your nominee

Apperantly its the only way to get elected. I belive we need a fair fight, and when the other side plays ditry, I want a canidate who plays dirty.

When has politics ever been 'fair'? Politics is a dirty game. There is a reason people rank politicians so low on the scale of jobs they respect (right near lawyers).
When has politics ever been 'fair'? Politics is a dirty game. There is a reason people rank politicians so low on the scale of jobs they respect (right near lawyers).

Yep like with lawyers it is all about winning.
Who is right sort of takes a backseat.
Jarod, when did one of the Republican candidates compare a Democratic candidate to another Republican candidate favorably? In other words, did Mitt Romney ever say, “Me and Hillary have the temperament to run this country, John McCain has explosions on the Senate floor”.?

Give me a break, she went way over the line, and she’s losing votes for it. I wasn’t going to vote for her anyway because of the war. I simply will not vote for a liar on the war, I don’t care. And she’s a liar. But if I had any idea I was going to vote for anyway, this past month would have killed it.
Fuck her.
What good did Gore or Kerry do the nation?

This is one of the reasons Democrats continue to fail at the national level.

Hillary's campaign manager can say "we're going to throw the kitchen sink at him," basically admitting that they will do & say anything, as long as it gets them elected. They can throw the Muslim card, the race card, come out & say that both Hillary & McCain are better & more experienced than Obama, call him a serial plagiarist, run an ad straight out of the Rove/LBJ playbook that scares mommies about their babies at 3:00 in the morning, lie about Obama's record on Iraq, call just about every state but NY & CA "insignificant" and "irrelevant," float trial balloons about ignoring the voters & relying on superdelegates to deliver the win.

And Democrat voters will ignore all of that, and still vote for her, and wonder why people don't like her.
I've thought about that; it's absolutely the case. There is no way possible that a Muslim could be elected to the office of President today.

That's because islam inherently theocratic and has no room for secularization or tolerance of other value systems. It's a good thing. It's like electing a nazi president.
This is one of the reasons Democrats continue to fail at the national level.

Hillary's campaign manager can say "we're going to throw the kitchen sink at him," basically admitting that they will do & say anything, as long as it gets them elected. They can throw the Muslim card, the race card, come out & say that both Hillary & McCain are better & more experienced than Obama, call him a serial plagiarist, run an ad straight out of the Rove/LBJ playbook that scares mommies about their babies at 3:00 in the morning, lie about Obama's record on Iraq, call just about every state but NY & CA "insignificant" and "irrelevant," float trial balloons about ignoring the voters & relying on superdelegates to deliver the win.

And Democrat voters will ignore all of that, and still vote for her, and wonder why people don't like her.

Just like Republicans did with Bush, and they got a two term president out of it.
That's because islam inherently theocratic and has no room for secularization or tolerance of other value systems. It's a good thing. It's like electing a nazi president.

Not true and you are showing your ignorance to those of us who know better.
Just like Republicans did with Bush, and they got a two term president out of it.

Yeah, bush broke the so-called Reagan rule of speak no evil about your own.

And look what he did for the country huh? Boy, that shows you that character wills out.

Every time I look at Hillary now, or any of her advisors –especially that Wolfson or whoever, that guy actually looks like Richard Perle, evil – I see Republicans. Rove and Bush Republicans.

No thanks, I’d rather go to Acapulco. The ny Times had it on the cover of their travel section on Sunday. It looked great to me.
"60 Minutes: …you don't believe that he's a Muslim.

CLINTON: No! No! Why would I? There's nothing to base that on. As far as I know"

And in the same week that she said she & McCain are the candidates with the experience to handle the job.

I saw a website where someone juxtaposed Vince Foster in an Obama interview:

"HYPOTHETICAL 60 minutes: …you don't believe that she killed Vince Foster.

HYPOTHETICAL OBAMA: No! No! Why would I? There's nothing to base that on. As far as I know."

Also - did anyone catch Hillary saying in her speech about OH: "It's a state that knows how to pick a president." Think about that.

I find this disturbing. I wish she would have given a more forceful unequivocal "no he's not a muslim" answer. Was her answer rhetorical sloppiness, or intentional obfuscation? I don't know. There's been a lot of false, and exaggerated charges leveled at both candidates. I'm not sure what the truth is behind the Obama Nafta memo. It might be all bullshit, or it might be true. We pretty much know now that the Drudge Obama photo in somali garb didn't come from the clinton campaign. It came from the wingnuts at freerepublic. And I don't see any clear evidence that the clinton's intentionally darkened obama's skin in that ad to convey racial overtones.

But, I am appalled at some of the rovian tactics the clinton is using. Just as I'm appalled at some of the rightwing talking points Obama has used.

But, this is politics. The republicans are going to do the same thing to either candidate. And they better be prepared to handle it. Hillary went negative in Ohio and it worked. Obama needs to learn how to deal with that.

ps: I understand that mathematically, there's practically no way clinton can overtake obama in the pledged delegate coutn.
Just like Republicans did with Bush, and they got a two term president out of it.

How do you figure? The Republicans went after McCain in 2000 (especially South Carolina) but they did no where near to Bush what Hillary is doing to Obama right now.
How do you figure? The Republicans went after McCain in 2000 (especially South Carolina) but they did no where near to Bush what Hillary is doing to Obama right now.

Jesus Cawacko, are you serious?

BUSH and ROVE went after mccain in 2000 and doing push polls on his wife being a drug addict and him having an illegitimate black baby, certainly compares. Give me a break.

You really do have partisan blinders on. You shouldn’t be talking about usc, seriously.
I find this disturbing. I wish she would have given a more forceful unequivocal "no he's not a muslim" answer. Was her answer rhetorical sloppiness, or intentional obfuscation? I don't know. There's been a lot of false, and exaggerated charges leveled at both candidates. I'm not sure what the truth is behind the Obama Nafta memo. It might be all bullshit, or it might be true. We pretty much know now that the Drudge Obama photo in somali garb didn't come from the clinton campaign. It came from the wingnuts at freerepublic. And I don't see any clear evidence that the clinton's intentionally darkened obama's skin in that ad to convey racial overtones.

But, I am appalled at some of the rovian tactics the clinton is using. Just as I'm appalled at some of the rightwing talking points Obama has used.

But, this is politics. The republicans are going to do the same thing to either candidate. And they better be prepared to handle it. Hillary went negative in Ohio and it worked. Obama needs to learn how to deal with that.

ps: I understand that mathematically, there's practically no way clinton can overtake obama in the pledged delegate coutn.

So if you understand that then you understand this is all about her destroying the party by having the superdelgates disenfranchise the voters ala George W Bush, or it’s about her throwing the election to McCain so she can have a chance in 2012.

Either way, in what world is this OK?
Jesus Cawacko, are you serious?

BUSH and ROVE went after mccain in 2000 and doing push polls on his wife being a drug addict and him having an illegitimate black baby, certainly compares. Give me a break.

You really do have partisan blinders on. You shouldn’t be talking about usc, seriously.

I'm well aware Bush went after McCain. I'm saying they hardly went after Bush. You disagree with that?
You're right, uscitizen. You are absolutely right. Most "Christians" have associated the western world's idea of the image of JC as a blonde haired blue eyed fellow when he almost certainly looked more like Michael Landon or Dustin Hoffman.

No, he looked like a first century Hebrew...more like Obama than Landon or Hoffman.
So if you understand that then you understand this is all about her destroying the party by having the superdelgates disenfranchise the voters ala George W Bush, or it’s about her throwing the election to McCain so she can have a chance in 2012.

Either way, in what world is this OK?

You really think so? I'm asking, because I haven't really thought this through that much. I plead ignorance. I'm not an expert on this horse race stuff, and I hadn't really considered those implications. That would suck.
Yeah, bush broke the so-called Reagan rule of speak no evil about your own.

And look what he did for the country huh? Boy, that shows you that character wills out.

Every time I look at Hillary now, or any of her advisors –especially that Wolfson or whoever, that guy actually looks like Richard Perle, evil – I see Republicans. Rove and Bush Republicans.

No thanks, I’d rather go to Acapulco. The ny Times had it on the cover of their travel section on Sunday. It looked great to me.

You are saying the same thing my fiance and I discussed last night. She reminds us of Bush.
You really think so? I'm asking, because I haven't really thought this through that much. I plead ignorance. I'm not an expert on this horse race stuff, and I hadn't really considered those implications. That would suck.

Yeah I do. I’ve known it for a few weeks now - almost a month. I’ve really been holding back on this because I have been upset over a lot of the misogyny that has risen to the surface…it’s been ugly and shocking to me. And my mom is a big Hillary supporter. She doesn’t hate Obama and will vote for him, but she’s really pulling for Hillary. I know what it means to a lot of women around 60 who never thought they’d see it.

And, I thought she’d lose Texas or Ohio and be forced from the race. Anyone else who had lost 11 in a row and stood where she does in the delegate count, would have already had to drop out. I figured, just how different can the rules for the Clintons be?

But she squeaked out Texas, and won Ohio. And now it’s time to face facts no matter how much I choke on the hypocrisy of the Republicans, and we all know them, and there are millions more out there just like the ones we know here – who are pretending OUTRAGE over the what “Hitlery” has done…but who are going to turn their heads in two seconds when it’s Obama vs a Republican and claim “who me, I didn’t see nothing”. It’s hard to hold onto a position out of contempt for those people.

I have to stop letting their disgusting hypocrisy and outright dishonesty affect what I know. And I know that’s what she’s doing and what she’s done. Fuck her.
Yeah I do. I’ve known it for a few weeks now - almost a month. I’ve really been holding back on this because I have been upset over a lot of the misogyny that has risen to the surface…it’s been ugly and shocking to me. And my mom is a big Hillary supporter. She doesn’t hate Obama and will vote for him, but she’s really pulling for Hillary. I know what it means to a lot of women around 60 who never thought they’d see it.

And, I thought she’d lose Texas or Ohio and be forced from the race. Anyone else who had lost 11 in a row and stood where she does in the delegate count, would have already had to drop out. I figured, just how different can the rules for the Clintons be?

But she squeaked out Texas, and won Ohio. And now it’s time to face facts no matter how much I choke on the hypocrisy of the Republicans, and we all know them, and there are millions more out there just like the ones we know here – who are pretending OUTRAGE over the what “Hitlery” has done…but who are going to turn their heads in two seconds when it’s Obama vs a Republican and claim “who me, I didn’t see nothing”. It’s hard to hold onto a position out of contempt for those people.

I have to stop letting their disgusting hypocrisy and outright dishonesty affect what I know. And I know that’s what she’s doing and what she’s done. Fuck her.

I hear what your saying. And I'll be the first to admit, that I don't follow the horse race stuff that closely. It doesn't interest me that much, even though I run my mouth about it sometimes. The rovian tactics have always bothered me, but I haven't invested a lot of time thinking about long term consequences. I just thought this was another hard fought, nasty, contested primary like we've seen before. But, I hear what your saying about the long term consequences.
If McCain wins in the fall I will likely just give up on the USA and sit back and watch it's demise without any more voting.